
Chapter 4 - kicked out

The next day, Cynthia walked to the hardware store. She bought plywood, cushions, nails, and duct tape. She paid the extra money to have the supplies delivered to Sarah's house because she didn't have a car and went home. When she got home, she sat down on her bed with her new belly resting on her larger thighs. She leaned down to grab her stash of hidden food from under her bed. For the first time, she was unable to reach it due to the bulge of fat stopping her from bending further. She leaned to her side to not have to deal with her protruding stomach but instead, she ungracefully fell off of her bed with a loud noise. Suddenly footsteps came from outside her door and the door flew open.
"Baby! Are you okay?" yelled Cynthia's mom as she stepped into the room.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a small fall" said Cynthia, still on the ground.
"Do you feel well? Your stomach looks huge! I think you have some ga-"
"Mom! I'm fine! Don't worry about it."
"Let me just give it a rub to make you feel better."
"Mom no!"
Cynthia's mom didn't listen and bent down and placer her hand on Cynthia's soft belly. Cynthia tried to get up but it was much more difficult than the remembered it being.
"Oh my! It's so soft! This is fat! Cynthia, what have you been eating! I never let you get this out of shape!" yelled Cynthia's mom.
"Don't worry about it" relied Cynthia, shyly.
"Don't worry about it? You're huge! How can I not worry about it? Come on, step on the scale" yelled Cynthia's mom in frustration.
Cynthia's mom then pulled Cynthia up from the ground and placed her on the scale. After a few moments, the small scale display started blinking the number "215."
Amazed, Cynthia's mom turned to her daughter and said "you have to be kidding me."
"I'm sorry" said Cynthia, looking at the scale.
"Don't apologize to me. You'll suffer the consequences. Out!" yelled Cynthia's mom.
"But mom I-"
"Out! I raised you to be an athlete and you end up as a fat slob as soon as I leave you alone! Get your stuff and leave!"
"Fine! If you are going to kick me out so easily you didn't even love me!"
"Leave! Out! I can't hear you insult me!"
Cynthia's mom then left the room quickly and left Cynthia standing on the scale. She watched to door close and stared at the closed door. Her attention slowly dropped to the number barely peeking over her fat stomach. She felt ashamed of herself and closed her eyes. However, as she stood on the scale with her head down, a grin arose from the shame.
Over the months, Cynthia saved 15,000 dollars from work so she had enough money to pay rent for a new apartment. She walked as fast as her fat legs would let her, she ran to her bed and she opened her computer. She found some cheap apartments and with the best luck, there was an available apartment two doors down from her work. Even better, they were only charging $500 a month. Quickly, she sent the landlord an email. She rolled over so she was on her back and placed a hand on her belly. Subconsciously, she started kneading her belly fat and fell asleep.
The following day, Cynthia was standing on the front steps of the apartment she had seen the night before. She knocked 3 times and took a step back. After some shuffling behind the door, an elderly woman opened appeared.
"You must be Cynthia," said the woman with a big smile.
"That would be correct," replied Cynthia with an equally large smile.
"You are the only person who contacted me. I'm Margaret."
"Really? This is such a nice location."
"That restaurant always scared people off."
Cynthia glanced over to her job. She looked back at the old woman and informed her, "I actually work there." The woman have her an understanding smile and waved her in.
After conversing for a little while, they finally settled that Cynthia would rent the apartment for as long as she needed. Margaret seemed to like her, and offered to provide breakfast everyday. Cynthia would be moving in the following week.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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FA Guy 5 years
Excellent story. I would love to see it continue
Gramor26 7 years
Would love to see this story continue
Jazzman 7 years
I like the story.