Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 51 - what if i can't fit through the door?


"What time do we leave tomorrow?" Ramona said, taking the tube out of her mouth. "6am is when we reach the dock. Then our plane leaves at 8am. I got first class this time." Justin replied. "Thank god. I don't think I would be able to fit in coach again, not even if you bought a whole row for me. I mean look at me." Ramona said. Justin looked at her with lust filled eyes. He walked around as she sucked down the liquid, analyzing her body. Her gut was hanging down almost touching the floor of the scooter. Her legs spread wide open to allow it to hang down. She had no idea how large her breast had grown because all of her bras were now to small to wrap around her. Her ass cheeks were squished snugly against the sides of the scooter's armrests. Any more pressure and the armrests would surely snap off. Resting on her ass cheeks were two huge back fat rolls thick enough to have a F cup bra of their own. Her arms had grown fat all around them, creating creases between her hand and wrist and her forearm and bicep even when her arm was stretched out straight. She was blowing up like the Michelin man. Her neck was gone, hidden by a mound of fat beneath her chin, but her face was still as beautiful as ever. Her plump lips inbetween her two plump cheeks accentuated by red lip gloss looked amazing as she sucked down the creamy liquid.

Justin looked around the room as he spoke to Ramona, searching for where the cream is coming from. "I ordered an entire family section for us in first class to accommodate your family sized ass. I hope that's big enough." Justin said, he found a utility door. "What if its not." Ramona said with a sultry voice, "What if I can't fit through the door?" The thought of being told she's too fat to fly turned her on. "Then we'll have to transport you like how they transport livestock." Justin opened the door and walked in. "But thats unlikely." Justin said he said deviously. "Theres still time." Ramona said as she put the tube back in her mouth and began to suck faster than she ever had.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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