Anything for You

  By Rosie142

Chapter 1

As her alarm went off, she slowly reached for her phone, and turned it off. She groaned slightly, before turning her head to her boyfriend. As she watch him in his deep slumber, she found the energy to get up and continue her morning.

Nearly every day, she awoke at 6:30am to begin working on breakfast, since her boyfriend worked from home starting at 8am.

She slipped on her slides, and heading to the kitchen. She grabbed everything she needed, turning on the TV for background noise before starting on his breakfast.

After nearly thirty minutes of cooking, she began to plate everything, and like clockwork, she heard the heavy steps on the stairs of her boyfriend coming down.

As he walked in, she smiled and admired the boy as much as she could, looking at the masterpiece she worked hard to create.

His old pajamas hardly fit him anymore, with his large shirt riding up on his stomach, exposing his large gut and deep belly button. The shirt tucked in under his man boobs and clung in between his side rolls as well. His love handles stuck out, creating a big muffin top, considering his boxers dug into his sides. His thick thighs chaffed together as he walked, and had been for a while, she noticed, since there were small rips beginning to form.

As he looked at his girlfriend and the breakfast on the table, he smiled. His chubby round face became more prominent as he did so. His face rested on a thick layer of fat he called a double chin, and his cheeks were puffy and red.

He sat down, causing the chair underneath him to creek rather loudly, before he awkwardly laughed, "Huh, wow. Looks like these meals are starting to catch up to me..."

She only laughed before hugging him, "Don't be silly. That chair's old as hell anyways. Now, be my good boy and eat."

He grabbed his fork and immediately began to chow down on his food. A stack of three pancakes, smothered in maple syrup and whipped cream. In between bites, he washed it down with his coffee, which really was more of a milkshake than anything considering it was made with heavy cream, chocolate, a bit of black coffee, and ice. He also had a basket of six strips of bacon and six sausages by his side.

She stood behind him, rubbing his stomach as he ate, and caressing his hair. She only made this breakfast for him three times a week, but still feed him rather often during the day, as well as serving him big lunches or big dinners.

As she caressed her boyfriend, she found herself lost in a daydream, thinking about how lucky she was to meet someone so compatible with herself.

The couple had been together for nearly four years, living together for two.

When they had began to date, he stood 5'10 and 167lbs. However, she noticed how little he resisted when it came to her feeding him, and she often praised him when he ate.

Yet, the big transformation happened when they moved in together. Weighing in at 181lbs, she began to cook his meals more and more often. Since both of their jobs were remote, and she only worked half time, she made sure she had the time of day to cook him whatever meals he wanted, and feed him snacks frequently. After two months of living together, he had gained 10lbs.

Feeling insecure and sure she was going to leave him if this continued, he denied the food she made, and tried his best to not eat so much. However, she immediately took noticed and asked him about it.

"Well, I feel like i'm getting pretty big. I mean, i'm nearly 200lbs now and I don't want you to leave me because of how i look now." He awkwardly sat on the corner of their bed, before it made an even more awkward creaking sound. She immediately kissed him, and began to undress him.

She kissed him on his stomach and looked up at him, "I think you're very attractive as you are. And I'll make sure I remind you of that every single day. If anything, I think you're a bit more attractive with all the extra weight, if I'm being blunt." Immediately she began to undo his pants buttons, and pulled them down.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to lie for my sake."

She pushed him onto the bed, and smiled. "Oh, I promise."

She smiled the memory, thinking about how nearly six months has passed since then. Now, there he sat, all 250lbs of him. What brought her out of the daydream was a loud belch from her boyfriend as he laid back, pulling up his tight shirt with his pudgy finger. She walked around, and rubbed his stomach, as he let out another burp. She immediately went in for a kiss, and he did his best to wrap his arms around her, kissing her back. He stood up, and the two walked into the living room, making out, before he flopped onto the couch, and she crawled on top of him, taking her top off. He immediately went for her large chest, fondling her breasts while kissing her. Midway, he momentarily took a second to breath, and asked "So what's for lunch?"
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 1 week
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Littleextra 1 week
Lovely story! smiley Thanks for posting.
GrowingLoveH... 1 week
I love the last line.

It certainly shows where his priorities are.

Well done. I hope you write more.
Built4com4t 1 week
Great start!
Enas 1 week
That is an interesting story! Im also curious about your writing decisions. Like where do you put the balance between every day, erotic and sexual scenes?