The pig farm

chapter 6

As Taylor stood there helplessly, collared, leashed and handcuffed the couples poked and proded at her most ample body parts, "she's got nice wide hips" one woman exclaimed, "great for breeding!" As Taylor stood there being poked like a prize hog at a show one of the women named Kelly that seemed to want Taylor at any cost kept running her hand lightly across Taylors pussy and she then asked, "Leslie can we strap her down and tease her a little, I mean if we're gonna take her when she's ready I want to see how wet her fat little pussy will get." "Oh honey," Kelly exclaimed, "you have no idea how much fatter you'll get if we breed you, I'll have you kept in state of constant arousal, being fed and being milked all at the same time, we'll keep those breasts full of milk and dripping honey!" Taylor hadn't been strapped down yet and was still stuffed into the bikini but it became very obvious that she was aroused as the bikini bottom became soaked in the crotch area. Leslie said to Kelly, "well it appears that my piggy likes the idea of being stuffed, bred and milked like a farm animal Kelly, look how wet she is......her pussy is soaking wet!" Kelly then asked Taylor, "have you ever been milked like a cow sweetie?" "No," Taylor answered. "Oh, my dear you'll love it, it works so well of fat little piggies like you," Kelly responded, "we'll put the milking cups on your breasts every day and they'll pump you, and after about a month your body will start producing some very nice milk honey, it tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant dear so even before we breed you, your body will think it's pregnant and .....well other things will happen to!" It was obvious to Kelly how excited Taylor was by how wet her bikini bottom was, "Wow, what a good little piggy I have here," Kelly said to Leslie, "I just want her and I want her now, you have no idea how I love to fatten up another woman and watch their figured totally ruined!"

Taylor was then led leashed into the basement of the farm house, an area which she had never been in. Once in the basement Taylor was told to straddle a seat that was box like but the part she was going to straddle and sit on was semi-circled and like an upside down u. In front of this was a bar, at about chest height which she was shackled to and in a position leaning slightly forward causing her clitorus to be in full contact with the surface of the semi-circle seat. A bar was also underneath of the seat and her ankles had also been shackled to the bar, as she was fully off of the ground and in a position where she couldn't move at all or resist. Kelly began to laugh, "can't move can you honey, you're helpless aren't you?" Leslie turned a switch and the seat that Taylor was straddled on began a very light vibration, which her clitorus was in full contact with, and Taylor let out a light moan, "maybe we'll let you cum," Kelly giggled, "but not before I stuff that piggy belly of yours." Kelly sat on the seat with Taylor from behind and reached her arms around her belly, "awww, I can barely reach around this big belly of yours but I want to make sure I can't reach around you honey!"

Leslie said, "oh Kelly, don't worry about that, we'll make sure you can't get your arms around this little piggy." Taylor was in a totally helpless and hopeless position, her already swollen belly hanging over as she was leaning forward which also caused her well fattened and widened ass to be proped up and out showing all of the tender white meat and cellulite on it when Leslie forced a tube into Taylors mouth, "just suck on it honey." It was very sweet and rich and Taylor immediately and uncontrollabley began sucking it. As she sucked on the tube the get more of the mix it was quickly pushed down her throat and now she was being directly tube fed. Leslie said, "wow, we're gonna stuff that fat belly with another 10,000 calories and there's nothing you can do about it honey, I want you and I want you bad." Leslie poured at least a gallon of the mixture into the funnel which led to the tube and as she was pouring it in slowly she was also increasing the vibration speed on the seat. Taylor seemed to helplessly grind herself against the seat in an attempt to please herself! "Wanna cum," Kelly asked? Obviously Taylor couldn't talk as she had a tube shoved down her throat and belly being filled with a fat laden mixture of 10,000 calories and an abundant amount of appetite stimulant. As Taylors eyes rolled slightly back and it seemed like she was starting to cum Leslie turned the vibration off, "poor baby, suffer!" Taylors belly had been filled with this special mix of Jake's, she was swollen and looked as if she was about to have a baby as her belly had just been filled. It was at this point that Kelly called her husband down into the basement, "well, what do you think, is she breedable," Kelly asked? Kelly's husband Ron, ran his hand's over Taylors swollen belly and lightly rubbed it against her swollen wet pussy, "Oh yes," Ron answered, Leslie, can I sample her before we agree to taking her?" Leslie answered, "well not fully but, you know what we can do."

Taylor was unshackled from the bars and led over leashed to a bed that was also in the room, she was told to kneel on the bed and the leash was jerked forward causing her head to be in cotact with the bed and her ass to be up in the air and fully exposed when she felt a wet sensation on her butt which was being rubbed ......."she should be good now," she heard Kelly say. Taylor tried to look back and all she could see was that Ron was undressed and Kelly was rubbing his cock, "my poor husband, look how bad your dripping," Taylor heard Kelly saying as Kelly was jiggling Taylors ass, "what a porker we have here." It was at that moment that Taylor felt Ron's cock thrusted into her ass, pounding her from behind, and it wasn't more then a minute before she felt the sensation of warm cum dripping from her ass!
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Uneas06 1 year
Please continue with this story it’s incredible
AndiFive 2 years
Fooman 3 years
Damn is that good!
Akwolfgrl13 7 years
Nooo i need to know what happns next
Jdm 7 years
Gotta have a part 2 this is an awesome story
Azerty 8 years
Super story
QuebecFA 8 years
I really love this story? I hope you'll write Chapter 8 soon! ;-)
Beautybelly 8 years
i hope the story continue soon smiley
i really like it smiley
Thefeeder1 8 years
Yes another chapter is coming very shortly, it's almost there.
Applepieinth... 8 years
Any chance of another chapter?
Rstlne 8 years
You wrote that Taylor had gained 76 pounds in 6 months. However, 35+36=71 not 76.
Jazzman 8 years
Excellent start and a good theme. I am confident you'll get the hang of adding more chapters
Rickeb 8 years
How about a ten year contract?
Thefeeder1 8 years
Thanks I'm happy you like the story and I do have more chapters written, this site is just difficult sometimes and I'm having a hard time adding.
Voluptuouslover 8 years
I agree...I need more of this story!
Fluffylove 8 years
I need more of this story
Thefeeder1 8 years
Thank you, there are more chapters but this site if difficult and won't let me publish them.
Jenemc 8 years
This is very good. It would be interesting if her boyfriend also was made to gain smiley