A Fattened Tailor

Chapter 1 - The start of something huge

As the sun rose up over Animal Village, Mabel walks up to the front doors and unlatches them for the incoming day ahead of her and her sister, Sable. She smiled as she stared at the gorgeous sunset.

"Are you ready for our biggest day of the year?" Mabel asked as she turned towards her sister.

Sable glanced up at her sister for a quick second and looked back down at what she was sewing.

"Uh....yeah." She replied shyly.

After several minutes of being open, many customers wandered into the shop looking for some new threads for themselves. Sable was busy at work making sure the outfits looked great as Mabel helped them get outfitted for their needs. They did this for several hours until noon hit. Mabel realized that they were low on sewing materials.

"Sable, can you watch the store as I head into the city and get more crafting materials?"

Sable nodded as she sat on the wooden stool.

"Can do sis."

Mabel smiled back as she walked out of the door. Several hours passed and Sable began feeling hungry.

"Man, I forgot to grab some food before I began working today." "Uh...whatever." "Mabel should be back soon."

A couple minutes later, there was a knock at their door.

"The door is unlocked!" She yelled from across the room.


No answer....

She sighed and got up from her seat to answer the door. When she opened the door, no one was there to greet her.

"Odd." "I swear someone was knocking." She said out of annoyance.

Before she closed the door, she spotted a basket of fruit, sitting on the porch. She picked it up and saw a tag attached to the basket.

To Sable,
Hope you enjoy the fruit, as this is a present for my true love.
Signed, Secret

She blushed as she looked at it.

"A s-secret admirer?!"

She grabbed the basket and took it inside. She sat down and decided to continue working on her new outfit she was sewing together. However, her stomach had different plans as it was grumbling from eating little to nothing all day because of how much she had worked. She looked at her stomach and looked at the basket.

"One couldn't hurt, right?"
5 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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FatFeedeeDem... 4 years
Actually, I was wanting to reveal who it was, but I thought about leaving it a mystery for now. Might reveal it, but I felt like having it to be something you think about and make your predictions. 😊
Theswordsman 4 years
Good story but whose the secret admirer