Feeding the girl at work

  By M4nx

Chapter 53 - the scale must be busted.

back at the room.

Ramona sucked the liquid down ravenously right up until it was time for docking. "Lets check your weight before we leave." Justin said. "I'm really excited Justin, we've been doing this for like 29 hours straight. If the gain is anything like it was before, I should be at least 700lbs now." Ramona said with a huge grin. "Yea, that should be about right, lets see what the scale says." Justin replied. Ramona could hardly lift herself. Her body weight was enormous and she could feel it in her bones. But she managed to get herself off the scooter with Justin's help and onto the steel chair that was now straining to hold her.

"Justin, this chair doesn't feel stable." Ramona said thinking back about how her sister had broken a wooden chair. "I'm so fat now, I'll be breaking steel chairs." Ramona said with anticipation of her new weight. Justin turned on the scale. The numbers shot up, 700...760...830...890...930...960...976.8lbs. Justin's jaw dropped open. Ramona was so excited that she tried to turn around and look. "Justin what does it say?"

She turned her head just far enough to see the first number started with a 9. Ramona's heart dropped. "9? Maybe I read it wrong, yea, for sure, that's the end of the weight, theres no way I'm...The first time I was gaining 4lbs a hour. The scale must be busted. Four pounds an hour would be 116 which would be around 700lbs." Then it hit her. "Justin lied."

That's when the chair started to give way, All four legs spread out in opposite directions busting at the welds. Before she knew it all 950 lbs of Ramona had hit the floor of the ship sending a massive shockwave across her body like when her sister had broken the chair before. Ramona lay on the floor in a massive pile of naked fat flesh both aroused and angry at the same time. "Justin. I hate you." Ramona said. Justin was still in shock about her weight, but incredibly turned on by the number. "I would have gained the weigh myself. Just not this fast and not all at once." Ramona said.

Justin got down and lay next to her swollen mass. "I know, but I couldn't help myself." Justin leaned over the top of her massive body and kissed her soft plump lips. "Now, lets get that piggy to her feet." Justin said as he helped roll her over. She managed to get to her knees on all fours and that's when Justin stopped to look at her. "What? Are you gonna help me?" Ramona asked. "You look so sexy with your belly dragging on the floor." Justin said.

That's when Ramona realized that she was barely using her arms to be on her knees. Her breasts and belly were pushing her up. Her hands barely reached the ground. She felt a flood of arousal enter her body. Justin couldn't help himself, he got behind her and started to fondle her belly while she was on all fours. Ramona was getting more turned on. "Can you handle all of this body?" she said teasingly. She then wiggled her ass on his crotch. Justin didn't say a word. He pulled down his pants and started to pound her from behind right there on the bathroom floor. Each thrust sending a shock wave across her fat body.
54 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Rstlne 8 years
good start.
M4nx 8 years
More to come.
Feedher3000 8 years
More please!!!
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