Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 45 - ding. ding. ding


An anouncer stepped up onto the stage where the contestants were and grabbed the microphone.

"Good evening everyone and welcome to the FA eating contest. Here are the rules. Each dish must be finished completely before you move on. First to finish all 5 dishes wins or whoever finishes the most. Also, you can use your hands. Simple enough? If our contestants are ready, we can go ahead and get started. Dish number one: Quadruple Cheese, 10 layer lasagna."

The waiters walked up and placed a standard sized lasagna tray in front of each contestant, the only difference was that it was about a foot deep. Ramona could barely see in front of her the dish was so high. She was able to see Justin sitting up front watching her. She was ready to perform.

"And begin!"

The contestants started tearing into the lasagna, Ramona ate the fastest. All manners had gone out the window as she leaned the dish at an angle to her mouth and began shoveling the thick cheesy lasagna into her mouth with her hand forcing bite after huge bite down her throat. She barely chewed, only enough to get the food moving down. She was stuffed, but kept going, she looked at Justin who she knew was aroused. That made her eat faster. Before she knew it she was done. Her face and breasts covered in lasagna sauce. Justin wanted her so bad. Ramona was the clear winner of that round. The other contestants were little more than half way, though they were using utensils.

"Looks like we have a real piggy over here." The captain who had made an appearance on stage said with a grin. "Bring her the next dish."

Dish two: Chilli Dogs with cheese and bacon.

A waiter came from behind Ramona removing her lasagna tray and replacing it with a circular tray. It was piled at least a foot high with hotdogs which had chilli dumped on top and strips of bacon laying over that. Justin watched with anticipation as his greedy hog of a girlfriend started to dive into the hot dogs. Ramona grabbed two at a time shoving them into her mouth. She swallowed them without hesitation one after another but was starting to feel her self slowing down. She was about half way through the tray but was feeling herself reaching her limits. "You've gotta keep going." Ramona said to herself. She looked over at the guy next to her, he was now working on his hotdogs and was showing no signs of slowing down. He was eating fast and in a familiar way. "Fiona!" Ramona thought to herself. "She is probably gigantic now, but I am going to be bigger than she ever was." Ramona thought. She had a renewed sense of urgency and started to eat more and faster than before. Before long she was done with the hotdogs and moving on to the next dish.

Dish three: Five 16 inch Deep dish meat lovers pizza with stuffed crust.

This one was right up Ramona's alley. The man next to her was just about finished with his hotdogs, but Ramona knew she could gain some time here. She took the first pizza and started to roll it. Justin started to stroke himself so no one could see. Ramona took the first pizza and slid it into her mouth. Every man in the audience watched in awe. She swallowed the first one whole. Then grabbed another. It went down easier than the first. Even the guy next to Ramona took a second to watch her deepthroat a whole pizza. She finished the last one and moved to the next dish.

Dish four: Deep fried Oreos and Twinkies

Ramona got excited about this one, she had a craving for sweets. The waiter had barely put the tray down and Ramona had already dove in. She brought her mouth right next to the edge of the tray and started to slide the Oreos and Twinkies into her mouth and they disappeared like she was a wood chipper. She was done with this tray in minutes. Licking her chocolate covered fingers as if wanting more. She looked at Justin and he knew she wanted something else.

Dish five: Triple cheese bacon burgers with fries.

Ramona knew she was doing well. The only person close was the guy next to her and he was still on his pizzas. Ramona was pleased with herself and knew that Justin would be equally pleased with her. She thought about what he was going to do to her as she ate. The thought of eating all this food then getting back to the room and having Justin stuff her more turned her on. She kept thinking about it and didn't realize that she was done with the eight burgers they served her and the pound of fries.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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