Charli D'amelio Fattens Up...

  By Mr Donut

Chapter 1 - Charli Decides To Do Her First Stuffing

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It was just 3 days ago that Charli just reached 100 million followers on TikTok. It seems as though she has everything she has ever wanted... But there is one thing that she doesn't have, and that is a boyfriend, as she has recently broken up with Chase. So that means her sister now has a boyfriend and is famous on TikTok. Charli is thinking to herself... "wow so my sister is not only famous because of me, but she also has a boyfriend and I don't ughhhhh..."

Charli has been wondering for days about how to get back at her sister and solve her boyfriend issue. Then she thought what about Noah... "what can I do to make Noah cheat on Dixie for me.." She thought about this for a couple more days here and there when she decided she might snoop around and look on Noah's computer for anything.

As Charli looked around she found something very odd, it was a bunch of videos and pictures of girls stuffing themselves with a ton of food and overall just gaining weight. As Charli continued to look she saw on the history that he watches this stuff every single night. "No way! Noah likes fatter girls.." Charli says under her breath. At that exact moment, she hears the front door open, and she closes his computer and bolts out of Dixie and Noah's room.

Weeks go by and Charli finally decides... "I am determined to test this out, tonight I am going to stuff my belly to the absolute max at dinner with the family to see if Noah checks me out." She says while lying in her bed.

That night the dinner was set and Charli was ready to eat! Everyone got their first plates and Charli loaded hers with extra food, way more than she usually does. After about 10 minutes she finished her first plate and went back to get seconds and got just as much as she did last time.

"Jeez, sis you must be hungry tonight.." Dixie says as Charli continues to eat. As Dixie said this Charli and Noah's eyes met as she continued to eat. Charli ended up finishing her second plate and she could feel her belly pressing against her belt.

She got up one more time and filled her plate to the max again. At this time everyone had finished eating and left except Noah who was just sitting with Charli as he was on his phone. She ended up finishing her last plate and she was in a lot of pain as she was in much pain as she thought she could be. "URRRRP.. ughh that's better." Charli said as she burped and undid her belt revealing her big bloated belly that was stuffed to the max.

"Holy moly Noah I think I ate a bit too much haha, I mean look at this thing." Charli said as she gave her belly a couple of pats. At this moment Noah was very turned on and mostly surprised.

"Noah can you come over and rub my belly for me, I am too lazy to do it right now..." said Charli.

"Uhhh.. I guess I can." Noah said with a bit of a giggle.

Charli knew she already had him exactly where she wanted him.
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Randomynous101 8 months
Pls Update
Frulg453 1 year
Update plz
Frulg453 1 year
Update plz
Fanedfox 1 year
Great start and a really good idea for a plot.
Mr Donut 1 year
Thank you!
Mr Donut 1 year
Thank you!
Nickp72 1 year
Great first chapter, excited to see where this goes and hope she gets big!!
Mr Donut 1 year
Thank you! I just updated it!