Chapter 1
Emma was a short, petite girl just out of high school and living away at college. Being of the intellectual bent she spent most of her life studying, doing little socially, and was just getting into the habit of really “hanging out.” She was quite attractive, though, with her tiny figure, narrow body, and beautiful, angelic face framed with long, brown hair around her lovely brown eyes. Her breasts and ass, like the rest of her body, were tight and small and she dressed inadvertently emphasizing her understated litheness in jeans and a clingy, earth-colored, buttoned shirt.Emma found an appropriate enough roommate in the quiet Julie. Julie was taller than Emma and more shapely, so to speak. She could almost have been a model really, except for the slight pooch that always pressed against her loose slacks, only hinted by the sweater she wore downplaying her good-sized breasts. She was modest and introverted, even more so than Emma. She had wavy black hair and a cute face with only a hint of chubbiness.
The two, Emma and Julie, sat studying in the town square of their college. It was normally a pretty quiet town with the college being the only real thing there. Julie looked at her notebook in frustration.
“Why did I have to sign up for all the upper-level math courses?”
“Yeah,” Emma said, “Especially since you’re a literature major.”
“Jesus, I don’t know what I was thinking.” It was only the first few weeks of school and Julie was already worried about her grades. Emma was rather confident in her intelligence and tried to pass on this security to her friend.
“Better dealing with exponents than, um . . . an ex-boyfriend,” Emma laughed loudly.
“Tell me you didn’t just say that,” Julie laughed, but more in horror of the bad pun than in amusement. They both started giggling loudly now, and as anyone who has spent time near the presence of two young woman it’s quite distracting. An elderly man sitting nearby reading his paper looked annoyed.
Emma said something else not funny and they again erupted into laughter. The man grunted and shifted, hoping they’d get the point. He was just a local guy, spent most of his life in the big city, and now was trying to live out his retirement in peace—in a college town. He was becoming increasingly agitated by the collegian antics in general and with these two young girls in particular.
“Jesus!” Julie yelled, laughing.
He couldn’t take it anymore. The old man stood up, crumbled up his paper, and walked over to the two girls.
“I’m sorry, were we—“ Emma shyly asked but was interrupted.
“Nothing doing! I’ve had it up to hear with you college hooligans and your tomfoolery!” he wailed, feeling relieved to get it off his chest.
“We’re sorry, sir, we didn’t mean to be so loud,” Emma said, and Julie made the mistake of not stifling some left over guffaws.
“What are you laughing at, punk? I’ll give you something to laugh about!” then the old man’s eyes glowed red for a second as he glowered at Julie. She startled, and then the man shuffled off, muttering about crazy kids these days and their music under his breath.
“That was weird,” Emma finally said, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Ooooh,” Julie moaned, “I don’t . . . feel so good . . .”
Julie rubbed her soft tummy under her sweater and moaned again.
“I feel really bloated . . . “ as she touched her stomach she lurched forward. “Oh!” She clutched harder and doubled up again. “Oh, god!”
“Julie!?” Emma reached for her.
Julie sat up with a weird look on her face.
“. . . my pants are too tight . . .” she rubbed her stomach through her sweater again and—“Oh!”
He stomach clearly looked larger and her sweater was revealing a previously hidden sliver of flesh. More shocking was that her form-fitting slacks now had a minor roll coming over the waistband. Julie looked confused and rubbed the roll gently. It puffed out a little more.
“What the hell?” she asked, squirming in discomfort. She rubbed her softer sides through her sweater, formerly very trim but now bulged out over her pants like her stomach. They swelled an inch more as she rubbed them, her belly pushing out further until now a dimpled naval was visible.
“Ooooh, god . . .” she moaned.
“Julie, you look—you look—“ Emma stuttered, but Julie finished her thought, grabbing her rounder belly.
“Fat! It’s fat!” she yelped as her stomach grew even more through her fingers, and each time she tried to pull her sweater down to hide this burgeoning potbelly she only grew more in small, spurting increments with each touch. She jumped up, her pants’ button finally giving way and snapping open. Her dome of a stomach pushed out, smooth, round and soft.
“Oh, no, oh no, oh no . . .” she kept saying and looked behind at her formerly wide-but-flat ass which was now a bloated bubble butt straining within her slacks to come out. When she grabbed it in growing terror it only grew a little wider, but her stomach jutted out more, round and fat, looking pregnant. Her breasts were catching up, too, drooping and straining under her sweater.
“What’s happening!?” Julie screamed.
Emma said, “Come on,” and grabbed her friend’s hand and rushed back to the dorm, Julie moaning and rubbing her softening body all the while. By the time they got back to the dorm her modest 135 pounds had grown to at least 160, maybe 170. Her sweater was tighter but her pants were ready to rip off her and she sat on the bed, crying and rubbing her hugely bloated belly as her breasts expanded, snapping her bra. Her face definitely looked rounder now.
6 chapters, created 14 years
, updated 55 years