Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 4 - have i created a monster?

Projection booth

Justin made his way back to the theater after the ordeal at the store. The blood was finally rushing back to his brain and after a couple hours he received a text.

Ramona: "Ok, we have to be smart about this Justin."
Justin: "Smart about what?"
Ramona: "I can only close the store for one hour and I am STARVING! So we have to be fast ok?"

At this point any mention of hunger from Ramona is like a trigger word in Justins brain, he becomes erect as soon as its mentioned.

Justin: "Ok, what are we doing?"
Ramona: "When is your next show break between movies?"
Justin: "1:45 til 3:15"
Ramona: "That's perfect, I'll be at your car at 1:50 ok?"
Justin: "K."

Justin can't help but think, "Have I created a monster?" He continues to start the movies making sure everything is in order before they leave.


Like she said, she is already waiting at the car with a bag of chips in hand. Justin makes his way over to his car. "Come on Justin!" Justin speeds up a bit to get to the car, "Whats with the urgency?" he thinks. "So where are we headed?" Justin asks, "Take a wild guess." Ramona says. As if she was putting thoughts into his head, he answered. "The buffet." "BINGO!" "This girl had a huge breakfast already, but why am I even surprised, even after all that food last night she ate almost a whole pizza." Justin thought to himself, putting the car in gear. "This should be fun." He said to Ramona.

Ramona jumped straight out of the car walking as fast as she could which wasn't very fast, she seemed to be waddling more than usual today. Justin caught right up to her, "Justin, I hope your not hungry because I need your hands ok?" "Don't worry, I know what we are doing here." Justin replied. Ramona's eyes lit up, she still didn't want him to know her secret, but she felt like he may be a perfect match for her. Today would be the test.

"Can we have two buffet dinners please?" Justin said, "That will be 22$." They are going to regret selling these two dinners he thought. "Go take a seat Ramona." Justin said. God she loved it when he took control, she found a comfy seat in the corner, it was already pretty slow in the buffet but she wanted to make sure she could eat comfortably without gawking eyes.

"God he's so sexy." Her hands made their way down between her legs again. She undid her belt buckle, the only thing hold her pants together at this time. She watched him with devilish eyes as he went from dish to dish. Each dish he went to gave her increased pleasure, she started to moan quietly.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Djfex 5 years
uff, now that's some news
Boblevler 5 years
This girls the sexiest girl I've ever envisioned. I wish this were real story with pictures lol
Boblevler 6 years
Amazing story of love to see how ramonas family takes it and how big her sis got compared to her
The Donut King 7 years
What an amazing story! You write so well! It'd be a crime now to continue the exploits of Ramona Medina!
Djfex 8 years
I would love to see this series continue.
I hope you find time to do that, it's awesome!
MrAwesome 86 8 years
This story really needs continued
Azerty 8 years
Thank you for these new chapters
Poorboy 8 years
realy great story one of the best ones I have read on this site please write more.
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Blasty 8 years
This isn't the best-written story, but I absolutely love its lack of respect for reality. Well done si far.
FeedHerFat 8 years
Love the stroy, loved the I'mos Pizza drop, the square beyond compair!
Jktab 8 years
M4nx 8 years
Glad everyones enjoying the story.
Pd500 8 years
Feedher3000 8 years
Awesome! I love this!
M4nx 8 years
Thanks for the support guys, more to come.
Jazzman 8 years
I like it.
Nok 8 years
hot. nice chemistry
FAbrony 8 years
very nice, want to see more smiley
Rstlne 8 years
good start.
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