Making a Pig of Yourself...

Chapter 1

It was dark. Slowly she moved her hands, feeling her way around the room.

A mattress, a bucket, a chair, and a small bathtub and toilet. She sat back down on the mattress and tried to remember what had happened... A club, too many drinks, a handsome man...and then nothing.

Light filled the room suddenly, and she covered her eyes and cried out. Hands on her shoulders, wrists, pulling her fingers away from her eyes. Her vision was blurred, but it was the man from the club. He smiled at her and clipped something round her neck, jerking her forward towards the chair.

Before she even knew what was happening, her ankles and wrists were tied down, and the smiling man stood before her, tilting her face up to his.

"Hello sweetheart." he purred. "You're so beautiful. Look at yourself." he twisted her gaze to a mirror running the length of one wall. "Look at your teeny tiny little body. Your cute little face. Mmmm, you are the height of perfection aren't you?" She sat silently confused. He slapped her face, hard and fast. "Answer me!" She worked her mouth, stunned, but no sounds came out. "Well, well..." he grinned, and left the room.

She struggled against the ropes that held her, but they were tight and strong. Tied by experienced hands, and she was going nowhere. The Man returned and pulled her head back by her hair, arching her neck, and slid a tube into her, to her stomach. She retched and wriggled, but the Man was far too fast and strong for her to gain any ground.

She whipped her head back and forth, trying desperately to see what was happening, and suddenly saw the Man lift a large bag to a hook in the ceiling...and followed the tube from the bag, straight to her mouth. Then a strange sensation in her stomach, a fullness, she looked down and realized that her stomach was jutting out, being filled with -

"Weight gain shakes sweetheart." The Man spoke and she squirmed against her bonds. "Yes my dear, but don't worry, there's only 2L", her touched her face gently, "more than enough for you".

And with that he was gone, and she was left there, her pants digging into her expanding stomach, tears running down her perfect little face, moaning in pain as her perfect little abs were pushed outwards by her bloating belly.

The room went dark.

The Man had returned, he was untying her, running his hands over her body, leading her back to her mattress. "Take off your pants pig." He said. And she did. Half delirious from the pain in her belly, and still groggy from passing out, she pulled them off, her sides ringed with a red line where they had dug in. He pushed her forwards onto the mattress, shoving her head down towards the bucket, filled with pieces of birthday cake. "Eat piggy." He said, shoving her face deep into the frosting, and she did. Moaning with pleasure as her entered her, owned her, until the bucket was finally empty.

The Man washed her face, and laid her back down on the mattress, and slid his fingers into her. "Good girl", he cooed, "good pig."

And she moaned at the pain of her overfilled belly, and cuddled round his feet.
1 chapter, created 16 years , updated 55 years
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Dutch Feeder 15 years
pls write moar! :o