Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 2 - you ready justin?

"You ready Justin?" She said already waiting by the concession stand. The theater had closed ticket sales and was throwing away the food for the night. "Yea, I just started the last movie." She was eating a box of snicker bites and he saw that she had a box of sour patch in her purse also. "Are there any hot dogs left?" He asked, "Well there was one, but the guy at the register gave it to me already." She hasn't stopped eating since I left her earlier. "I really tried not to eat it Justin...I just couldn't help myself." He was getting harder the more he thought about how much food she had eaten. "Hey no worries, I'm going to stop at Jack n the box before I drop you off." He said. "That's fine, I'm in no rush." Popping three snicker bites in her mouth as they headed for the door.

Jack n the box

"Yea, can I get a number 1 with a medium coke? Did you want anything?" He looked at her face, he could tell that she wanted to get something but didn't want to look greedier than she already did. "I'm fine..." she bit her lip with a tinge of worry as if thinking, I might get hungry again. "actually, you order for me, I don't know what I want." "Excellent", he thought to himself, "she'll eat pretty much anything I put in front of her." A few seconds passes, "is that all?" says the attendant. "No, can I get a large oreo shake, 10 tacos, a cheese cake, 2 ultimate chesse burgers and a large curly fry. That's it."
"Ok, pull around for your total."
Ramona squirmed with anticipatory pleasure in her seat, but didn't want to show it, "That's A LOT of food Justin." Justin looked over at her, "Don't worry, whatever you don't eat I'll take home."

Drive way

Ramona lives about 10 minutes from the Jack n the box, and within those 10 minutes on the road she had already put away the 10 tacos, cheese cake, fries and one of the burgers, the shake and was starting on her last burger.
"Burp...oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from." Looking down at her pants which are now unbuttoned. "I don't mind, I just like to see you satisfied." Ramona patted her belly, "Well you definitely saw to that didn't you. I have never eaten so much in my life." Ramona said as she takes a huge bite out of the burger. Justin didn't believe a word of that. Justin hardly even touched his food he was so in awe of her. "Can I have some of your soda?" without hesitation he handed it to her, "Yea, that definitely helps the food go down." She finishes the burger, "Justin, I've been meaning to ask you something." Justin raises his eyebrows, "Whats up?" While reaching her hand into Justins bag and eating his fries, "Are you going to eat that burger?"

The ride home

"Wow, who would have thought someone so little could eat so much. Getting her to gain weight might be easier than I thought, the girl is like a black hole." He got hard thinking about how much she ate today. "Two 24 oz shakes, 3 ultimate cheeseburgers, 9 chicken rings, 10 cheese sticks, 10 tacos, a cheesecake, large and medium fries, a hot dog, snicker bites, sour patch kids, and a 16oz coke. Lets see how much damage we can do tomorrow." His stomach growled, "I should probably eat something."


Justin: "Hey, I'm outside."
Ramona: "K coming right out."

He knew it wouldn't be long before she started to fill out, but he didn't know it would start this fast. Ramona waved as she walked out with a pop tart in her hand. The jeans that she wore yesterday were straining at the sides, and her sweater was a little snugger than it was the day before. But most noticeable was her shirt. It was a button up that he had seen before, but not like this, it was pulling at each button creating gaps that showed her smooth tan skin below. She got into the car. "Justin, please tell me we have time to stop somewhere for breakfast. I have no idea why, but I'm starving! Like I shouldn't be hungry. After you dropped me off and after I ate all of that food, I still went in the house and ate. Everyone was sleep and they left out half of a large Imo's pizza. I couldn't help myself." It is too early for this level of boner he thought, "You ate the whole thing?" he asked, "No...well yea, but what was I supposed to do let it go to waste? There was wings too...only like 10 though." Oh my god, this girl is unbelievable, he thought. "You're a growing girl, what can I say." He looked down at her belly which was protruding out, "You can say we have time to stop somewhere." She replied, "ha, yea we've got time." He said.
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Djfex 5 years
uff, now that's some news
Boblevler 5 years
This girls the sexiest girl I've ever envisioned. I wish this were real story with pictures lol
Boblevler 6 years
Amazing story of love to see how ramonas family takes it and how big her sis got compared to her
The Donut King 7 years
What an amazing story! You write so well! It'd be a crime now to continue the exploits of Ramona Medina!
Djfex 8 years
I would love to see this series continue.
I hope you find time to do that, it's awesome!
MrAwesome 86 8 years
This story really needs continued
Azerty 8 years
Thank you for these new chapters
Poorboy 8 years
realy great story one of the best ones I have read on this site please write more.
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Blasty 8 years
This isn't the best-written story, but I absolutely love its lack of respect for reality. Well done si far.
FeedHerFat 8 years
Love the stroy, loved the I'mos Pizza drop, the square beyond compair!
Jktab 8 years
M4nx 8 years
Glad everyones enjoying the story.
Pd500 8 years
Feedher3000 8 years
Awesome! I love this!
M4nx 8 years
Thanks for the support guys, more to come.
Jazzman 8 years
I like it.
Nok 8 years
hot. nice chemistry
FAbrony 8 years
very nice, want to see more smiley
Rstlne 8 years
good start.
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