Alice in dark wonderland

chapter 8

We were observed all the time. We decided to make a joke of it and started stuffing our mouths like crazy. We looked like fat hamsters and could not stop laughing. After the fifth plate Nina leaned back. "I can't eat one bite anymore, I'm full to the brim." She panted. I looked at her in surprise. "What, you are already full?" I asked in astonishment. "Yes, I am." She snorted again. "Don't tell me that you still can stuff something into this huge thing of yours." She asked and pointed at my huge hard belly. I smiled and stood up. Again the chair was stuck to my wide hanging butt and I had to push it down. Nina began to chuckle. "For your size you have a pretty ***." She laughed. "I have invested a lot of love and food." I smiled and went back to the buffet to fill up plates seven and eight with a full load. The waitress was disgruntled with each of my courses for the buffet, which you could see directly by the way she looks at me.

When I sat down at the table again, Nina looked at me in astonishment. "Alice, I really have never seen a human being who can eat as much as you. I can literally watch your belly as it gets bigger and bigger. How do you do that? "I shrugged as I shoved another fork to mouth. "I dont know. I am just always hungry and can cram tons of stuff into me. I've never given a thought about it, I am just happy because I like to eat for my life. And the feeling when the belly is really big and plump, is simply gorgeous. "Nina looked at me with an interested look. "Were you always so extrovert?" She asked. At the word I had to laugh out loud. "No, no way. Only so lately." I wondered if I should mention the letters, but I decided not to. "I've discovered lately that I actually really like my fat body and it started to give me a real kick to watch how it evolves when I overeat that much. When I went out of the house with these clothes in the morning, I was quite scared of what would happen throughout the day. The people looked startled. But whether you believe it or not, in the tram a real sweet sporty guy sat down next to me and invited me for lunch tomorrow." Nina nodded approvingly. "Congratulations, finally someone who is honest that he likes big women." She said. I agreed. "Yes, actually, I have to admit that I have no friends. I always sat at home alone, watching movies and stuffed myself silly, a real gray mouse, to be precisely. My last boyfriend I had at school, and since then I was never again together with someone. At that time, I have weighed just about 130 pounds." Nina smiled. "That's a long time ago. How much do you weigh now?" She asked. I hesitated for a moment. "Nearly 300 pounds." I whispered. "Wow!" She said. "Since then you have more than doubled your weight. But for me, but it's a similar story. I am 42 years old now. When I was done with school I weighed about 120 pounds, I was an athletic girl, did a lot of different sports, a model by definition. Then I got pregnant at 18 and gave birth to my lovely little daughter. From then on, I grew like a balloon." She grinned. "Yes, pregnancy sometimes has that effect. How much do you weigh now?" Nina leaned forward slightly." This morning it was 612 pounds." She whispered. I got big eyes. "No, really? How can you still move with that weight? I weigh half as much as you but have already problems with climbing stairs or walking long distances." I marveled. She laughed. "I move around a lot. What I can walk, I walk. I have small free weights at home that I use very often. I do a lot of walks. The doctor is always quite amazed that my joints and my organs are still doing well although I maintain my size is so well and admittingly still extend it from time to time. Sure, I sometimes get short breathed because my huge milk bags and my fat press on my chest quite heavily, but I could not be happier." She smiled. She had such a warm friendly face. When she moved, her whole body moved with her. "How do you earn your money?" I asked. Nina looked conspiratorially. "Oh, this and that." She said softly with a big grin. I was really excited "Well, tell me." Nina smiled. "All right then. I am a motivational coach and Model." I thought I had misheard. "A model?!" I asked, totally bewildered. "Yes," she said, "for lingerie and sexy underwear in the slightly larger versions. I don't earn that much, since it is a niche market, but now and then I have some interesting jobs. Otherwise I organize motivational courses for people who have lost the desire for live or stuck in a deep motivational hole. I'll bring them back on the track and that with great success." I could imagine that right away that she worked as a motivational coach. She had such a energetic and lively charisma that one must be infected with live instantly. But as a model ...

In the meantime I had my two plates already squashed. I stood up and got myself two new ones, plate nine and ten. When I came back, Nina looked at me in disbelief. "That's not normal. Nobody can consume that amount of food, especially no one who is as small as you. You look as if you're pregnant with sextuplets!" I shrugged and pushed the first piece of meat into my mouth. "No idea, I never stop being hungry." I grinned with my mouth full of this delicious baked pork meat. "These are ten plates!" She marveled in disbelieve, as I stuffed the rest of the food into my mouth. Slowly I felt that my stomach stretched a bit painfully and I slowly came to my maximum capacity. Under Nina's watchful eyes the last two plates disappeared into my black hole called my belly. It bulged out hard and was so stiff it would not move an inch. It pressed against the edge of the table so I moved back a little. I leaned back to stroke it gently. Nina looked downright ecstatic about it. "You're a beautiful girl, you know that?" Nina said like she was enchanted by my talents of gorging myself silly. "Your long hair, your elf-like face, this enormous breasts, this unbelievably huge bulging belly and this giant hips of yours, trapped in the chair and spilling over the sides. You're so god damn cute. "She gushed. I blushed. "Oh stop it." I said. "I am a little fat eating machine, not more." Nina laughed. "Yes, a little sweet fat eating machine. Would you like a dessert? "She asked. I nodded and immediately wanted to heave myself, but Nina meant me to stay seated. "Wait, I'll get it for you. But don't look!" She grinned at me. I nodded and she went off. When she came back she held two plates, each with four cups of ice in her hands. Chocolate, vanilla and fruit ice, everything was there. I wanted to take a bowl, as Nina gently struck me on my fingers. "Hands off. I feed you." She said. I stared at her. Feed me? Oh my God, what a pleasant shiver ran down my back. She put the sundaes in front of her and told me to come over next to her with the chair. More or less I got onto my feet and let the chair stuck on my ass while moving around to her. Then she began to feed me. I just opened my mouth and she fed me with big spoons. Bit by bit the ice disappeared in my plump belly. In between she always made comments like "One for Mama" or "Here comes the airplane", so that I could hardly swallow because of the laughter. We went over and over about the people looking at us funnily, staring at us while Nina was feeding me. I hadn't had so much fun in a long time. Getting fed by her had something quite erotic.

It had become quite late, but we had no desire to go by train as we were gorged to the brim. My belly had reached new dimensions and Nina was totally amazed how big, plump and especially hard it was. Constantly she asked if she could pet it and I allowed it already directly. It was nice when she lovingly stroke it with both hands over my stretched skin. We found out that we both lived in the southern city. In parting we exchanged our phone numbers and decided that we definitely should repeat that. We hugged as goodbye, as far as our huge bellies let us and went home.

As I stepped through the front door I found a white letter on the floor again. This story I had completely forgotten while I was eating with Nina. But at first I wanted to get rid of these tattered clothes. I took off the top and bra and let my breasts fall back onto my Belly. That freedom was glorious. Finally I could breathe again freely. I kneaded my "milk cartons" as Nina called them neatly so I could get some sense in them again. Then I went to the hot pants. I was still gorged, so every movement was incredibly stressful. I tried to slide the hot pants down over my ***, but I did not get it over the roll of fat that had formed. So I took a pair of scissors and cut it. My butt swung down immediately when the pressure departed from my buttocks. It was a wonderful feeling, like my fat masses came to live again. The thong I also simply cut. I took the letter and threw myself on my bed. Lying was still the best position of all. My belly bulged far upwards and my breasts hung down left and right quite heavily. I was curious to see what was in the letter, so I ripped it open.

Hello Alice

You've once again fought magnificently despite some setbacks with your clothes today. You have great potential, and your capacity is truly remarkable.
I see you've already made friends. Your presentation has polarized. Most will ogle you, few will appreciate you openly, but those who do appreciate you will do it even more.
For now you have achieved enough. Tomorrow morning you will receive further instructions.
Keep it up.

Your master

That was almost a nice message. Maybe the guy was not so bad, apart from that humiliating action two days ago. But who knows what it had brought me. I just have to do what he says, it even makes fun and gives me a real kick. I decided to stick with the rules and I was truly eager to know what he had planned for me in the future. I played with my newly gained fat rolls and rocked myself into sleep.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Hubbert2995 3 years
Please continue the story
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I bet shes going to model
Noarthereonl... 8 years
Wow this story is amazing! On the edge of my seat for the next chapter!
Laffertydani... 8 years
Awesome! Can't wait to read more!!