Amy Splits Some Seams: Halloween

  By PffedUp  

Chapter 1

FULL PICTURE VERSION: ts-Some-Seams-Halloween-WG-Story-1092414766

It had taken Amy twenty minutes to squeeze her bulging body into the spandex Catwoman costume she had been looking forward to wearing since the summer, and never would have managed without the help of Kevin. Actually, it was mostly Kevin who was responsible for successfully cramming his girlfriend into her cosplay, as he had worked with every one of her curves individually before and knew his way around sliding them into a pair of jeans while Amy lazily watched, burger in hand. Regardless, Kevin was hunched in the corner of the room, in awe of his creation. Amy was absolutely bursting out from the skimpy costume, and the three chocolate bars she had already inhaled (only 30 seconds after fitting in the costume) were not helping at all.

First had been her bulbous ass, which protested against the strained outfit. Kevin had used his full weight (which wasn’t much) to heave the costume up and over Amy’s rear end, the stretchy material being pushed to the limit. The greedy girl simply stood and allowed him to encase her thunderous legs like sausages, munching on a cupcake.

Second had been her gurgling gut, always craving the next treat and roaring deeply as Kevin pushed against its chub. It swayed and churned like a waterbed, its girth the size of an exercise ball, framed beautify by her impossibly wide hips. Amy giggled whenever he touched it, biting her lip amidst mouth-filling bites of her snack. Her white-as-snow belly was permanently half-stuffed, full of sugary treats to be turned into even more padding for the black haired glutton, so pushing against it only allowed for so much movement. Nevertheless, Kevin was able to expertly pack it into the costume, zipping the back with all of his might and capturing the blob of fat, pressing it close to Amy’s body and releasing a drawn out-


-and a cheeky, greedy smirk.

Last, but most certainly not least, was her titanic tits. They begged to burst free from her bra already so they were not happy about the prospect of being confined inside such close quarters. The quadruple D’s fought a valiant, jiggy fight, but were ultimately trapped beneath the zipper… but menacingly pushed against it, threatening to fly free at any moment.

At the end of it all, Amy stood there like a pig wrapped in seran-wrap. Essentially she looked like Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman from Christapher Nolan’s Batman… if the sexy heroine had snuck food from her McDonald’s job for five years.

Despite being trapped, Amy’s belly jutted over her feet prominently. She knew that sitting wasn't an option, but she didn't care. As long as she could waddle from door to door , she didn't care… for it was Halloween night, and the growing, green eyed girl was hungry. Kevin noticed a twinkle in her eyes as she shamelessly attacked their candy bowl… I’ll save them for the kids, she had promised emptily, I’ll get plenty of my own later. However, unable to control her cravings, Amy had kept one hand in the bowl and the other in her mouth all night so far, her fat gut already swelling full with the steady flow of junk food. Kevin didn't mind watching.


“Whups! I’ve hit bedrock!” Amy declared after a bellowing belch. Kevin was snapped out of his trance.

“I think it might be time to hit the houses, don't you think?” He asked the plumpened woman, who stood with hands on her overblown hips.

“I’d say so. Can't let those kids get the jump on me.”

Kevin laughed.

“I think you could block them from the doors if you really wanted to.”

“What!” Amy cried in mock offense. “Are you calling my ass fat?”
“Nooooo, never!” Kevin played along, rolling his eyes.

“You don’t think all of this candy has not been going to my hips?” she asked, throwing out one of her aforementioned hips to check Kevin into the wall playfully. She was much shorter than him but was getting truly large, bordering on 250 pounds… an incredible weight for her frame. Doorways were now an issue, as were stairs.

“Nope… still as skinny as… ever!” Kevin squeaked, pinned against the wall by his girlfriend's booty. She smiled, releasing him and giving him a hair flip.

“Shall we trick, and or treat?” She asked, putting her mask on. Kevin blushed. She truly was beautiful, her makeup only accentuating her sharp facial features, her slim neck emerging from behind her chest, nape somehow remaining dainty despite her fat-padded curves. Her eyes glimmered like emeralds, and her hair was straightened to fit the character, although he expected it to be tied up in a matter of hours amidst the inevitable gorge to come.

“Yeah… let’s.” he said, grabbing Amy’s pillowcase, as she couldn't bend over even if she wanted to.




Amy took a second to delight in the festivities before tossing her head back to let a supersized back of Smarties tumble down her gullet. Hardly chewing, she reached Kevin before she had even swallowed, who was taking candy out of the bag to unwrap and hand to his gorging girlfriend. It was becoming hard to keep up. Kids and parents were staring at her as she walked by, entranced with her endless candy feast… Kevin noticed some of the dads sneaking peeks at Amy’s emerging bosom, which had wrestled over the top of the spandex, hiked up by her inflating midsection. In your dreams, he thought to himself.

They walked up the steps to the latest house, and Amy needed a hand from Kevin as she was begging to get weighed down by her eating habits. They made it up and Amy gave the door a hasty rap. A young looking man opened, and his eyes snapped immediately down to the chest of the gorgeous cat.

“Trick or treat!”

“Uhh… I… uhhh…” he stuttered.

“Dontchya have something for me?” Amy helped him, expectant.

“Yeah… I got this… bowl.” The man drawled, pointing to the candy-filled, pumpkin- themed dish cradled in his arms.

“Great! I’m just gonna take-” Amy started to reach for the bowl, but it proved too much for her costume, which released slightly with a loud unzipping noise to snow of her bulging melons, which were squished together tightly by her bra. A weak sound emitted from the man… Kevin was lucky it didn't emit from him, too. Noticing that the candy holder was now stunlocked, Amy gently tipped the bowl and poured its loot into her sack.

“Uhh… pleasure doing business.” She said awkwardly, turning quickly to plod down the steps. Kevin looked at the man and shrugged.


The couple left the poor guy, who had snapped from his trance, left to wonder where on earth all of his treats had gone.

It was a long night for Amy’s belly. Every stop filled it out a few inches further, as she was tossing sugary goodness into herself at a rapid pace. It was ever-hungry however, and Kevin couldn't help but stare as she plowed through family sized bars, candy apples, packs of gummies, and most importantly, Reeses Pieces. These were her favorite, and she squealed in delight whenever they hit her tongue, actually taking a moment to taste them before continuing her gorge.

Most impressive was her haul. By the time they returned home, it was overflowing despite her feasting.

Amy burst through the door, breathless.

“Oh.. my.. God…” she panted, hand on the door frame to hold herself up.

“Kev.. get me some beers… I need to relax.”

“Sure thing!” He chirped, unsure how the fizzy liquid would fare in her bellowing gut but was excited to find out.

Running to the kitchen, a task he had perfected since moving in with Amy, he retired just in time to watch his thick girlfriend take a seat. It was magnificent.



First, the spandex exploded apart long her hips and thighs, allowing fat to flow out from underneath. The zipper undid itself all the way down the front, revealing her heaving tits and expanding stomach. The release of pressure allowed for one of her more impressive burps, causing every inch of her belly to jiggle and only encite more release.




She reached out to Kevin, who carried her beers and dragged her bounty to the couch.

The piggy girl stuck a hand in the bag and revealed five bars.

“Kevin, would you…”

“But of course!” He took them and rapidly unwrapped them. She grinned and took all five, flicked her hair behind her ears, leaned back and crammed them all into her mouth. They filled her cheeks to the max and caused her eyes to water, but despite the impossibility of it all she began to forcefully chew through the caramel and deposit the greedy portion down her nape. It made it’s way down into her as a lump moving slowly down her neck until it was gone, hidden behind her cleavage. Absolutely out of breath, she looked back to Kevin while grabbing her jet- black hair frantically to throw it into a high ponytail.

“Well? Where are the next five?” She asked, exasperated.

The next hour was Kevin handing food to be devoured by the bottomless pit that was Amy. She took them and ate them with unmatched gluttony, feasting like a hog on any candy imaginable. As she ate, she was growing like never before. She was widening in all directions, her gut pushing past the zipper entirely and sitting so far out onto her lap it was nearly past her knees. The swelling was causing all of her curves to thicken, her hips taking up more and more of the couch, her tits rising like fresh dough towards her chin, her thighs flat like mattresses under her belly’s crushing girth. It was as if a tap had been attached to her mouth, and she was filling up like a water balloon. I was a sight to behold.

Amy gasped for air, tongue sticking out, and simply shoved the food towards herself as quickly as it was handed to her. She was as slovenly as could be; chocolate covered her face and tits, smeared artistically around by her fingers while she groped her growing assets. Crumbs covered her bosom and top of her belly, tumbling down as both shook violently. All the while she was downing beer after beer, inflating every inch of her bursting belly, filling her up with gas and prompting bigger and louder belches.

Finally, there was one candy bar left. Kevin had never seen one so huge.

Amy was panting as if in labor. Her hair was loose, draped over her shoulder and full of bits of food. Her tits were fully exposed, her bra hardly visible. The Catwoman cosplay was destroyed, torn to threads by her grandiose waistline. She was leaning back on her hands, arms shaking under her growing body.

There were two beers left. Wordlessly, Amy pointed to them for Kevin to open, so he cracked the two of them and tipped one after the other down the throat of his girlfriend. Her entire body shuddered, unsure what to do, but after a painful moment of pressure for the overladen lass it calmed down and stood still, stuffed to it’s complete and utter maximum potential.

But the piggy girl wanted more.

Cautiously, Kevin took the last bar from the bag. When Amy saw it, there was almost a look of dread in her eyes; she knew she really shouldn't have it, but also knew that she wouldn't be able to resist.

“Kev- hhhhOOOOUUUURRRRPRPPP! - Kevin…” she muttered through drunken pants “hnnnnnnggg… give it to me.”

Kevin unwrapped the bar and placed it gently on top of Amy’s gut. Even the tiny weight caused an internal eruption, shaking the whole couch like an earthquake. Amy winced, but kept both green eyes on the candy. Methodically, she took one shaky hand and raised the bar to her plump, chocolate-caked, quivering lips. She slid in past, the girthy thing almost too wide for her maw, and after some labored chews, gulped it down into the pile of food she called her belly.

Amy’s eyes widened. Her entire body began to rumble. She had never heard a nose so deep, so threatening… all of a sudden her heart dropped. The bar had awakened the carbon inside, and it was rising… she did her best to burp it all out, but it was like bailing water from a sinking ship.


It was a tense few minutes for the two. Kevin massaged Amy like he never had before, shoving the massive amounts of gas trapped under the heaps of food within her up towards her agape mouth, which emitted nothing but belches for half an hour following it. Amy lay on her back, letting every bit of pressure escape, before nothing but candy lay inside her gut. The two sighed… the greedy little pig of a girl was much, much too full… but safe.

“That was’h -HhhhnnnURP!- too clos’h.” Amy slurred. Kevin nodded his head in agreement. He took Amy by the arm and began to lead her to bed. He may as well had rolled her, she was so round and curvy. He got her through the door (having to force her girth bast the frame) and lay her in the bed. He tucked her in and began to leave in order to clean the mess.

“Kevin!” Amy called out of nowhere. Kevin whipped around.

“What! What is it?” he asked, worried. However, Amy smirked.

“Besht… BRARP!- Halloween ever!”
1 chapter, created 3 days , updated 3 days
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