Alice in dark wonderland

chapter 10

It was such a hot day again and I immediately started sweating like a pig when I left the house. After a few seconds I could feel it running down my spine and between my love handles. After a few meters, I noticed that while I was walking my skirt was pushed up over my ass because of the movement and soon my mighty buttocks danced in the sun. Oh God, give me a rest! Well, that was the fate when you start to become fat as a whale. Good thing I would go out buying new things today in the evening. Nothing in my closet would fit me anymore. I pulled the skirt back down as far as I could. I could feel how my dress clung to my back and how the sweat flowed in streams. When I reached the station I got some looks again, but not nearly as much shocked stares as yesterday. Overall I was much more discreetly dressed as yesterday. But I was still worried about my dress over my wobbling breasts, since everything was really very tense and I was afraid that it would tear apart at a wrong movement. Since I was missing a bra they already swung about quite heavily while I was walking. My stomach was still full of the extensive breakfast and arched well out forward under the dress. My belly was still aching a bit so I massaged it a bit to speed up the digestive process. The looks of the people were just great when they looked at me standing there wobbling my belly about. Gladly I did not have to wait long for the tram.

As I got into the train I noticed that I had forgotten to put on a pair of underpants. I was actually running around without anything on down below! Somehow I started to feel a bit uncomfortable. How could this happen to me? Now it was too late. My hanging breasts caught a lot of eyes. Unfortunately, I found no free space, so I had to stand while the tram was driving. At every jolt it went through I felt my fat masses swing back and forth. This feeling was god damn awesome like my body was moving on its own. The advantage of such a huge sticking out belly was that you had plenty of room in front of you because most people kept a respectful distance from it. Through my wideness and my glorious weight I took a lot of space. The thought made me smile, my ass, the placeholder.

The train arrived at my station. I let myself carry out by the crowd and went on my way to work. When I entered the building our two center assistantships looked at me somewhat aghast, but not as much as yesterday. When I reached my office, most were already back. Pete again let fly a couple of comments that I answered with a simple smile. Christine came back over to me. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm fine, really." I replied. She looked down at me. "You've put on some weight, you know that?" She said. I looked at her with mocked surprise. "What? Yes, I've gained a few pounds. But I'm fat anyway, so it's not that bad and I feel absolutely comfortable." Christine smiled. "Okay, but be careful that your boobs do not crack the dress, the seams look quite stretched out." I smiled. "Yeah, but it suits me, doesn't it?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow and went back to her place. I sat down for work.

The lunch came quickly because there was a lot of work to do. Shortly before 12, I packed my things and went on to my date. I was curious if Marc would really be there. I went down the street to the diner and passed it. Wearing nothing but air over my private part was actually quite comforting although my fat thighs covered most of it by rubbing against each other. Around the corner I walked towards the park always an eye on my butt so that it stays covered by my skirt. On the right side I saw the Pizzeria. I went in and saw him directly. He waved me over obviously full of anticipation. With a big smile, I approached the table. He stood up and offered me a welcome hug, which I accepted directly. He was very athletic, no grams of fat could be seen or felt on his body. We sat down. "How are you? Today not so provocatively dressed?" He smiled. I actually was a little nervous. It was my first date for years after all. "Yes, it was a little bit short yesterday." He could not take his eyes from me which was absolutely obvious. It looked like he wanted to undress me here and now. "Oh well, I liked it very much. It was something different for once. But you seem to like tight clothes. Your shell doesn't leave plenty of room for imagination." He winked at me. I shrugged. "Yea, somehow, but only lately. In the heat I find this much more pleasant than long sweaters or long pants." The waitress came and brought us the card. We already ordered a pitcher Cola. "I hope you're hungry." He said. At this thought my belly began to rumble loudly and uninhibited. "Apparently so." I laughed out loud still turning a bit red. We began to study the card. I chose the Fettuccini in cheese sauce plus a pizza bread. Marc took the ham pizza. After we had ordered, he looked at me with a penetrating gaze. "Tell me about you." He said. "There's not much to tell. When I left the school four years ago I did an apprenticeship as a tax worker and now I work as an accountant in the software company up the road. I'm not really into sports and spend most of my time at home. I love watching movies of all sorts, so as you see I'm just quite boring. And what about you?" I asked. "I study biochemistry at the university. I'm doing my master next year. Well, I'm really into sports, regular jogging, gym and so on. But I also really really enjoy cooking. ", he said with that big smile again. "Then you can cook for me once." I said with a nervous smile. He nodded. "Yes, I'd absolutely like that. Whatever you want. According to many statements I am an excellent chef."

We talked briefly about work until the food arrived. The Fettuccini were delicious and the pizza bread was devoured as well. Lately I've been starting to forget my surroundings when I smell food and start to eat. Marc took much longer for his pizza and was watching me all the time with a slight grin. "Are you already full?" He asked when I was done. I looked at him a bit surprised by this question but then my stomach growled even louder. I smiled coyly. "Not really." Marc grinned. "What is your favorite food?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment. "Actually everything. Cheese and meat are always good. I have to admit I like it really greasy. The more cheese the better." Marc turned and waved over the waitress. He ordered a pizza with extra cheese, a serving of spaghetti with ham cheese sauce, fried baguette and again some pizza bread. The waitress looked at us a little skeptical and I looked at Marc incredulous. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. "You are clearly hungry. I want to help you get rid of that." He said, smiling. "So I'll make sure you have no more hunger." My stomach commented that with a loud growl. "You see." He said, "Your belly is with me." I could not help but laugh. With my talent for gorging myself silly it was clear to me that I had not enough of it. My appetite and my capacity was almost superhuman. Shortly afterwards the ordered food arrived.

Marc pushed everything in my direction and wished me a good appetite. I set forth on the pizza and Marc was watching me all the time while I was devouring all this yummy meals. Again I fell in my eating madness and destroyed the Pizza in record time. Marc got bigger and bigger eyes. The spaghetti were gone in an instant as well. The pizza bread and fried baguette I devoured casually on the fly. After a short time the plates were empty and I felt my stomach stretch under the dress. But I knew I could eat even more. I looked at Marc and he seemed to be more than pleased and astonished by what I just had done. Again he called for the waitress. He ordered another pizza with steak strips and savory cheese and another serving of Fettuccini in cheese sauce. The waitress glanced in disbelief at the empty dishes and cleared the table. I sat there rubbing my belly already a bit dizzy because of all the food. Marc looked at me while I was dreaming around. When the next course was served Marc shoved the plates towards me again. He needn't to tell me twice and began to empty these plates as well. The second charge Fettuccini caused me some problems, but I mastered this challenge as well. Gorged silly I sank into the chair and took a deep breath when I heard a seam crack. I opened my eyes in horror and saw that Marc stared at me the belly. I looked down. I had to push my breasts a bit apart so that I could see what had happened. My belly had torn the dress apart from the part where the little string was sewed under the belly button, so my humongous belly stood completely free in the open. I breathed deeply in relief. Now I did not have to worry about that anymore. I saw Marc swallow hard in disbelief. I was absolutely sure that he would run away now. But instead, he waved again for the waitress and ordered two large mixed sundaes. The waitress looked with a shocked look at my round belly, which rested heavy on my hips and peeped out naughtily through the crack in the dress. But then she turned around and got us our ice cream. I was actually too full to talk. Marc just sat there and observed me while I was breathing heavily and petting my belly. After some time the waitress brought us the desired portions of ice and Marc again gave me both with a smile. I could not help it. I set forth on the first portion and shortly thereafter mowed my way through the second one. When I ate I forgot everything around me. All the time Marc said nearly nothing. He just observed me how I devoured unbelievable amounts of food and how my belly grew bigger and bigger.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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Hubbert2995 3 years
Please continue the story
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
I bet shes going to model
Noarthereonl... 8 years
Wow this story is amazing! On the edge of my seat for the next chapter!
Laffertydani... 8 years
Awesome! Can't wait to read more!!