College Weight

Chapter 1 - First Class

(Shane's pov)

It'd been two days since I arrived at Harrison University.

After graduating high school, I did my first two years at a local community college. And, after much deliberation, I decided I would finish my degree here. I was an artist and this was the best art school in my state.

I'll admit, I was apprehensive about moving away from home. But, I'd always been more of an introvert, and so far I'd enjoyed living alone.

However, there was always an intense loneliness nagging at me. It'd been this way since high school. I had close acquaintances but never any real friends. Even at community I had trouble connecting with my peers. Most of my classes were online and at the few lectures I attended I was quiet and standoffish.

Yes, part of me was very hopeful that this would finally be the place where I had a real friend group.

I'd stuck with my antisocial tendencies for the previous two days. But today was my first class of the semester. Being in a room full of like minded students would surely help me meet new people.

I entered the studio. It was a large room with angled desks and standing easels. Art supplies covered the perimeter of the room.

I sat at the corner desk. (I'd always preferred to sit in the corner so I could see the whole room.) The room was mostly empty, only 4 people including me and the professor.

It wasn't long before other students filed in. The start time approached and every desk was filled but the one next to mine.

Thats when I realized, I was a junior. Most of the other juniors had been here since they were freshmen. All the cliques and friend groups had already formed. No one in my class was looking to meet new people anymore.

I was sad but I tried to turn my focus to my art.

"Alright. That's 8:55! Everyone get ready to start!" The professor called out as he walked to the front of the studio.

He was an older man. He had thinning white head hair and spastic facial hair. The man looked rather insane in the face but his dress was very well pressed and professional.

"Lots of familiar faces!" He said with a smile, "For those of you who don't know me i'm Professor Mackenzie." He began to write Thomas Mackenzie on the chalk board in front of him.

Tom began to speak again but he was interrupted by the sound of the door flying open.

My attention darted towards the entrance. And in walked the most beautiful woman id seen in my life.

She was slim, and not very tall; probably no more than 5'5. Her style was alternative, almost gothic; with pale skin, dark hair, black clothing and big, dramatic eyeliner.The girl had her septum pierced and her ears modestly gaged. She walked with confidence, and a hell raising smile to match.

"Summer..." Professor Mackenzie acknowledged her with a reprimanding yet joking tone. "Must it be tradition that you're always late on the first day?"

"It must." Summer responded with a voice like honey.

She walked to the back of the room, waving and grabbing hands at several desks.

Summer pointed at me, "Hey! This guy’s in my seat!" She said with a jovial smile and a few of our classmates laughed softly. She gave me a friendly look and sat in the seat next to mine.

"I- I can move." I said with fear in my voice.

"Nooo! I'm joking. You were here first." She said as she took her hoodie off.

Under the oversized hoodie she revealed a small black crop top, which showed off her impressive abs and biceps.

I blushed and immediately looked away.

"I'm weird." Summer continued, "I always feel like I have to sit in the corner so I can see the whole room."

"I'm the same way." I said to her.

She grinned that same devilish smile at me, "Really? It's meant to be then... Besides, the desks are basically the same." The girl looked at me for a moment, waiting for a response I was too petrified to give. "Soo... As you just heard from Tom, i'm Summer." She extended her hand.

I shook it firmly, "Um. Shane."

"Alright, Umshane." She mocked, "You're new?"

"Yeah.. I just moved in Tuesday."

"Damn! Fresh meat! You never see it here, it gets so fucking boring with all the same faces. Which building are you in?"


"Aweso me! I'm in D. We throw some kick ass parties in the common if you want to stop by sometime."

I chuckled nervously, "I've never been much of a party guy."

She laughed back, "I swear to you it's a really chill group you'd love it."

"Shut the fuck up!" The professor called to us from the stage.

Summer and I laughed and returned our focus to the class.

Summer left quickly when the class ended. I wanted to talk to her again but I was elated from the short conversation we'd already had.

It was 11:30 and I was ready for lunch. My experience of the cafeteria so far had been miserable. Nothing bad had happened but i'm a big guy and I get pretty embarrassed eating alone in public.

I got two slices of pizza, a cookie, and a bottle of coke; then I sat down at a secluded table in the back.

Not long after, a dark haired man walked in the dining room with his food. He had a salad with chicken and egg and all that healthy shit. And the meal fit the man. He was lean and toned. And, i'm confident enough in my heterosexuality to say this, he was fucking gorgeous. He looked around for a short time and locked eyes with me.

The man walked over with a big smile and sat down at my table, "Hey, man!" He began, "Can I sit here? I hate sitting alone and my friends are busy."

"Uh, yeah, totally!" I said and moved my food out of his way.

"Thanks! I'm Troy." He told me as he opened his salad.


"What 's your major, Shane?"

"Visual arts. You?"

"Art history and visual culture." He answered with a certain tone of pride.

"Very cool! Im in an art history class."

"Sick! We'll be in there together. I'm in Art History II but they merge the classes."

I smiled at the prospect of having a friend in not one but two classes.

We ate in silence for a few minutes before Troy spoke again, "Oh, dude, Im throwing a party in building D this Friday."

Okay. Two invitations in one day. Looks like im gonna have go. I thought.

"I've heard about the parties in building D!"

"Well not to jerk myself off but I'm kinda the main guy on those." He beamed.

"Then I hope it lives up to my expectations." I joked.

"Shit. I hope it does! Do you smoke?"

"Yep." I lied.

"Sick!" Troy finished the last bite of his salad. "Alright. Well, thanks for talking to me man. I'll be seeing you."

Troy picked up his things and walked away.


The sun set and I was back at my dorm. It was a small but cozy room. I didn't have much so it was just the right amount of space.

I prioritized room for a few small kitchen items. Microwave, hotplate, and a basket full of snacks. I also had a small mini fridge that came with the dorm. This was my favorite feature of my dorm because, obviously, food was very important to me.

I was rather big for my height. At 200lbs on my 5'6" frame I was certainly a little overweight.

The bullying I received in middle and high school had made me horribly insecure. This was worsened by my parents constant comments about my body. It made me very nervous to eat in front of people. As a result, I went through a period where I practically starved myself.

I was much more comfortable now that I had my own space. I was so excited to have the freedom to finally eat whatever I want, and as much of it as I want, without any judgement from parents or roommates.

I went to my freezer and took out a TV dinner and popped it on the microwave. While I waited on that to heat up, I ate from a family sized bag of chips that was already almost empty after only three days on campus.

Perfectly timed, right as I finished the last chip, the microwave rang out. I removed the film on my dinner and left it to cool.

Moments later I sat in bed with my dinner and a soda. I finished both in less than 10 minutes.

My stomach was pressing against my shirt now. I really shouldn't have anything else... I thought as I eyed my snack table.

Before long, my self control relented and I grabbed a tub of ice cream, along with a tray of cookies to dip in it.

The first bite set off fireworks in my brain and I drifted off as I mindlessly gorged myself on more and more. When I came back, I found that i'd eaten the entire pack of cookies, and half the ice cream.

I cleaned up and took my shirt off to relieve the awkward pressing against my belly.

Of course I felt guilty. But there was something so liberating about eating everything I wanted.

I curled up in bed, rubbing my tummy and cursing myself.
10 chapters, created 1 year , updated 3 months
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Bassbum60 2 months
This sounds like a dream HMU on feabie T2002 if you like smiley
Enas 3 months
There is a 200 character limit for comments, i dont think i can word my thoughts after reading this in such a short text, but i really want to! Wanna talk on discord? (ill pm you the username)
Built4com4t 6 months
Two chubby thumbs up
GrowingLoveH... 7 months
Updating two stories in one day?

It’s a MuscleMommy overload. Chapter 8 is exquisite. Thanks for sharing your talents and erotic creations.
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
This just gets better and better. I enjoy the slow pacing, and you are doing exquisite with it. Perfect. I love these characters. Chapter 7 is yummy and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talents.
Chubenjoyer9 10 months
This story is so good, I can't wait for Summer to tell him about her fetish
TheFattenedClam 11 months
This story is so sweet! I really like how much you’ve focused on character development and not exclusively the fetish aspect. Please keep going!
Phoenix25 12 months
Hope to see more of this soon!
Met1culousMoss 1 year
I love your writing! It really immerses me! It really makes me want to be in that situation. smiley