Date Night

  By Missmadhatter4life

chapter 1

The apartment smelled like rosemary and baked potatoes, a savory deliciousness that blanketed the entire one bedroom apartment. It was a most wonderful greeting for Candi as she opened the door. She took a huge breath and swallowed it down, nearly drowning in all the aromas that drifted over from the kitchen just off the foyer. She made quick work of removing her scarf and jacket, balancing the brown paper bag in her hand with the bottle of red wine. She bounced around for a moment, giggling as she fought to get her left arm out of the overly tight sleeves without dropping anything. Eventually, she freed herself and headed for the kitchen. She paused momentarily to fix her abundant blonde curls, then she ducked into the kitchen, shouting an excited hello to her husband, Porter.

Porter waved briefly to Candi as he checked on the prime rib in the oven. Then, he wiped his hands on a towel and walked over to where Candi was standing, by their large square dining room table. She unpacked two adorable pink boxes from a bakery called 'Sweet Treasures'. Porter kissed Candi's plump cheek as she giggled. She returned the kiss, wrapping her arms loosely around the ample arch to her hubby's belly.

"What's for dessert?" Porter asked.

"It's from a new bakery that opened down the street. They call this the Peanut Butter Princess," she told him, as she energetically opened one of the boxes. Inside was a gourmet chocolate cupcake topped with two chocolate straws, peanut butter frosting, and half a peanut butter cup.

"You're my Peanut Butter Princess," Porter said, kissing her several times on the cheek. Candi roared with laughter, scrunching up her button nose, her rosy cheeks growing a little rosier.

"And you're my Peanut Butter Prince!"

Porter chuckled, then kissed the top of Candi's curls. He motioned back to the kitchen, "The food's almost done, so I'll be over here, finishing up."

"Goodie. I love watching you cook."

He smiled back at her knowingly, before he ducked back into the kitchen beside the dining room. Candi settled into one of the chairs facing the kitchen, crossing her chubby legs at the ankles. For a moment, she watched in absolute bliss as Porter bustled about the kitchen, intent and serious, which was so unlike her laid-back husband. Porter was only serious when he was cooking since food was his greatest passion. It had been one of those things about Porter that Candi hadn't been able to forget after their first date. Porter had been a chef back then, before he had given up the fast paced lifestyle for an easier, slower pace as a personal chef. But, regardless of his professional title, he was enthralled with food and Candi had fallen in love with his ramblings about the perfect roast or his secret recipe for juicy turkey.

She smiled even then, recalling how that chubby, wide eyed ginger boy had apologized for spending forty minutes talking about food on their first date. Three years later, and that wide eyed boy was fixing their bi-weekly date night dinner; a tradition they had started right after their wedding more than a year ago. Some things had changed, of course. Porter wasn't that chubby boy with the small paunch. Over the years, Porter had grown stout, round, and fat, with a large belly that rolled out nearly a foot in front of his wide sides. His face had grown fuller, with a double chin, while his hips swelled to either side and his butt rounded out behind him. Every inch of him was fat and flabby, from his enormous arms to his thick thighs to his sagging breasts.

Each new pound added extra wiggle and jiggle to his steadily increasing frame, much to Candi's unending delight. Certainly, she had adored her chubby boy when she had met him. But, now that her Portly Porter was a big, round porker, well, she couldn't have been happier. She sat there, grinning widely, as Porter rubbed the side of his enormous belly, his fingers sinking deliciously into the squishy fat.

Candi giggled and caught Porter's attention. He grinned back at her, before posing in strongman positions, flexing his bulging fat arms, to make Candi laugh. She did, the sound musical and airy. Then, giggling and blushing, Candi pulled one of the little boxes from the bakery over to her. She opened it and took a moment to appreciate the delicate details of the sweet, before she peeled back the black wrapper on the base of the obese cupcake. Careful not to spill off any of the toppings, Candi opened her mouth as wide as she could, and took a hearty bite out of the decadent chocolate and rich peanut butter filled dessert. Her senses were drowned in sugary heaven and she let out a shrill squeal of pleasure.

Her little squeals of delight made Porter smile as he took out the prime rib to rest. The rest of the meal was nearly finished, so he took some long minutes to watch his precious wife. Candi slowly savored each bite of her cupcake, her eyes closed and her entire soft body squirming happily. She always ate dessert before dinner. It was the first thing Porter ever loved about her. He'd never forget meeting Candi on their first blind date. She had been this little thing with tons of blond hair and she had told him she had to have dessert before dinner, because she couldn't stand being too full for dessert afterwards. Porter had thought she was joking, until she ordered cheesecake to be brought out before her pasta.

He had never met someone who knew so absolutely what she wanted, never mind the standard. She came into that date with a charming, commanding presence, with a deliriously cute giggle and sweet smile. Porter had tried to impress her while she just listened and commented when she felt the need, which amounted to her spending most of their date eating her cheesecake, listening to him go on and on about cooking, her interest so genuine. He had thought he'd blown it, but then Candi asked him out the next night, and the rest had been history. Blissful, giggly, dessert-filled history.

Not much had changed. Candi was still his charming, giggly girl with tons of blonde curls, who ate dessert before dinner. In fact, she was even more of his girl, what with those adorable additional thirty or so pounds she'd steadily put on. She had grown plump and chubby, slowly but surely, with a nice, round face, a small pot belly just beginning to roll over the hemline of her shorts, and mile-wide thighs that squished together and swelled out. Her breasts had grown larger and spilled out the tops and sides of her strained bra, whereas her butt had swelled with soft fat, like an overstuffed heart. She wasn't quite fat yet, but she was all the right kinds of chubby, with extra inches at her sides and softness over her arms.

Porter adored watching her get so soft, her body growing to match her enormous personality. He had loved her tiny frame, back when she was so small he was afraid he'd break her in half with a hug, but he couldn't deny how lovely she had become with every new ounce. He stood there, smiling, as he watched his chubby bride gobble up her cupcake in three massive bites that made her round cheeks swell infinitely more so.

Candi polished off her dessert while Porter brought their dinner to the table: herb encrusted prime rib, loaded baked potatoes, roasted asparagus, spring greens side salad with balsamic dressing, and freshly made buttery biscuits. Candi clapped energetically while Porter cut into the juicy medium rare cut of beef. He plated one thick piece, a potato, sides, and a biscuits onto a plate and handed it over to Candi. She gushed over how wonderful it looked, leaning right down to the plate and taking a deep breath. Her mouth watered and she happily tucked her napkin into the stretched out top of her shirt, squishing it between her breasts. Porter beamed with pleasure at the praise, before loading his plate up with two hearty slices of meat, two potatoes, sides, and three biscuits.

"Hungry there, Big Boy?" Candi teased.

"You know it," Porter cheerfully answered, sitting across the table from Candi.

Giggling, Candi cut into the prime rib and took the first bite. She moaned, melting in her seat, so that her little belly poked out more, her stretched out top riding up a tad. She kicked her chubby legs, making the rest of her body jiggle. Then, her cheeks blush red with joy, she started to cut off small bites of the steak. She layered these little bits of heaven with potato, asparagus, all drenched in butter, and crammed the bites into her mouth, until her cheeks were swollen and she couldn't fit any more. She chewed, taping her fork on the edge of her plate, bouncing a little, and causing her breasts to jiggle in her overly tight blouse.

Porter swallowed hard, watching Candi eat the first portion of her meal, loving the way she beamed and jiggled. Her gluttonous pleasure made her glow and fill the room with an almost physical aura that was wonderfully intoxicating. Porter laughed to himself, always taken with his wife whenever he got to watch her enjoy his food. He couldn't get over the look on her chubby face as she pushed another forkful into her mouth.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Beautybelly 4 years
LOve it!!! i hope you write more!!
RFBurton 4 years
I would love to see a series of these...Date Night next year...and the year after. Well done!