Emma's Dilemma

  By Nilfell  

Chapter 1

Emma sat cross-legged on her bed, swiping between delivery apps. She bit her lip, eyes darting from one calorie-laden dish to another. Beside her lay an open college notebook, its margins filled with scribbled plans for her illicit evening. She’d been waiting for this all day.

Her heart beat faster as she finished constructing the first order. Her fingers flitted across the display, adding a large pizza smothered in cheese and extra pepperoni to her cart. The thought of it made her mouth water. But she didn’t stop there.

She switched to the next app. Her breath quickened as she ordered a plate of loaded nachos from the pub around the corner. Gooey cheddar coated each crispy chip, and the entire tray was piled with ground beef, fresh jalapeños, diced tomatoes, and a sprinkle of cilantro. Generous dollops of sour cream and guacamole completed the irresistible picture.

She hesitated, then opened a third app. An oversized bacon cheeseburger materialized on the screen, served with a heaping side of golden fries and a creamy vanilla shake. She could almost taste the salt on her tongue, feel the cool sweetness coating her throat. She swallowed hard, adding it to her order.

A final confirmation screen popped up. It was her last chance to change course. A single tap and all that food would be on its way to her. Was she really going to do this?

Emma's gaze darted around the room, landing on her running shoes peeking out from the open closet. Her stomach churned at the memories of countless hours spent training and years of meticulously planned meals. No one would have guessed how often she longed to let her belly grow full and round. How much she wanted to feel it pressed firmly against a snug shirt.

Emma unfolded herself, sliding down from the bed with ease. She walked across the room to stand before a full-length mirror, fingers trembling slightly as they worked the buttons of her red pajama top.

Fabric parted to reveal the body of a varsity athlete, honed to peak condition over nearly a decade. Light brown hair fell in soft waves to her narrow shoulders. Dark hazel eyes met her own uncertain gaze.

She ran a hand over her abdomen, feeling the lean muscle that accentuated every tight curve. She had so much to lose—her looks, her position on the team, her own self-control. What was she risking it all for?

At once, an answer flashed through her mind. Her eyes glazed over as she imagined her belly filled to bursting, empty takeout containers strewn about, shaking hands cramming the last fistful of fries into her eager mouth. The desperation, the recklessness, the raw hunger ignited something within her.

She shivered, looking back down at her phone. Just this once, she told herself. Surely there was no harm in one night of freedom.

Emma's fingers were in motion even before she'd finished rationalizing her decision. Within seconds, she'd confirmed every order. There was no turning back now.


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1 chapter, created 4 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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