Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 47 - maybe another 100 or so...

The next morning

Ramona woke before Justin. She was curious about the card key that the captain had given her so she got one of the over sized robes from the closet and got on her scooter which was moving a bit slower than it did when she arrived. She made her way to the elevator and got to the basement. "I hope this doesn't take to long to find, I'm starving." Ramona said. She rode around on the basement level following the arrows. It looked like a more industrial part of the ship, not nearly as polished for refined as the upper decks, but still decent. She made it all the way around to what seemed like the end of the ship and there it was. A door at the end of the hall that had a piece of cake on the placard. She scanned her keycard and heard the door click. She rode her scooter in. Her eyes went wide. From floor to ceiling there was food being shifted about on conveyor belts. Ramona rode her scooter over to a TV screen on the wall. It turned on as she got infront of it and the captain came on screen.

"Congratulations. Since you won the eating contest on the FA cruise, you've been awarded an additional benefit of being able to go directly to the source of the food on the ship. If you look to the left there is a tube that pipes directly from the liquefier of discarded uneaten food. I assure you that the food is still in excellent condition. This tube is available to you to use for the duration of your stay here on the ship and you are allowed one other guest in this room. Again, congratulations and I hope this makes your stay more enjoyable."

Ramona looked at the tube and rolled over to it. She pulled the lever on the tube and it started to flow slowly. She let a little drip on her finger and tasted it. It wasn't the best, but it would help her get fatter faster and that's all that mattered. She put the tube in her mouth and opened the valve and started to suck.

She sucked down the liquid for two hours while listening to music filling up like a balloon. Her gown was wide open and her belly was hanging down between her legs pushing up against the steering wheel of the scooter. She turned off the valve and tried to tie the robe up but it wouldn't reach. "Damnit. This stuff must be really fattening, how is this robe not fitting already." Ramona thought to herself. Ramona started driving back to the room as to get there before Justin woke up. She wanted to gain a lot of weight and surprise him before their trip was over in 3 days.

Ramona made it back to the room with only a few stares on the way from her exposed belly and barely covered breasts. She got back in the room and went straight to the bathroom hoping on the scale. 500...515...530...545.9 "Christ." Ramona thought. "That's 22lbs in a few hours. That stuff is fattening. Maybe too fattening" Ramona thought. "Maybe I shouldn't tell Justin about this place, in 3 days he would have me gain 500lbs." Ramona giggled at the thought. "Maybe another 100 or so before we leave. I can't believe I'm thinking of 100lbs so lightly." She thought to herself.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Djfex 5 years
uff, now that's some news
Boblevler 5 years
This girls the sexiest girl I've ever envisioned. I wish this were real story with pictures lol
Boblevler 6 years
Amazing story of love to see how ramonas family takes it and how big her sis got compared to her
The Donut King 7 years
What an amazing story! You write so well! It'd be a crime now to continue the exploits of Ramona Medina!
Djfex 8 years
I would love to see this series continue.
I hope you find time to do that, it's awesome!
MrAwesome 86 8 years
This story really needs continued
Azerty 8 years
Thank you for these new chapters
Poorboy 8 years
realy great story one of the best ones I have read on this site please write more.
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Blasty 8 years
This isn't the best-written story, but I absolutely love its lack of respect for reality. Well done si far.
FeedHerFat 8 years
Love the stroy, loved the I'mos Pizza drop, the square beyond compair!
Jktab 8 years
M4nx 8 years
Glad everyones enjoying the story.
Pd500 8 years
Feedher3000 8 years
Awesome! I love this!
M4nx 8 years
Thanks for the support guys, more to come.
Jazzman 8 years
I like it.
Nok 8 years
hot. nice chemistry
FAbrony 8 years
very nice, want to see more smiley
Rstlne 8 years
good start.
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