Caring by Cooking

  By Feedergirl11

chapter 1- aimee

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Birds were chirping outside Aimee’s window as the sun streamed through a gap in the curtains, and a heavenly smell wafted up the stairs into her boyfriends bedroom. Stretching her tanned arms above her head, she rolled out of bed and had a glance at herself in the mirror. Aimee had long brown hair, hazel eyes and an athletic body, with some added curves. Only glancing at the small mirror though, she didn’t notice the extra bounce in her belly and thighs as she grabbed one of Carlin’s shirts and walked downstairs, throwing the shirt over her body.

Downstairs in the kitchen, his golden blonde hair and tanned shoulders sparkling in the morning sun, her boyfriend Carlin was standing by the stove, bacon sizzling and spitting in a pan while choc chip pancakes cooked in another. Aimee could already see a stack pre cooked, along with a variety of toppings; maple syrup, fresh whipped heavy cream, Nutella, strawberries and caramel sauce. “Hungry?” Asked Carlin with a smile, flashing his cheeky grin at her and guiding her to sit at the table.
“Starving! It all smells so good in here babe!” Aimee replies as she takes her seat, sinking comfortably into the plush cushion. Looking down, she sees her thighs spread across the seat and her belly outlined through Carlin’s shirt.
‘I don’t remember my belly sticking out this much?’ Aimee thinks to herself, feeling the soft curve of her lower belly under the fabric. Shifting uncomfortably, she pulls the shirt away from her body and covers her legs as Carlin finishes bringing their breakfast feast over. “Tuck in beautiful!,” he says, kissing the top of her head, “I made plenty!”

Aimee and Carlin sit at breakfast for over an hour, showing each other funny TikToks they had seen and gossiping about people they knew. As they talked, Carlin made sure to keep Aimee’s plate always filled, taking the chance as she was finishing one pancake to put another on, along with plenty of different toppings. After a while, from the dozen thick pancakes that the two had begun with, none remained. Carlin had eaten a modest three, with mainly strawberries and syrup for his toppings, while Aimee had wolfed down the other nine, along with plentiful toppings of cream, Nutella, syrup and bacon. Accompanied with the chocolate milk that the two had to wash their meal down, both were feeling full, Aimee especially. She was leaning back in her chair, sighing heavily as she felt the mass of food in her stomach. She could hear it gurgling and squirming, trying to digest the sugary, greasy breakfast. Looking over at Carlin, she noticed his eyes slowly scanning up and down her body, his mouth curled in a mischievous smirk. He locked eyes with Aimee and leaned in closer to her, one of his hands gently rubbing up and down her exposed thigh.
“How was breakfast babe? Are you feeling full?” He asked, although he already knew the answer. Trying, in vain to sit up straighter, Aimee stifles a burp and replies “Oh definitely! I think I am overfull if anything, my tummy feels so packed”. Glancing down at Aimee’s belly, Carlin can’t help but agree with that statement. Through the process of eating and talking, Aimee’s belly has steadily grew, the little curve that was there before breakfast growing bigger until there was no hiding it, even in Carlin’s loose shirt. Aimee noticed where Carlin’s eyes were looking and tried to cross her arms over her belly, blushing red.
“Don’t cover your belly, I think it’s so cute,” Carlin said, “and knowing it filled and happy from all the food I cooked you makes me feel good!” he finished, pulling her arms away and replacing them with his hands, which began to softly massage and squeeze. Aimee couldn’t help but moan a little, as Carlin’s strong hands felt every curve and jiggle on her belly. And after six months of romantic bliss, filled with a lot of decadent feasts like this mornings breakfast, there was decidedly more jiggle. Aimee had noticed the gain, but as it was only a few kilos she had brushed it off. ‘Everyone gains weight in relationships right? It’s the honeymoon phase’ she thinks to herself, reassuring her for the moment and allowing herself to fully enjoy the attention of her sexy boyfriend.
10 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Casey88 3 years
Love this! Can’t wait for the next chapter!