A gift from aunt rhodesia

  By Boaz

chapter 3 - the buffet

Jasmine's alarm woke her with a start. She'd had the most wonderful dream. She couldn't quite remember what it was, but it had involved warmness. And... cake?

Cake! My god. What had happened last night? The fork, that huge wedding cake. Had that been a dream as well?

She hefted herself up on the bed, which creaked groaningly under her. Her belly was no longer distended, but she felt... softer. Was that a bit of roll to her stomach? A layer of fat around her hips? It couldn't be. Even one... indiscretion like what happened last night couldn't have packed weight onto her that quickly. Could it?

She turned off her alarm and grunted as she stood up, which took more effort than it should have.

She looked in the mirror, and her naturally wide eyes grew a lot wider. Her cheeks were definitely rounder. Her waist looked wider. Her normally flat stomach had developed a layer of padding. Were her hips thicker? They certainly looked different. Her once severe, bony curves were now rounder and plusher. How could all this have happened in one night? She tried not to panic.

She had a photo shoot today! Oh god!

"It's ok." She thought. "I have a couple hours. I'll just skip breakfast and go to the gym. Some cardio will burn this right off." She didn't really believe it.

Hurriedly, she got dressed in her street clothes. Or tried to. Her breasts had grown at least a cup size. None of her bras fit her anymore. She managed to painfully squeeze into a sport bra, but her mounds of flesh protested and she gave up and stripped it off. She would have to go braless.

Something was definitely up with her hips. When she pulled her panties on, the waistband dug quite painfully into her soft flesh.

The struggle with her pants was even worse. It took fifteen full minutes to squeeze her skinny jeans up over her bulging hips. And then another ten minutes of sucking in her gut and inching the zipper up bit by bit. She strained and groaned as she tried to button the button, finally just barely getting it painfully into place. She was fine as long as she didn't breathe too deeply.

She threw on a blouse, grabbed her purse and her gym bag, and headed out the door. A good workout and she'd be feeling as good as new.

She'd made it several blocks down the street towards her gym when her tummy grumbled. She hadn't eaten anything all morning. That had been intentional, but still...

"I shouldn't work out on an empty stomach, should I?" She thought. "That's not healthy."

She looked around. She was just walking past a Chinese buffet place. She'd been in there once before, but had left without eating anything. They served the worst kind of greasy, sugary fried food.

"Well whatever I eat here, it can't be worse than what I did last night." She thought to herself guiltily. Her stomach grumbled again, and with that, she made up her mind and pushed through the door.

The rich, fatty smells of the place made her hungry head woozy. She quickly grabbed a plate and piled it high with fried morsels of Orange Chicken and Barbecue Pork and steamed dumplings. Then she doused the entire heaping pile in Sweet and Sour sauce.

As she settled into her booth seat, a waiter arrived with a drinks menu. "A drink, that's what I need!" She thought. She started to order her go-to drink, a vodka tonic (zero calories), but then decided, if she was breaking all her other rules...

"I'll have this one." She said, pointing to their most expensive and sugary drink, a Pina Colada Volcano Bowl.

"Are you sure, miss?" The waiter said quizzically. "That drink is intended to be shared by four people."

"Yes please!" She said gleefully.

Shrugging, the waiter walked off and she looked down at her heaping plate. "What am I doing?" She muttered, but her stomach grumbled again and put an end to that line of thought. "Oh, I forgot utensils!" She exclaimed. But she suddenly realized she was holding a golden fork in her hand.

"My favorite fork!" She said happily. "You make everything taste bettermmph!" The last word was cut off by the giant piece of syrupy fried chicken the fork had just shoved into her mouth.

All other thoughts vanished from her mind then, as she dug wholeheartedly and blissfully into the delicious feast. Soon her massive volcano bowl arrived and she began to drain that, too. Her gluttonous reverie was broken briefly when the fork went for another bite of food only to find her plate was empty. In a happy daze, she walked to the buffet to load it up again, and then plumped back down and resumed her feast.

45 minutes later, she leaned back, a huge drunken grin on her face. She'd finished off three full plates of the greasy, sugary food, and the entire pina colada bowl. The room was spinning a little bit and she giggled contentedly.

Her swollen tummy had pushed her blouse up so it bunched under her breasts, and it grumbled for more.

"Oh shushh, you. I'valready had sho mush food. I gotta wash my figgure." She giggled and burped loudly.

She cast a longing gaze over at the dessert table. It seemed to glow with the promise of sugary delights.

"Ah well, whash the harm?" She slurred happily. "Might'sh well treat m'self."

She attempted to heft herself up, and finally succeeded on the third try. She weaved her way over and was soon piling her tray high with cameroons and tea cakes and puddings, one hand braced against the table to steady herself. A stack of cheese cakes caught her eye so she grabbed several large slices.

She glanced back at her booth table. It seemed so far away, and the food was right here. Plus, the room was swaying and it looked treacherous. She leaned drunkenly against the table and began to much down the sugary confections right there. First one by one, and then in handfuls. Soon she had finished what was on her tray, and her fork dove directly into the serving dishes on the table. Murmurs from the other patrons made her vaguely aware that she was making a spectacle. If she'd been a bit more sober, she would've been seriously embarrased. But she no longer cared about anything but the next bite of her delicious desserts. Mmmmm they were sooo good. She couldn't get enough. She slumped with her back against the table, her bulging, exposed stomach pointed proudly at the room. Mouthful after mouthful of cheesecake. She wasn't bothering with the fork now, just ripping chunks of it off the table with her hands. After one particularly contented swallow, the pain at her waist reached a breaking point, and her pants button shot off across the room and landed in someone's soup. She giggled, spraying crumbs on the floor.

"Miss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The waiter stood there. Her purse was thrust into her drunken hands and he began to hustle her towards the exit.

"Waiii'!" She cried drunkenly. "I'mn't done! Thish's shuppose'a be ahhn... all you caneat resssaraunt. I'm nah don'eating!"

"Yes you are, ma'am," Said the manager. Jasmine flailed sloppily, and managed to grab a slice of chocolate cake as they went past and stuff it at her mouth. She managed to get about 50% of it inside, smearing the rest across her face.

"Wai'!" She said as they neared the door. It might be the volcano bowl talking, but this manager was kinda cute. She summoned up her most flirtatious voice and said, "Lemme shtay. I'll.. makhe it worse your while!" She fluttered her eyelashes in what she hoped was a sexy way.

The manager gulped. He looked at this beautiful model slumped in his arms, cake smeared across her face, her braless breasts swinging under her bunched-up blouse, her creamy round hips and straining panties visible over the top of her burst pants which had begun to peel down. He felt a stirring in his own pants.

No. It wouldn't be right. She was clearly inebriated and he couldn't take advantage of someone in a compromised state. With a sigh, he hailed a cab and bundled her into it.

Jasmine was kind of out of it, but she was having the time of her life. That cute manager had just stuffed her into the back seat of this cab. She leaned unsteadily out the window and shouted. "G'bye mister wait'r. I'llbe back shoon!"

"Where to, miss?" The cabbie asked when she'd pulled herself back inside.

Where to indeed. Didn't she have something to get to?

Her photo shoot! She yelped. She'd forgotten all about it!

She looked at the time. 1 PM! The shoot had started at noon. She was terribly late! With a sense of dawning horror, she noticed several voicemails on her phone. There was only one thing to do.

She sent a quick text message to her agent. "So sorry woke up terribly sick today. Plz tell clients Im sorry, will be better in a couple days I hope."

With that done, a metaphorical weight lifted from her chest - not to be confused with the actual weight on her chest and elsewhere, which had started increasing dramatically recently.

She was proud of herself for thinking her way out of that situation. "Time'ta shellebrate!" She shouted, brandishing her lovely golden fork. She pulled her blouse back down and it slid back up immediately. She giggled and shook her belly.

"Tame... take me to the pie shtore!"
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