A Slut for Gluttony

  By BHM Seeks FFA

Chapter 1: A Slut for Gluttony

I don't frequent McDonald's but when I have gone there, my preferred post-breakfast order has either been coffee with cream and Splenda or a quarter pounder deluxe (with all the toppings) with an extra patty.

For lunch today, she amended my order.

Her text messages were as follows:

"Make it a large combo meal."

"Make sure it's large, not medium," she reminds me.

"Then order dessert. You may choose which one."

A few moments passed before I heard another alert.

"You'll have three of all of the above," adding the blowing a kiss emoji 😘 after her declaration.

My eyes widened at the command; my sex drive revved at the tone.

"After you eat, you may take out your plug, but while you eat, I want you to feel exactly who's filling you up. In every way."

*** Fast-forward ***

I set all of the items on the table in front of me and sent her a photo of the spread.

I'd chosen a hot fudge sundae (well, three of them) as my desserts. I wished that they had peanut butter sauce as a topping, too, so I could have both.

Between how I usually eat, how she'd conditioned me, and her seductive goading, I was practically a lion ready to pounce on its dinner.

Not before an alert of a message from her.

"Remember, Piggy… good boys finish everything"

Fuck. She's so hot.

As if I needed any extra motivation to do what she says, it's made a certainty by the mere possibility of pleasure after the mere possibility of freedom from the chastity cage she locked on me, its tiny key resting soundly on her soft, pale, ample chest, secured to her necklace.

As expected, I devoured the spread of unhealthy food and sent her photos of the proof.

She'd conditioned me to associate food with pleasure, with her, so it got me even more hot under the collar.

Of course she absolutely reveled in it.

*** Fast-forward ***

[Note to reader: The following is essentially a Chapter 2 as it was created in a different stream of consciousness.]

That night was supposed to be date night. We'd planned to go to a Chinese buffet together. I told her I'd eat 'til her heart's content.

By the time I drove to her place and walked in, she had other plans.

She greeted me lovingly at the door -- kissing was both of our favorite, and she told me hugging me was her safe place -- but from the devilish grin on her lips, I could tell that her new plan was to be a surprise.

"You'll be skipping straight to dessert tonight," she states with a gleam in her eyes. I feel her small but firm hand give my rotund ass cheek a quick smack and squeeze. "By the time I get in the bedroom, I expect you to be naked so I can see what I've done to my Piggy."

Of course I oblige. In just the nick of time, I return to the edge of the bed after finishing folding my newly-undonned clothes neatly on the dresser just as she appears in the doorway.

She walks over to me seductively, with as big of a smile on her beautiful face as I've ever seen. And let me tell you, readers, her face, her eyes, and that smile of hers could light up a million Earths with its radiance and beauty.

She lays her hands on me gently, turning me around to face the bed, before forcibly bending my morbidly obese body over the edge of the bed, smushing my super-sized belly down into the mattress, my large bubble ass in front of her.

She brings her lips to my ear and I hear her cute yet devious, lust-filled voice order me to “stay there” before locking my wrists in the restraints fastened to the bedposts at the head of the bed. I watch her place a large mirror facing each side of me at the just the right angle for her to enjoy the view from behind me.

Then everything goes dark; she fit a full blackout blindfold over my eyes.

I feel the light pressure of her leather collar being cinched and tightened around my neck before the coolness of its slackened leash’s metal chain links hits my already-warm bare skin down my extra-well-padded back.

She then, with a proudly lascivious smirk, finishes securing me in the most-vulnerable position as she locks my ankles to the restraints at both ends of the foot of the bed.

After the latter, a quick, firm hand smacks my large rump, causing me to lurch forward and harden as she thoroughly enjoys the jiggly bounce and recoil of my lard as well as the tensing of my glutes around a pink bejeweled plug she picked out specifically "because piggies are pink" and "because it would look cute in me."

Her hands move to both of my sides, each hungrily grabbing a handful of my large, soft belly and then letting go to delight in the even bigger jiggle.

I hear her leave the room for a few moments before returning without a word, but the sweet scent of fresh-baked dessert fills the air.

She readies herself behind me before cupping my hanging, full balls and ordering me to spread my legs more and and present my ass to her.

I oblige, scooting my feet farther apart and arching my lower back, popping my large, round bubble out toward her.

She places a plate with an entire chocolate cake, still very warm, infused with rich, gooey, peanut butter sauce, hot fudge, savory pieces of fried bacon, and of course chocolate chips -- probably the richest, most extravagant, most delectable dessert she has ever made for me.

She bends her body over top of mine and I feel her strap against my soft skin before. I can't help but breathily moan when she tugs on my leash, thrusting my head backward as she penetrates me with her full length.

She laughs diabolically as she watches me through the mirror, but I can’t help but find it adorable and irresistible.

Again bringing her lips to my ear, she says, “Eat that cake, Piggy, and I’ll keep fucking you with my strap. Remember: good boys finish everything. If you do, I’ll let your little cock out of its cage for a night of fun. But if you don’t, you'll be a locked up for a whole month."

I understand the assignment and dig in heartily.

*** Fast-forward ***

Later that night, while in literal silence that is anything but silent in my brain, I ponder.

How could a gentleman... a man... a man who is in all other aspects of life such a straight-arrow, a square, a corny, wholesome person…

…be such an absolute slut for her... a slut for gluttony?
2 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 months
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Td0057 1 month
Excellent story that fulfills lots of feedee fantasies. I hope you will continue as the feedee grows. I also hope you can flesh out the individual feeders and their feelings.