Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 52 - why are none of these doors locked?

Inside the utility room

Justin walked over to the tubing following it along the wall. There was a camera following his movements. He traced the tubing back to a huge cylinder where two tubes converged into one. One ran from the ceiling and the other from the wall that had a door on it. "This has to be where all that food is being mixed with something." Justin thought. He opened the door, the camera tracked him as he entered the room. "Why are none of these doors locked?" Justin thought as he entered the room. He looked up and saw a giant vat marked "K2-Z1" and next to that there was a computer panel. Justin walked over to the panel and moved the mouse around and it came right open. Justin knew someone wanted him to find this. He looked up at the camera, it zoomed in on him. "Who is that?" Justin thought. Justin looked on the screen and saw inventory and opened it up. Then he typed K2-Z1into the search bar.



Anothe r screen loaded up with information on the strange liquid.

Sku: K2-Z1
Use: Density reducing mixture.
Qty: 7956 gl remaining
Additional Inf:
K2-Z1 is a chemical mixture used to reduce the density in organic materials. Warning: Do not handle without proper equipment. Do not ingest unless diluted. Effects of density reduction are subject only to the first organic material that comes into contact with K2-Z1.

Justin wasn't sure if he understood. "Density reduction? Like it reduces mass?" Justin thought. "If it reduces mass, how is she gaining so much weight?" He read further.

K2-Z1 contd.
When diluted with food mixtures, only the mass of the food is affected. The nutritional value of the food remains static. Use with caution.

"So basically she gets all of the calories and what seems like none of the full feeling. What evil fattening genius came up with this?" Justin thought to himself. Justin looked up company that's associated with the liquid. "Yaeger International?" Justin read making a mental note. He then made his way back to Ramona.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Djfex 5 years
uff, now that's some news
Boblevler 5 years
This girls the sexiest girl I've ever envisioned. I wish this were real story with pictures lol
Boblevler 6 years
Amazing story of love to see how ramonas family takes it and how big her sis got compared to her
The Donut King 7 years
What an amazing story! You write so well! It'd be a crime now to continue the exploits of Ramona Medina!
Djfex 8 years
I would love to see this series continue.
I hope you find time to do that, it's awesome!
MrAwesome 86 8 years
This story really needs continued
Azerty 8 years
Thank you for these new chapters
Poorboy 8 years
realy great story one of the best ones I have read on this site please write more.
FA Guy 8 years
Great story. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Blasty 8 years
This isn't the best-written story, but I absolutely love its lack of respect for reality. Well done si far.
FeedHerFat 8 years
Love the stroy, loved the I'mos Pizza drop, the square beyond compair!
Jktab 8 years
M4nx 8 years
Glad everyones enjoying the story.
Pd500 8 years
Feedher3000 8 years
Awesome! I love this!
M4nx 8 years
Thanks for the support guys, more to come.
Jazzman 8 years
I like it.
Nok 8 years
hot. nice chemistry
FAbrony 8 years
very nice, want to see more smiley
Rstlne 8 years
good start.
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