Every 1 Year

Chapter 1 - June 10,2011

It had been almost 2 months ago that Alice bumped into Carl at the video store. At the time he appeared to be a handsome British blonde bloke with striking blue eyes and gleaming muscles while she had gorgeous amber colored eyes and black hair. Both relatively attractive people had been quick to strike up conversation, instantly clicking as both had felt a connection in a way they had never felt anything ever before. Phone numbers had been exchanged and both having followed each other on Instagram later that day made arrangements for their first date, first of many. One successful date lead to another and then yet another as both adult were besotted having gone on numerous incredible dates going to the most gorgeous places, eating exotic food and all in all have a lot of fun together.

Two months had passed in the blink of the eye but their had been some noticeable changes. They had both become quite comfortable in each other's company having shed that early relationship blues. Carl in particular had been eating quite a lot of food at their dates not shying away to ask for seconds and sometimes even thirds as Alice encouraged this gluttonous behavior.

While she took notice of the slight changes she never made anything of them as a little relationship weight was nothing to worry about. And indeed there were only little changes at first as the last two months had put a crack into his metabolism allowing his abdomen to show the first pounds of fresh fat that had accumulated as a result of all the extra eating he had been doing recently. His abs were still visible but only barely mostly covered by his sexy, pinch-able fat.

He made no notice of his weight gain as he scarfed down two family sized buckets of fried chicken at their date that night followed by polishing of the other half of Alice's burger gulping the entirety of their thick chocolate shakes as he then listened gleefully as his girlfriend asked the portly waiter with the bubble butt and the ill fitting uniform to get her the check and an entire apple pie to go.

That apple pie never got to see another sunrise as Carl stuffed every piece in his widening pit of a stomach while Alice drove him home. She had to give him a lot of belly-rubs to calm down his aching stomach as he digested his meal, having eaten eight such meals with the same amount of calories in the past two days. Letting Alice convince him to add supper to his meal schedule may just have been the second best decision of his life, the first being agreeing to go on that first date with Alice.

5 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Bbman30 3 years
What surprise, I thought chapter three was the end. Can’t wait to see where the story goes from here
BeSoft 3 years
Just wow! Make him a stay at home fatty so he will be huge in no time