Chapter 1
"Hello, I want to eat please..." Asks Cassy. "Hello, welcome to Macdonald's. What do you want to eat? I'm happy to help you" Jordan looks at her, she is a cute chubby girl."Can I have a cheeseburger please? Extra cheese... And a drink.."
"Sure, what to drink? Coke? Fanta cola? Orange juice?" Jordan smiles gently at Cassy. "Coke please.." Cassy smiles warmly at Jordan before looking down at her belly "I love to eat..."
"I'm glad you enjoy it... Can I suggest something?" Jordan smiles sweetly at Cassy. "Sure.." Cassy looks at Jordan curiously... wondering what he has in mind for her... "Why don't you try a Big Mac? It's bigger, with double cheese, bigger buns and it's delicious. You will enjoy even more your meal. It's perfect for you." Asks Jordan.
"Hmm..." Cassy smiles shyly at Jordan "It sounds tasty...Maybe I can have a bite... And see how I like it.." says Cassy while her big stomach rumbles. "Well, if your belly calls for food and you want to try new delicious dishes, you should listen to her. Cassy, you have a lot of space inside. Don't be afraid, it's not a crime to eat good meals" Jordan laughs, Cassy starts salivating and drools a little bit while listening to Jordan "You're definitely right...! My stomach is talking to me... And it wants to be full.. I can't ignore it... Even though... I don't know if I'm able to finish this meal..." Cassy giggles and leans forward on the table, rubbing her round stomach. Jordan look at her and notice that Cassy really likes food and she is probably hungry "Come on, don't think like that. Just listen to your belly and give it the food and the portions that it wants. It knows better than you if it's hungry or not. And now it is!" Jordan pats her belly, feeling the roundness. Cassy blushes from embarrassment as Jordan pats her big round belly "T-thanks... You're right..! I'm always afraid that I will overstuff myself and throw up, but my stomach can handle more than I think" Cassy looks down at her belly again.. "Can... Can you give me some more pats please..?" Says Cassy softly.
"Sure, I love to touch your beautiful belly. Come on, you don't have to worry. No one has ever throw up when eating this much good food." Jordan pats Cassy's big belly with affection "I'm sure you can finish this meal and more. Can't wait to hear your belly grow tonight!" Cassy's face light's up after hearing Jordan "Hehe, thank you! You're adorable.." Cassy giggles and leans closer to Jordan, wanting more pats on her soft, round belly. Her legs start shaking "My belly... Feels warm and bloated... I feel so full already..." Says Cassy while rubbing her big round belly...
Hey, can I ask you something? Would you like to give me your phone number? I would love to stay in touch and see how your belly is growing. Maybe I can help you in the future?" Cassy's blushing and nods her head slowly "Uhm.. Yes please! You can always call me if you want to talk about my belly growing my name is Cassy! But I can't promise that I can eat everything you recommend me.. hehe.." Cassy smiles and giggles, Jordan smiles "Of course Cassy. Don't worry, don't eat for me. Eat for you and for the pleasure of eating and having food in your belly. If you call me, we can talk about good food and I can help you to be more and more comfortable with food, even the biggest portions" Jordan laughs "You're so adorable Cassy, I can't wait to spend more time with you" They become friends, Jordan sees Cassy everyday at Macdonald's and Few weeks after...
Sexual acts/Love making
23 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year