Chapter 1- the wedding
The war had finally ended. More than a decade had been fought between the orcs, humans, and elves until an alliance had been forged to battle a greater evil. My Sisters and I had managed to do the impossible and slay the Ender of Worlds, a dragon that cast the very world into shadow at the stroke of its wings.I had plunged the death stroke through its eye so deeply my long blade had entered its brain. I had rode that dragon until the end, falling when it collapsed one last time to the ground. My leg had been crushed under the weight of its massive head, but I had managed to survive.
They said I would never walk again, but I am stronger than that. An orc is not told no. I walk now and I am still as strong as ever and a great leader among my Sisters and people. Because of these deeds, a final peace treaty was struck between the former lifelong nemesis orcs and elves everlasting.
My spoil and prizes are many, but none match the beauty of one: my future wife. She is a glowing ethereal being. Small and frail. Her golden hair shines, hanging down past her waist, braided around her head like a shining crown. The powder blue, ethereal dress she wears barely covers her. She is nothing but skin and bones. Yet her pearly skin, blue eyes, and the gentleness of her being shines through all the more brightly.
Her dress shimmers like the sea in the sunset. Her legs are long atop strange stilted sandals that look neither practical or comfortable.
“Am I satisfactory, master?” She asks me in a high quiet and timid voice as she draws before me on the dais with careful steps that sashay her small hips. Her eyes do not meet mine. In the light, I can see her eyes are slightly sunken in, her cheek bones too high and hollow as her ears tightly wrap up around her head. Her voice soft and light as a summer breeze.
I feel bulky and ugly next to her slight feyish appearance. Massively grotesque. I am an orc, not of classical beauty, but of brawn and power. I have known nothing but the warrior’s way. My bicep is thicker than her waist, perhaps even my forearm is. My black heavy mane of hair has been let forth from the warrior plait and tied intricately in bundles for our wedding. It is coarse and heavy past my shoulders. I bare the traditional fur shoulder pieces and cape that mark my lineage is of the far north. Fangs drop down over my bare arms and my gauntlets are fur and metal pieces. My chest is bound only by dress armor of fur and metal pieces leaving my cleavage and abs for all to see. My skirt hangs low, short, and brown, but does not cover my thighs. It’s born only by a belt and ceremonial pieces cover my thighs and knees. Everything is designed to show off my mass musculature and warrior status as Sister among my people.
Nothing covers the intricate tattoos or scars, a multitude of which cover me. I am before her, tusks and all. I am told I am too handsome to be an orc. That there must be a human in my line. I’ve beaten people for saying less, but despite my thick tusk and broken one there is something about me that makes it easier for the elves and humans to approach me, even though I am no diplomat.
“M-master?” She stutters before me. I tilt my head as I place a gentle finger underneath her tiny chin to broach her to dare look me in the eye. My hand is bigger than her face. She must be utterly terrified of me, having only heard horror stories of the orc and never seeing one from her soft, plush noble tower in the Summerlands. Her blue eyes trail up my mighty body and they lock onto my brown ones.
“You are quite satisfactory,” I assure the poor elf. “You are welcome to my house, milady. I am ever your servant.” Her blue eyes, much too large for her face grow bigger as I gently take her hand and slide it around and over my forearm and pat it. “Are your ready? I know I am not what you have dreamed, marrying the enemy, but I promise you’ll be safe and looked after for all your life.” I pat that small hand gently with a finger fearful to scare her more.
She nods. Her whole body trembling as we approach the elf priest and the old wise orc woman to be wed properly before the people.
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
First person
37 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years