Katelyn and her step dad

  By J2ck

chapter 7

Its been another 2 months I'm sorry, but it's summer people get hyped. Once I finish this story(don't worry not so soon) I will upload an even better one, I will release the description next chapter. Also this story takes place after the vacation. Enjoy.

Kaitlyn was in her kitchen. Her mom had finally come back from her Paris honeymoon with Jeff.
She had put on a few pounds. Scratch that, more than a few pounds. About 15, probably that assh*les work.
She didn't know how to break it to her mom. The earlier the better right?

Kaitlyn!? What happened to you?

What do you mean mom? Kaitlyn asked in a confusing tone.

Your fat! Look at you, you've turned into a disgusting pig.

Jeff was nodding in disappointment in the corner.

Look at me? NO look at you. 2 weeks with Jeff and you've expanded like a balloon!

Leave your mother out of this Kaitlyn. Jeff said in a nasty tone.

Jeff carried her mother into the living room and they talked for a few minutes. They called her into the living room.

It's time we had a serious family discussion. Jeff said.

Your moms pregnant.

Kaitlyn's mouth dropped open. She was aghast.
Now was her chance to come out.

Mom I know are relationship hasn't been the best lately but... I'm pregnant too.

Both of them were shocked. Kyle had to be the cause. The whispered on the couch and came to a conclusion.

Get into the kitchen now. Said Jeff indifferently.

Jeff pointed to a chair. At first Kaitlyn was too shocked to move. Jeff pulled her by the hair and dragged her into the chair. Kaitlyn's mom was in the living room.

Please don't hurt me.

Don't worry if you cooperate with me then it won't.

She heard a bunch of rustling and the blender in the background. Jeff came back with a gigantic blender filled with a thick smoothie.

This had heavy cream, ice cream, soda, butter and weight gain powder. You will drink it all. Then get the hell out of my sight.

Kaitlyn screamed and started shaking the chair violently. Jeff grabbed Kaitlyn's neck which made her settle down. he grabbed a funnel, stuck it in her mouth and plugged her nose. He slowly filled the funnel with the shake

Kaitlyn was forced to swallow it all. By the end of it she looked 6 months pregnant.

Get up swine.

I can't it's too much. I physically can't get up.

Jeff hauled Kaitlyn onto his back and walked outside.

You see the world. Since you think your so ready for it we don't find it fit for you to stay at home. Waste all of your moms hard earned money on your dumb pregnancy.

Walked all the way to the bus station and put her on the bench.

Bye you little spoiled bitch.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 years
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J2ck 7 years
Sorry the chapters are coming in slowly. I've encountered and issue.
Emmafeeder94 7 years
i love it, i cant wait to read whats next
FA Guy 7 years
Glad to finally see another chapter
FA Guy 7 years
Glad to see you kept going. Can't wait to see the next chapter
J2ck 7 years
I will incorporate that in the next episode.
J2ck 7 years
She will as the story continues. I'm working o the next chapter.

Beautybelly 7 years
i hope she gets huge! smiley