
Chapter 1 - Cakewoman

Emma loved cake. She ate at least one every day. Whether it was big or small, a chocolate cake or cheesecake, decorated or not, Emma loved them all. Now she was old enough to buy her own cakes and already heading towards the large side in body shape Emma was free to aim for her ultimate goal: she’d always enjoyed reading Roald Dahl’s “Matilda” purely for the scene where Bruce Bogtrotter was forced to eat a huge cake. Emma had spent a large amount of time, money and ingredients to prepare the biggest cake of all, even bigger than what Bruce had to eat. Now it was finally ready and Emma was excited.

Emma placed the Chocolate cake on her kitchen table and was delighted to see it covered virtually the whole surface area. Without a moment’s hesitation she sat down, tucked a huge napkin into her red blouse and cut the first slice of cake before plopping it into her mouth. As was Emma’s default reaction to cake it tasted incredible. She could really taste the butter and cream in no small part because she had used so much of it. She chewed it slowly so as not to feel too full too soon and then swallowed to indicate the slice was finished. From that point on there was only ever going to be one winner. Emma’s belly was hungry for cake and she was on a mission to become bigger, rounder and fatter than before. She cut a second slice and ate it well, then the third slice followed and then the fourth and so on.

When Emma had eaten her way through half of the enormous cake she paused for a few minutes to check out her appearance and she was very pleased. It was the usual changes that happened with weight gain: full round cheeks, big puffy lips, double chin, beefy arms, salami hands and sausage fingers, bubble butt, tree trunk legs and the crowning jewel of 2 rolls of flab making up her stomach. Emma poked it and got turned on by her thick fingers sinking into the ball of flesh indicating a soft jelly belly. Suddenly it gurgled loud and long as if something needed to be released and then Emma went:


Emm a giggled and turned her attention back to the big chocolate cake. Even though it’s size was massive her body had become used to the volume of cake she consumed on a daily basis. Before long she was approaching the last couple of slices. Her pace had slowed down a little bit but that was to be expected as she was near her limit and with her goal being so close the slices seemed to be bigger than usual. Nonetheless she put all that behind her and as if she was in a major eating competition pushed her way through the mental barrier and stuffed the last slice into her mouth. She had done it, Emma had outdone the story of Bruce Bogtrotter.

When she finished Emma looked and felt like she was about to explode. She sat there like some overstuffed beanbag unable to either move or speak and she was feeling slightly sweaty from how quickly she’d eaten. She jokingly thought that any more cake would cause her to sweat icing. Her face was covered with sticky chocolate which had also found it’s way into her long blond hair. She then realised that part of the reason why her belly was feeling so tight was because her beige pants still had their brown belt through them. Emma quickly loosened the belt and it burst across the other end of the room to reveal her belly’s true size which was twice what she’d been before eating the cake. All the buttons on her blouse had shot free as well and her feet had bust out of her red converse shoes revealing they’d blown up like her hands complete with thick sausage toes.

Emma was delighted with what she’d achieved and what she’d become as a result. She was now twice her original size in both height and girth and no one could say anything to her about it because she was really big. So big in fact that the chair she was sitting on finally gave way and she landed on her bottom. She didn’t feel a thing though as now she was so full of cake it meant she was like a sackful of cookie dough so was very soft. She’d sort out the chair and some new clothes soon but now she was so tired and comfortable she fell asleep in a sitting position and do you know what she dreamed about? That’s right


The end
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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