Chapter 1- starter belly
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My new shifts were every day till 5 leaving a few hours for the gym each night, I’d offer to take my boss Kyle but he often declined in favour of cleaning the restaurant and trying to promote it online.
It had been roughly 10 days since I joined the business when Kyle showed me his new rebranding idea. He planned to sell the building and move to a larger site on a busy street allowing for more customers to notice the shop. I was happy to see his ideas working out for him but if he was to move shop I’d never be able to try win him over, I was crushing hard on the guy.
Next Sunday Kyle took me to see the new shop, it was outstanding having all top of the range equipment and a self service till leaving us more time to cook. He handed me a sheet with my new times and I was upset to find extra hours even though I would be doing less work, Kyle justified it as being only temporary till he knows how much work is needed for the new site and he’d adjust the times accordingly. That night I couldn’t sleep, only kyles bulges were on my mind as well as his brown hair, blue eyes and tanned Greek skin. It was my job to find a way to date this man now, my crush has turned to a desire.
My first shift in the new shop was rather easy leaving me roughly 4 hours with nothing to do, Kyle sat next to me doing some paper work whilst I fiddled with my fingers. As we weren’t allowed phones in the kitchen I found myself often bored. My stomach cracked the silence with a bellow catching Kyle of guard.
“Hungry!” He questioned in his manly voice, I nodded whilst hiding my blush. How embarrassing your stomach making that loud of a noise.
“You can eat whatever you want you know, we always have plenty left over” he handed me a small bag of fries and I hesitated, now that I didn’t have time for the gym could I really be eating food this unhealthy. Although it was just one bag of fries I might as well eat just the one.
After finishing the bag Kyle gave me a pat on the stomach causing my dick to stand to a halt
“Good boy, see you don’t have to starve yourself whilst you’re working with me” with ten minutes left to my shift I ran to the bathroom to jerk one out before signing out. I knew how to grab his attention now but how was I going to go about it next time.
The following day the shift was rather busy with us serving over 500 customers in a rather small shop. We turned a huge profit but Kyle was overwhelmed and didn’t seem too interested in talking to me. I asked him if I could eat some food to which he responded with a exhausted “yes”. I grabbed a bag of fries and ate them near him but to my dismay he didn’t give me the attention I was craving. Maybe it was because he didn’t notice me eating them?, with that in mind I grabbed a burger and chowed down next to him again. This time over taken by the overwhelming taste of the patty I lost track of if Kyle was watching until I felt a hand on my shaft.
“Getting rather excited over my burgers I see?” Kyle cooed rubbing up and down, a small moan escaping my lips not only from the pleasure of being touched but from the flavours of the burger in my mouth.
“Be careful cutie those things are addictive” and as quickly as it started it had ended. He removed his hand and informed me my shift had ended and I was able to go home. Trying to keep the mood alive I asked him what he recommends I should try next, to which he responded sarcastically with “everything”.
It had been a whole month since Kyle had taken notice to me enjoying his food and it was starting to take its toll, my once defined abs were covered in a layer of pudge that could be seen through my skin tight uniform. The curve had gone unnoticed by Kyle for far too long and I was beginning to think he wasn’t into it like I originally thought.
Other than my stomach my appetite had also grown, thankfully all this was just temporary until I slept with Kyle at least once. My old diet of only eating a fries and burgers evolved into a milkshake on top of the order a week into the diet and now a month into my new diet had grown to be two burgers, fries and a milkshake. The food was too good to resist.
Kyle seemed rather stressed lately keeping himself locked in his office, I tried to talk to him to see if he was ok but I often got the cold shoulder. Then a day later drew showed up our new worker which Kyle failed to inform me about. It gave me even less to do but with the easier shifts came more time to try to talk to Kyle. I’d try bond with him over my lunch breaks and it seemed to be working we’d enjoy our meals and learn more and more about each other. Like the reason for him being stressed was because of his recent divorce, a fact I was glad to hear about.
I made the mistake of telling him about the fact I’d quite the gym to which I was embarrassed to admit. Kyle looked me up and down, I was expecting a lecture about healthy eating but to my surprise it wasn’t.
“Dude I’m glad you looked anorexic before at least you’re a healthy weight now, wait till you try our new chicken meals they gave me such a good bod.” He proceeded to raise his hoodie to reveal a hard ball gut about the size of a soccer ball, my dick struggled against my pants as he gently shook his stomach. I never thought I’d be this into his stomach but I knew I needed to get into his pants. He stood up and patted my small distended belly.
“Hey if you get to a “healthier” weight I’ll promote you to being my assistant, after all I’m opening a second branch and could use some help” the offer was too good to resist. I accepted his offer and turned to leave to rub one out.
“Keep up the good work Steve, get eating” he shouted as I left, I knew I was going to get much larger but I couldn’t resist temptations any longer. I sat in front of the milkshake dispenser and just chugged not having a care in the world, drew stopped me before I emptied the entire machine turning me around to face him.
“What the heck dude you can’t just eat the product” his fresh 18 year face made it feel like a child was shouting at me.
“Ask Kyle you’re allowed to eat whatever you want chicken legs”
The insult seemed to get to him shutting him up for now and allowing me to be alone as I cradled my distended stomach.
Another month had passed and I had gained another 15 pounds. Drew was catching up his belt struggling to hide his indulgence, often eating more than me he had put the weight on rather quickly. Today was the day I hoped Kyle would take me and reveal his manhood to me, but with my new straining pants and tighter shirt I doubted he would. He was into this stuff right, maybe if I went in eating something he would notice quicker?.
*tell me where u want this story to go and if there are any mistakes*
Friends/Family Reunion
Mutual gaining
Fit to Fat
3 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years