Fall of a Volleyball Player

  By Ao01  

Chapter 1

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Olivia was a dietitian volleyball player throughout high school. She had black hair and an incredibly beautiful face. She was 1.67 tall and 110 lbs. She seduced men with her hourglass figure. His weight was well distributed all over the place. She was highlighting her body with her hips and breasts. His belly was not well defined, but it was flat.
Olivia was a bitch with really cool manners. She maintained her physique with ease, thanks to her blessed metabolism and volleyball. She turned 18 in her senior year of high school, and thanks to that, she started to party. Since the volleyball season is over, there was no exercise, she. She loved hanging out with her high school teammates Dani, Paige. She didn't like Hannah from the same suit and made fun of her slightly soft physique.
It was her last summer vacation before she started college. She was having fun with her friends, she was getting a chance to show off her perfect body on the beach. Of course, because the weather was hot, she was consuming lots of ice cream and calorie-rich drinks. She had faith in herself, she could make fun of other people because of it. She saw Maia on the beach, who she studied at the same school, and insulted her for gaining weight.
Olivia went on and on for 2 months in a cycle of parties, beach, ice creams, beers, cold drinks. She was going to go to the beach and sunbathe one last time before ending the holiday. Maia was on the beach that day too, and she hadn't gained any weight, she glared at the passing Olivia. “Hey, bitch! I guess someone is eating unhealthy, your stomach has started to soften,” she started to mock. Olivia turned and continued on her way, saying, “I will lose these pounds easily when the season starts, but you will get choked in the 5th minute while walking.”
Olivia needed 2000-2500 calories of food a day when she was active and she got these calories from healthy foods, so she stayed fit. Olivia, who had a less active period in the summer, needed 1800-2000 calories of food. This summer, she had been eating unhealthy and eating an extra 500 calories a day. After about 2 months of vacation, she had gained 10 lbs. Most of that weight had gone to her hips and breasts. Approximate things she eats per day:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 12 teaspoons of peanut butter, 3 slices of bread: 888 calories
Lunch: Pasta-cola with sauce: 411 calories
Snack: medium packet of chips, ice cream (beer-cold drink): 1030 calories
Dinner: 2 slices of chop: 250 calories
Approx: 2600 calories

Olivia was very relaxed and confident about her weight. She never thought she would gain weight. She thought that the summer vacation couldn't hurt his body, she was still in shape.
9 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mikig1 1 year
Can't wait for next chapters 😍
Kreme 1 year
Could you go back through the older chapters and fix the pronouns please?
Patotonto 1 year
good to see you back. glad you continued
Ao01 1 year
Thanks, I'm doing my best to finish the story nicely.
JigglyArms 1 year
Please continue
Patotonto 1 year
please update this
Bibou 54 1 year
I think your story is really great, I'm waiting for the next chapters with maybe a little more description of the weight gain?
Tedboixl 1 year
Great story!
A bit confusing with all the changes from her to him or she to he.
Ao01 1 year
Thanks and also sorry. I will pay more attention
Malachi214 1 year
Yeah I stopped listening, it was getting way too confusing but seems like it had potential