Chapter 1
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Despite being a gifted football player, Kevin was not very smart therefore any type of scholarship he received for college would for athletics. Kevin was the youngest of four brothers, and thus his parents didn’t have much money saved away to send Kevin to college. His family was your typical loud Italian family. Each of his brother’s was bigger than the last, with his father taking the cake (literally). Each night the large family would sit around their flat screen TV and devour whatever bountiful feast of fast food Kevin’s Father, Scott, brought home for his boys. The Valastro family had always been a bigger bunch but when Kevin’s mom passed a few years ago the five boys definitely packed on a few more pounds. With a mouth full of French fries Kevin’s dad asked, “So Kevin big year your senior year is… have you given any thought to where you want to go for college”
“I really like Dayton U, but I’d definitely need a scholarship”
“Dayton U is great; the food is amazing and all you can eat” Kevin’s brother Brad said slapping is huge belly with one hand with a burger in the other.
“Yeah I think it’d be a great fit” replied Kevin.
“I know I don’t have much saved up college bud, but I’ll go into and talk to coach about what types of scholarships DU offers… he’s an old friend of mine from back in the day” Answered Scott confidentially.
---the next day---
The next day Scott Valastro walked into the Lancaster High locker room. Nothing had changed since his days playing the ole pigskin. He looked down at his protruding belly, and chuckled to himself wondering what his old uniform would like on him now. His reminiscing was interrupted by Coach Walker who yelled
“Big ole Valastro, you son of bitch! How the hell are you?!”
“I’m great Mike, all things considering”
“Yeah, I heard about your wife’s passing, I’m really sorry about that” said Mike Walker heartfelt.
“It’s alright, the boys seem to be adjusting well”
“Yeah it hasn’t seemed to affect young Kevin’s game”
“That’s great! He’s actually the reason I came to see you today. You see I got four boys at home and there wasn’t much extra money to save to send Kevin to college. He really has his heart set on Dayton University, is there anything you can do by way of scholarships?”
“Listen Scott, you’re my friend so I’m gonna tell you this straight. Kevin is a great player, no lie. But the linemen down there at Dayton are a whole nother breed”
“What do you mean” asked Scott.
“I don’t know if you ever paid attention at your son Brad’s games, but their linemen are machines, they’re huge Scott”
“Huh, well I appreciate the honestly Brad, thank you” Scott said defeated and turned to walk away.
“Wait Scott, I feel for your situation and you’re my friend… I may have an idea” Mike said hesitantly.
“Well like I said the linemen at DU are huge boys. They like em that way, they think it gives them an edge. I’ve got a recruiter coming in a few months. If there’s a way you can Kevin’s weight up by then he might have a shot.” Scott was speechless. “It’s the only way I can seem him being considered, I mean look at you he’s obviously got gaining potential in the genes” Scott laughed and rubbed his tummy.
“Hey if you think it’s worth a shot, I have no problem spending some extra on food”
“Great! If this works he may be able to get a full ride” The two men shook hands both grinning. Not only would this a coup for Scott but for Mike , one of his linemen going to DU full ride would great to the administration.
6 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 4 years