Cash cows

Chapter 1

"Hey, baby girl, how are you today?" I felt up one of her rolls to let her know I was there. She couldn't see me well, if at all, due to the fat around her face nearly covering her eyes. She probably couldn't hear me well either, her cheek and neck fat compressing the sides of her head. She used to have long, blonde hair before I laser removed it all off, as it kept getting in the way.

A feeding tube was deep in her body, bypassing her mouth and actually ending in her stomach. She had no choice when it came to absorbing the calorie dense slop that was originally created for pigs and cows. I learned a long time ago that taking away the option of swallowing or not made everything much easier. They couldn't spit out the tube, and it eliminated the chance of losing calories through chewing. I prevented cavities by having their teeth surgically removed, and this made the entire tube feeding process much easier. Teeth and jaw strength were inefficient, and I was not in the business of being inefficient.

Even if she could see me, I had dumbed her down so much that intelligent conversation would be impossible. Long before the tube, I would condition them to associate food with pleasure, and nothing else. Ear muffs with recordings telling them to cum and eat were played for hours on loop in their ears, breaking down their minds. It was a whole process, one I had perfected. Strong weed was blasted into their enclosures, and pleasure enhancing drugs drip fed into their bloodstreams.

Make them feel good, make them full, and make them cum. Repeat for as long as possible.

With a relatively safe, secure environment, I can push them further than they would ever get on the outside. All of my girls always reached the half ton mark, height and previous histories not a factor. I carefully studied every vital sign, blood work, the likes to ensure they were getting fat as fast as possible without outright dying. At some point, basic human anatomy catches up, and the skeleton buried under hundreds of pounds of lard simply can't keep up.

Hearts stop, blood stops pumping, lungs collapse, brains meet strokes, it all varies with each one. Rarely, I won't notice a nasal cannula slips out and then one of them will just suffocate. Unfortunate, but a new replacement is never hard to find.

This particular one has been with me for 4 years. She started out only 240 pounds, a chubbier doll that worked at a hair salon. She was shapely, and had a great body already. Looking at her then, I knew she would take weight like a fire would take gasoline. In a year, I got her up to 470 pounds. She was only 4'10, so it was quite evident at her height. That was when she lost the privilege to chew food, and so many muscle relaxers hit her body that she couldn't lift a finger if she tried.

After that, she gained so fast you could almost see her expand. 1100 pounds at the 22 month mark, and a woman who was more fat than female. She did have a heart attack, one I was prepared for.

At four years she was a solid 1745 pounds, and looked nothing like a woman, much less a human. I had already discussed her facial features, but her body was something else.

She was a mountain of rolls, barely kept alive with more drugs and machines than Darth fucking Vader. Her belly cascaded over her legs, her fat feet poking out from under it. Her cankles covered her feet past her heels, and her thighs, while hidden, were misshapen sacks instead of actual legs. So soft and atrophied were they, you could push through her flab all the way to the bone. Her bones were merely floating in the sea that was her body. Her hands were simply extra storage tanks, unable to bend fingers or grip anything. Gripping required muscles, remember?

All in all, she was a monstrosity. She had no business still being alive, but I made her endure. I don't know what she thought every day, but since she was under half a ton she's been drugged out constantly. I'd assume it's a dream state, where she is vaguely aware of her body but so far on cloud 9 that it's inconsequential to her.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 month
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FeederOni 4 weeks
fantastic story
a sow suffering is so hot