A Great Stellar Space

  By Elflaco  

Chapter 1 introduncion

Holly was a girl who aspired to be a model but to achieve it she had to eat very little, that led her to the hospital for the same malnutrition, she had to resort to the support of her family and friends to be able to get ahead over time she developed the fetish of wanting gain weight and be considered the most beautiful woman on the planet Over time she moved away from the world of modeling and due to her intelligence and skills she got an employee in a private agency that was dedicated to the development of space travel
During the first years of her work she did not stand out for anything at all, she was only known as the bones due to her body so thin of hers, but she did not know that she would soon be her the chance of her life
Precisely by the same nickname that she took from her, she wanted to stop being known like that, she wanted to be recognized for her work and for her abilities and not for her appearance

Several doubts arose in her head so she resisted you since soon her life, she would take another 180 degree turn

A week ago the company's space station lost total contact and due to her physical qualities she was chosen as a candidate for the emergency mission to know that she passed with the people of the spacecraft.

She along with three people would be in charge of repairing the damage to the ship, the first would be Chad the maintenance manager capable of repairing any machine, Bruno an ex-soldier who would be there for his protection and of course our protagonist who is a programmer expert,

The only condition for Holly to be able to go is that she gain weight 5 kilos before the mission because her weight was too low and she ran the risk of not surviving on the trip, but that she would be supported by the company giving her experimental drugs to increase your body mass and appetite

This was the best news they could have given her, Holly spent the last week eating like crazy being that she went from weighing 55 kg to 60 kg thanks to the company's engineer, she was still too thin but she had enough mass to support the travel

the ship was about to be launched

When this was launched 2 minutes later a message arrived at the base which said not to rescue them, to let them die, not to come near

what fate will bring to our protagonist what kind of fattening events are about to happen, find out in the next episode
10 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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