When the right girl comes along

Chapter 3

A month went by, and Billie began to wonder if she wasn't living in a fantasy world in her head. How could this beautiful, thin, physically fit woman be feeding me like this? She was beginning to love it, to crave it. And in the last few days, her body was beginning to embrace the new change. Her face was fuller, and her belly was softer. She marveled at these changes and weighed herself. 142. She was greatly disappointed. She ate as much as she could and was in a stupor when Dika came home.

"I am 142." She sulked.

Dika smiled and went over to where Billie was lying on the couch and carefully removed Billie's shirt. "Baby, very soon. Your body is ready. Are you? "

Billie whispered, "What do I need to do?"

Dika got up and went into the kitchen. She blended something and came back a few minutes later. "I want you to drink this. Slowly. I will be right here."

"What is it?"

"2500 calories - a weight gain formula. It will help."

Dika sat behind Billie and caressed her throat as she swallowed the formula, caressed her stomach as it expanded with it, and then made gentle love to her for hours. Then she got up and made Billie dinner.

Three months later, Billie stepped out of the shower and wrapped her towel around her. The towel wouldn't go all the way around. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and saw clearly the 35 pounds that had come on in the last 4 months. At 175, her stomach was a gut, threatening to hang over belt-loops and underwear, but not quite fallen yet. Her tits had swelled, and her arms and legs had gotten a layer of soft, sensual skin. Her butt had widened and fleshed out. She was growing perfectly and could see it herself. She smiled. When Dika came home that night, Billie was wearing her street clothes for the first time in two months. They didn't fit. They couldn't be buttoned, buckled or coaxed up to ride where they were supposed to. Dika was overwhelmed by attraction and threw Billie on the couch, ripped the damaged clothes off of her, and made love to her roughly, gently, slowly, frantically.

The next day, they went to buy new clothes.

For the first time in a long time, after they shopped, Dika took Billie out to eat at the Chinese buffet. Taking their food-based lovemaking public was erotic for them both, and they both ate tons of food. Billie at one point looked at Dika and realized something profound. "Dika, my love, you want this, too? Can I feed you too? " Dika teared up and smiled. "I didn't know if you would love me like that, " she told Billie.

"Oh baby. I will love you like anything. Let me help you grow, too."

Billie went back to work, and the two women ran the bar and expanded. The customers made wisecracks and were sometimes cruel, but they loved each other, and their love dissolved any drunkards opinion. They ate and drank and ate and fucked and slept and ate some more.

A year later, Dika and Billie were at a private beach with a cabin they rented on their week off. They had gained 283 pounds between the two of them and were both considered obese. But as they leaned into each other and caressed each others bodies in the waves, they were filled with the joy of knowing that they loved each other completely, and that every roll of fat was something they made together. They'd truly become one, and they sank into each other in a deep embrace that encompassed all they were meant to be.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 15 years , updated 54 years
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