Experimental Pill

Chapter 1 - The Pill

Danny had always been a thin guy, and few people took him seriously. He wanted desperately to be, at the very least, double his small 135 pound weight. So when he saw a flyer at school for an experimental drug that would help people who struggled with weight gain and eating put on and retain weight, he signed up as a test subject immediately.

The pill was the size of a One-A-Day vitamin. It was designed to increase the persons appetite and stop their metabolism for a few hours in order for them to consume food without burning energy, then permanently slow it down so their weight stayed on longer.
The medical student running the experiment placed Danny in a chair on a scale that displayed his current weight on the wall beside him. He sighed when he looked over at the number that read 129.2 pounds. As a precaution, he’d been told to wear nothing but a pair of underwear in the event his body rejected the pill and he had a negative reaction to it. The boxers he wore were baggy and ill fitting, but finding any clothes to fit someone with such a wiry frame was incredibly difficult.
Then the student wheeled over a massive table loaded with burgers, full rotisserie chickens, cakes, pies, pizzas, gallons of ice cream, and several liters of soda and milk.
“There’s no way I can eat all that,” said Danny to the medical student.
“Oh we don’t expect you to eat all of it, but you should become very hungry within a minute or two of taking the pill and we want you to be able to eat your fill. The goal here is to determine how effective the pill is and if we have to tweak it to tone it down or ramp it up. Don’t be discouraged if you only gain a few pounds this first time, I promise we’ll be sure to get you ip to a reasonable weight over the course of this test!” replied the student. “Now go ahead and take the pill, and don’t be afraid to wash it down with the soda or milk on the table.”
Danny took the pill and waited for a few minutes without feeling any different. Then his stomach began to growl. He reached across the table for a burger and began to slowly eat it bite by bite. After he’d finished the first one, his stomach growled louder than before. In fact, he felt as if he hadn’t eaten anything at all yet. He aggressively snatched another burger off the table and scarfed it down much quicker than the first.
Still hungry, he set his sights on the pizza and began swallowing slice after slice of the greasy, cheesy goodness almost whole. Within the span of 10 minutes he had demolished 3 pizzas and half a dozen burgers.
The number on the wall beside him read 160.
While conscious of all the food he was eating and the hole in his stomach that seemed impossible to fill, Danny was completely unaware of the physical changes that had begun to occur all over his body. With each bite his stomach slowly inched out away from his frame, bit by bit coming closer to the table in front of him. His once bony ass began to inflate slightly, raising him further off his seat. His hips pushed out as his ass grew, and his thighs started to fill up his baggy underwear.
170 pounds.
He started in on the chickens, ripping them apart and devouring each piece in his hand quicker than the last. Before he could swallow another piece was already in his mouth.
His chest began to develop more now. His once absent pecs softening and pushing out away from his body. His stomach continued to inflate, becoming rounder and softer. Light pink lines began forming all over his skin.
Danny seemed to have forgotten where he was or what he was doing. All he knew in that moment was he HAD to eat. No amount of food could satisfy him.
190 pounds.
His arms began showing the same growth as the rest of his body. Slowly blowing up and forcing themselves sideways away from his chest. His ass and legs were thickening and bloating, showing more and more stretch marks as they filled his tightening boxers.
200 pounds.
His boobs had grown to a respectable c cup, though they still had plenty of development left in them. His stomach, now almost a foot wider than it had been minutes ago gave up its fight with gravity and began to hang between his widening legs. Rolls were forming nicely on his sides, and his cheeks even began to round out a bit.
210 pounds.
Most of the entrees had been inhaled, and all that remained of them was crumbs littered about the table. Danny set his eyes on a 2 liter of mtn dew and began chugging it, refusing to come up for air. His stomach seemingly grew an inch with each gulp. After the first 2 liter was gone he chucked the bottle to his side and began in on another, occasionally stopping to belch before diving back in.
225 pounds.
The once large chair had been filled up by Danny’s growing ass and legs. His thighs were now being forced further apart by his expanding belly, and his boobs had grown so much that his nipples began to rest on the top of his stomach. His neck and face began to swell more and more with each swig of soda that passed through his mouth.
240 pounds.
His underwear was now beginning to strain with his expanding body.
260 pounds.
He now focused in on the cakes and pies before him. Not wanting to waste time with utensils he reached a much larger hand into the first cake, grabbed a fistful, and shoved it into his gaping maw. His fingers began to resemble sausages more than the pencils they had only moments ago. As one hand forced cake into his mouth, the other was grabbing more.
280 pounds.
He had firmly taken over the chair he was seated in, his belly pushing his legs out yet further. He’d hit his goal of double his weight, but the pill hadn’t let up on his hunger pangs yet and there was plenty more growth to come.
300 pounds.
A loud ripping noise rang out in the room, and the seams of Danny’s boxers finally gave way. His legs jiggled as they fell out of the tattered fabric, causing ripples across his blubbery body. His chest had ballooned well into H cup territory, while his stomach had begun touching the edge of the chair between his legs. His face rounded out, and multiple rolls had formed on his chin slowly burying his neck in pure fat.
330 pounds.
The chair began creaking beneath him. All that was left on the table was the ice cream that had become a liquid consistency. He reached laboriously with both hands to grab a gallon tub and brought it to his mouth before gulping the whole thing down in one go. He repeated this process again and again, progressively slowing down both due to the effort he now needed to reach his food, and partially because he was beginning to feel full for the first time in hours.
362.8 pounds.
The number on the scale finally stopped climbing as Danny struggled to finish the last bits of food on the table. As if coming out of a trance, shock appeared on his face as he looked out over the once full table. He looked down at his substantially larger, completely naked body with bewilderment and some joy. As he admired his new, fat body, his hands began exploring all the new parts of himself. He would grab a solid roll of fat on his side, shake it a bit, then move onto another area and do the same. He poked his belly, then rubbed it gently all over before moving his hands up to his enormous chest. He moved his hand under a boob and lifted it before letting it go and watching gleefully as it landed on top of his stomach and bounced a few times.
“I think we have to make some adjustments to the pill,” said the medical student with a terrified look on her face. “I didn’t expect anything this intense! I’m so sorry Danny!”
“Sorry for what?” Danny asked. “I wanted to be bigger and now I’m MUCH bigger.” He laughed and his whole body jiggled for several moments.
“But this is crazy! We should have stopped you 30 minutes ago! What are we going to do now?”
“Well, we can change your experiment a little and try again.” said Danny.
“How do you mean?”
“How many of those pills did you make?”
“I have enough for 2 per day for a week…why?”
“Well,” said Danny excitedly, running his hands all over his body, “why don’t we see just how big these things can make me?”
1 chapter, created 3 days , updated 3 days
9   1   508


AMB2243 3 days
This NEEDS to be a full length story. Maybe they leave the room to deliberate and he steals the rest of the pills and goes back to his boyfriend/ girlfriend and we see him grow to 800Ibs and immobile