Beafeedee Buffet

  By MrSlob1919

Chapter 1

When I first started dating Anna she was a little on the heavy side at 160lbs. It wasn’t too big, being that she was 5’4, but she wasn’t slim like she wanted to be. I helped her get down to 120 by encouraging her to go to the gym and by eating some of the foods she shouldn’t be eating. Since I was eating the junk food she was pushing onto me and I was unable to outrun my poor diet, I gained 20 pounds while she lost those 40 and I hit 200 lbs.

After lovingly fondling my soft belly and love handles she realized how much she liked my extra weight and we decided to give feederism a shot. We quickly got involved in the local feedist community and Anna found out about the perfect buffet for female feeders: Beafeedee Buffet.

And that is where our story really begins.

When we first walked into Beafeedee Buffet I immediately noticed all the waitresses in their skimpy crop top and tiny shorts uniform. The thing that drew my eye, however, was how skinny all the waitresses were. Every one of them was so skinny I could see their ribs! Some looked like only skin and bones.

We got sat down and Anna ordered a large banana milkshake for me, then told me to sit down while she got plates of buffet food for me. I noticed Anna looking at the waitresses a few times with jealousy. She was slim, but nowhere near as skinny as the waitresses at the buffet. She returned with two plates, one was overflowing with pizza and one had hot dogs stacked high. While I ate she simply sipped water and watched me eat, but didn’t get anything from the buffet for herself. Before I even finished my huge milkshake, our waitress, who looked emaciated with her concave stomach, set another huge milkshake down on the table and winked at me. The minute I finished both plates of food, Anna was putting down more food for me.

“Eat up” She said, before sitting down again to watch me stuff myself.

As I was chewing I looked around and noticed not only were the waitresses extremely thin, but all of the women I saw sitting as customers weren’t eating at all. They were either watching the men they were with eat or even feeding and encouraging them.

I stopped halfway through the fifth plate because I was simply too full. Anna was disappointed by this, but so was our waitress.

“No wasting” She said with a grin across her boney face, before placing her slender hand on my distended gut with one hand and force feeding me the rest with the other. I was far too aroused to question whether or not she was allowed to do this. My girlfriend seemed unsure whether to be happy that I ate everything or jealous that a skinnier woman made me do it. I waddled out of there with an overstuffed belly and a raging hard on.

In the weeks that followed Anna began a routine of waking up early and making me a massive breakfast that usually included pancakes, donuts, pastries, and/or sugary lattes for me, and then running on the treadmill as I gorged myself. I quickly gained weight and got up to 230lbs eating like this, which was what she intended. All the while her waist and thighs seemed to shrink slightly. I would be lying if I said I didn’t like this. By the time we went back to Beafeedee Buffet, she was down to 112lbs.

Anna was more forceful this time. If I took too long in between bites, she would force another forkful in my mouth. Just like last time, she ate nothing, and spent her time making sure I was eating the entire time I was there. Some of the skinny waitresses glanced at us with smiles, before going back about their business serving other customers, which mainly consisted of fat men and their slender girlfriends or wives who were undoubtedly feeders.

As time went on the contrast between our bodies only grew. I got up to 277, which mainly went to my massive gut. None of my clothes fit me completely and Anna couldn’t keep her hands off my huge belly. Anna on the other hand continued losing weight. She was now 106 pounds and didn’t seem to be eating much nowadays. You could see her ribs, her face was slimmer, and she now had a thigh gap.
3 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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MrSlob1919 1 year
Glad some of you like this kind of thing