Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 44 - just a light breakfast


"I'm not going to eat all day until the contest." Ramona thought to herself as she heaved her body up from bed. She pulled on the headboard to lift her massive body up to get to the bathroom. "God I'm heavy." She thought as she waddled over to the bathroom. Her stomach growled loudly as thoughts of fatty foods filled her head. She put her hands on her round protruding belly. "I can do this, I wont eat anything before the contest." She said to herself. She stepped onto the scale. 440...470...490...500.5. "Another 8lbs, not to bad in a night." Ramona thought to herself as her stomach growled again. Ramona could feel her will power beginning to fade. "I can't!" She said. Her stomach growled louder as if talking back to her. "Maybe just a small meal, hold me over." It growled again. "Just a light breakfast." Ramona waddled back over to bed and grabbed the tablet.

A few hours later

Justin wakes to the sound of slurping. It's 11am. "Ramona! What are you doing?" He asked. Ramona looks over at him with shameful eyes. "I couldn't help it Justin I was so hungry!" Ramona said. Justin looked all empty cups and plates in awe. Even though he was upset that she ate before the contest, he was turned on by the amount of food she could put away. Ramona was still looking shameful as she sucked on the straw to her chocolate shake. "I'm sorry Justin." Ramona said. Justin leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It's ok, my little piggy was hungry. Now let me make sure that she's satisfied." He said as he moved down and kissed her soft plump neck. Ramona cooed as she kept sucking down her shake. Justin grabbed the tablet and began to order.

The contest

Ramona is nervous. For the past five hours Justin had been stuffing her silly with everything on the menu and now she's about to compete against 8 other people who are the same size and bigger than she is. Her stomach is tight and is pulling at the seams of her largest sundress. She looks beautiful sitting at the table with her full giant breast squeezed out the top of the dress resting atop her huge gut. She looks down at Justin who is staring at her lustfully. "I have to do well." She thought
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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