Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 50 - what's in this stuff?


Ramona and Justin have been in the room since noon. Ramona has been drinking happily now that she thinks the weight gain is more manageable. She closes off the valve to take a breath. "Justin it's getting late, can we go back to the room soon? I want to lay in bed." Ramona said. "Yea, lets do one more hour and then we'll go back to the room." Justin replied. "I can't believe I was still in the 500's, I feel so damn heavy now though. I have to be at least 600 by now." Ramona said. "Want to go for 650?" Justin asked. "Yea, I mean if we have time. We only have one more day after this." Ramona replied. "Why don't we stay down here tonight. So when you wake up we can just get started instead having to come back down. Theres a couch over there for me to sleep on. Is your scooter comfortable?" Justin said. "Yea, I mean it is pretty comfortable, it was more comfortable when my ass cheeks weren't hanging over the sides." Ramona said jokingly. "Good, then we'll just stay down here tonight and wake up early in the morning and get started for our last day." Justin said, "But lets do one more hour." Ramona looked at him with love, "Anything for you Justin." Ramona said as she put the tube back in her mouth and started to suck.


"Ok, babe. You can stop now. Lets go to bed." Justin said. "Now roll your *** over here." Ramona smiled and rolled over to where Justin was sitting. "Justin, I love being a fat pig for you, I think I want to stop at 650 though. That seems big enough by anyone standards." Ramona said. "I think your right. That seems like a good weight. Unless Fiona is bigger than that now." Justin said devilishly." That comment still made her a little upset, but lit the fire of her competitiveness with Fiona. "She will not be bigger than me." Ramona retorted. "I hope so." Justin replied as he turned over on the couch. Ramona sat in slight anger. "What if he's right. She might have just been stuffing her face the entire time I was gone. She was already more than 150lbs heavier than me when I left and if she's been eating she could be over 700lbs by now." Ramona rolled her scooter over to the tube and put it back in her mouth and started to suck. Justin looked over at his growing beauty with lust and a sense of devious accomplishment.

11 am

Ramona had slept with the tube in her mouth again. She felt even bigger than the time before. "I have to be at least 650 by now, I can feel it." Ramona said. She kept drinking until Justin woke.

Justin's eyes opened to his expanding girlfriend. "She's filling up like a balloon. What's in this stuff?" Justin thought to himself. "I need find out before we leave."

"Justin, I'm probably more than 650 now, but I want to go for 700 before we leave just incase Fiona has been getting really fat." Ramona said as she put the tube back in her mouth. "Whatever you say babe, you just keep drinking and getting fat for me." Justin said. Ramona smiled and continued to swallow. Justin knew she might be angry if she found out he was lying about how much she was gaining, but he was willing to take that risk.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Djfex 5 years
uff, now that's some news
Boblevler 5 years
This girls the sexiest girl I've ever envisioned. I wish this were real story with pictures lol
Boblevler 6 years
Amazing story of love to see how ramonas family takes it and how big her sis got compared to her
The Donut King 7 years
What an amazing story! You write so well! It'd be a crime now to continue the exploits of Ramona Medina!
Djfex 8 years
I would love to see this series continue.
I hope you find time to do that, it's awesome!
MrAwesome 86 8 years
This story really needs continued
Azerty 8 years
Thank you for these new chapters
Poorboy 8 years
realy great story one of the best ones I have read on this site please write more.
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Blasty 8 years
This isn't the best-written story, but I absolutely love its lack of respect for reality. Well done si far.
FeedHerFat 8 years
Love the stroy, loved the I'mos Pizza drop, the square beyond compair!
Jktab 8 years
M4nx 8 years
Glad everyones enjoying the story.
Pd500 8 years
Feedher3000 8 years
Awesome! I love this!
M4nx 8 years
Thanks for the support guys, more to come.
Jazzman 8 years
I like it.
Nok 8 years
hot. nice chemistry
FAbrony 8 years
very nice, want to see more smiley
Rstlne 8 years
good start.
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