The pig farm

chapter 4

"Ok, the next thing on our list," Jake said, "since you are going to be working around these hogs I'm gonna get you a shot of tetanus and antibiotic just to make sure you don't catch anything should you ever get bitten but I doubt it. Let's go back in the house Leslie has the shots for employee's, are you Ok, with that," Jake asked? "You're not afraid of a little needle are you?" Taylor answered, "it is fine, I'm not afraid of a needle and I guess it's best to be safe." "That's what I like to hear," Jake answered, as they walked back into the house. Leslie quickly had the shot ready and it was over in a few seconds, "Now that didn't hurt did it?" "No, not at all," Taylor answered.

What Taylor didn't know but was about to learn rather quickly was that the shot was not tetanus or antibiotic, it was a very large strong dose of the appetite stimulant used on the hogs! She was also about to learn that Leslie just didn't like to eat alone and loved to watch other girls lose their figure and be fattened by her cooking!

As Jake sat and talked to Taylor and Rich, Leslie was cooking and preparing a celebratory feast, she had herself a new hog to fatten and one she could eat with as she herself continued to fatten.

"I'm absolutely starved," Taylor hollered out, "I can't take it anymore," as she walked into the dining room and saw a tremendous feast of pork entree's on the table. "Who else is joining us," Taylor asked, "there is so much food, it can't be all for the four of us?"
As everyone sat down, Leslie reached over to Taylor and unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, "you need to relax honey, and yes this is all for you, I mean us!"

Taylor wasn't sure how to take what Leslie just did but she really didn't care and only thought about how hungry she was and that she was about to eat until her belly was full and content. After almost two hours of eating and stopping for small breaks Taylor leaned back and began to rub her now fully distended belly, "Omg, I can't believe how much I just ate, do you think some of the appetite from the meat caused that Jake," she asked? "It may have honey," Jake answered, all the while knowing that it a combination of the appetite stimulant that the hogs were fed that were getting into Taylor as well as the strong dose of the stimulant she was given! "I'm so tired now I could just take a long nap," Taylor said, "Rich, will you start me a hot bath before I nap, I need my feet and apparently my belly rubbed." "Sure" Rich answered as they started upstairs.

The next thing Taylor knew, she was awakening from her nap and looked at the clock to see it was already 11p.m. The next thing she noticed was the smell of something cooking, something very appetizing so she ventured down the steps to see Leslie sitting on he couch, "Oh, your up? Just in time, I made myself a midnight snack but I made plenty in case anyone else was interested!" Taylor looked on the counter and saw a large tray of fried chicken, "Oh no, I shouldn't, not after that big dinner I ate, look at my belly, it's still sticking out." Leslie answered, "well it's fine dear, do as you please, I just hate to eat alone that's why I made extra hoping someone would eat with me." Taylor was embarrassed to admit it, she was hungry again and it didn't take long before she was sitting next to Leslie on the couch eating fried chicken and rubbing her belly again, "I can't believe I just ate half of that tray of chicken, I have to stop it, I've only been here a day, if I don't control myself I'm gonna turn into one of the hogs I'm supposed to be helping fatten." Leslie laughed, "don't worry honey you'll be fine," as she came out of the kitchen with 2 plates, one for each of them, with 2 large slices of chocolate cake on each. "Don't feel obligated," Leslie said, "if you don't want these I'm sure Rich or Jake will eat them." At this point Taylor had absolutely no self control as the additional appetite stimulant from another pork dinner was in her system and her 2 slices of cake were gone immediately and Taylor was once again on her way back up to bed with her belly swollen from being stuffed.
"Rich, I'm so stuffed, I can barely move, I know I won't be able to get up in the morning to feed the pigs, do you think you could take care of it for me," Taylor asked? "Sure honey," Rich answered, "but maybe it would be good for you to do it, you've done nothing but stuff yourself and sleep since you've been here."

By the time Taylor awoke in he morning Rich and Jake had already tended to the hogs and Taylor was already thinking about breakfast as she could smell bacon cooking. Taylor had to wiggle to get her shorts on and couldn't quite get the button buttoned so she started down to the kitchen, shorts unbuttoned, belly sticking out and took a seat at the kitchen table almost as if she knew that's what she was supposed to do. "Good morning, hope your hungry," Leslie asked, as she put a plate piled with bacon, ham, pancakes, biscuits and gravy on the table in front of Taylor. Three very full plates later Taylor said, "I'm full for now, I guess I should do some work around here." "Don't be silly," Leslie laughed, "the boys already took care of the hogs, why don't we just watch TV until lunch time, doesn't that sound better?"

Well breakfast lead to lunch and lunch lead to dinner and watching TV which lead to the the nightly midnight snack and soon a month had gone by. Rich was taking care of Taylor's work duties 99.9% of the time as Taylor was growing lazier, fatter and more comfortable in her new home. Leslie told Taylor she should just relax in her underwear and since hardly anything fit her anymore she really didn't have a lot of choices and just didn't seem motivated to get clothes at the time!
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Uneas06 1 year
Please continue with this story it’s incredible
AndiFive 2 years
Fooman 3 years
Damn is that good!
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
Nooo i need to know what happns next
Jdm 7 years
Gotta have a part 2 this is an awesome story
Azerty 8 years
Super story
QuebecFA 8 years
I really love this story? I hope you'll write Chapter 8 soon! ;-)
Beautybelly 8 years
i hope the story continue soon smiley
i really like it smiley
Thefeeder1 8 years
Yes another chapter is coming very shortly, it's almost there.
Applepieinth... 8 years
Any chance of another chapter?
Rstlne 8 years
You wrote that Taylor had gained 76 pounds in 6 months. However, 35+36=71 not 76.
Jazzman 8 years
Excellent start and a good theme. I am confident you'll get the hang of adding more chapters
Rickeb 8 years
How about a ten year contract?
Thefeeder1 8 years
Thanks I'm happy you like the story and I do have more chapters written, this site is just difficult sometimes and I'm having a hard time adding.
Voluptuouslover 8 years
I agree...I need more of this story!
Fluffylove 8 years
I need more of this story
Thefeeder1 8 years
Thank you, there are more chapters but this site if difficult and won't let me publish them.
Jenemc 8 years
This is very good. It would be interesting if her boyfriend also was made to gain smiley