Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 46 - lets get back to the room.

"Looks like we have a clear winner here. Whats your name miss?" The captain said, "Ramona Medina" She replied. "Hmm...do you know a Kathryn Medina?" The captain asked. "Yes! Thats my grandma. How do you know her?" Ramona ask. "Maybe we'll talk about that next time I see you. Congratulations on your victory and also I'd like to give you this as well as the trophy." The captain said as he handed a key card to Ramona with the small golden trophy. "You use that card on the basement floor." The captain said before he walked away. Ramona looked puzzled, but it quickly turned back to excitement as Justin came up to the stage helped her to her feet and gave her a huge kiss. Her sundress had torn at the seams around her belly exposing a bit of her flesh. Justin put his hand on her ass and squeezed. "Lets get back to the room." He said. Ramona has never moved so fast.

The room

No sooner that they reached the room Justin was already tearing her clothes off. Her breasts exposed and covered in lasagna sauce sat enormous atop her stretched belly. "Lets get you in the shower." Justin said, taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom. "I want to see the damage, step on the scale." Justin said. Ramona stepped onto the scale. 450...480...500...515...523.8lbs. Justin's cock was throbbing. "You're getting so ***ing huge." Justin said rubbing Ramona's body. Ramona just bit her lip. "Get in the shower." Justin said. Ramona took off the rest of her clothes and got into the large shower. Justin watched as she showered with lust.

10 minutes later

"Listen Ramona, I know you ate a lot today so I'm not going to force you to eat more if..." Justin was interrupted. Ramona had waddled straight out of the shower and grabbed the tablet ordering a chocolate shake and cheesecake. "You were saying?" Ramona said with a grin. "I ***ing love you." Justin said grabbing a slice of the cheese cake and putting it into Ramonas mouth. She laid back fully naked. "I want you to feed me as much as you want." Ramona said. She opened her mouth. Justin fed her into the night.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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