Fattening the Empress

  By Chubbyelfgoddess

Chapter 1

Damien had been sent on an ambassadorship overseas to the old continent, the land of the elves, of all places. Yeanna had been mighty jealous and could hardly part with her favorite lover but the idea of sending anyone else was not applicable or wise.
Morpheus was her first line of defense and in charge of the royal guard. Lester was too young and uncouth. Her other advisors just didn't have the finesse and charm she felt required for a mission dealing with the epicenter of high art and culture.
The voyage one way was 6 months. To make all dealings and exchanges, and to make such an arduous journey worth his while, he spent 3 months, then another 6 months on the return trip, which actually took 8 due to poor winds and being thrown off course for a period of time. Altogether he was gone 1 year and 5 months.
Damien being a creature of whimsy and travel, moved through the experience gracefully. Impressed all the right socialites, schmoozed politicians, and rubbed shoulders with the elite merchants. Naturally, he missed his dear, sweet and elegant empress. Her elegant form, her supple breasts, her sweet pussy.
On the other side of the sea, Yeanna was not fairing as well. His absence made her irritable at first, then followed melancholy. Work aholic tendencies went into overdrive for a time until she mused upon the source of her woe enough to recall the very spirit of what her love had taught her was to give in to life's pleasures every now again. Perhaps a little more often than that.
It took her about 3 months to arrive to this state but once she had finally started to relax, the summer solstice was upon them and Yeanna had put much effort to lift her spirits through the annual celebrations. There was a whole week of endless banquets, drinking, and dancing leading up to the climax, to which, the most opulent celebration was thrown, famous for the large fire thrown at the end on the beach on the backside of the palace. It was the one time of year, this area was open to the public.
Yeanna took to the celebrations with great enthusiasm. Although at first, some of it was forced (no one knew who to have a good time like Damien), she connected to the spirit authentically. To her close observers, such as Ramira and Morpheus, in polite terms, she may had went overboard some.
No one dare breathe a word however. The Empress was divine, impeccable at ruling the Empire. If she wanted to drink a bit too much, stay up a bit too late, and eat more than what was considered polite, then it would only make those whom truly supported her smile with warm satisfaction.
The week following the celebrations, there was a lackadaisical air about the whole of the palace. No one really wanted to get back to work after so much debauchery and leisure. And the empress didn't seem to attempt to enforce this too harshly. She expected maintenance and palace routine to resume, and of course the kitchens never got a day off... but the mood was still generally lax.
Morpheus approved of this side of Yeanna. Through her, he could relax too. Seeing her laugh more, enjoy a treat here and there, something about it felt profoundly right. So after just a bit more time after this, a normal pace naturally had to resume. Morpheus, Ramira, and many members of the palace staff (mostly the kitchen workers as she had spent a great deal of her recent leisure time carrying on, exchanging quips, and snacking rather endlessly actually) wanted to preserve this newfound jovial spirit in their monarch, especially after the first three heavy months without her love. So they did whatever they could. Interjecting with more pleasantries and provided entertainment, whilst serving her all her favorite treats. A high-pitched giggle would burst from her every time one was brought to her. Forever humble and grateful, she would never forget her roots so was always so pleasantly delighted by any kindness granted to her, no matter how small. A perpetual motion machine of sorts was created by this.
Times were high for the Empire. The work that needed to be done was sparse and there was bounty all around. This made it easier as time progressed for the Empress to fall back into more of a summer solstice mood and pace. What need was there for stress when there were no storms behind or ahead of them that could be seen?
About 5 months into Damien's journey, Yeanna had despaired knowing it had been this long already and he still would have not even arrived yet! Deciding to clear her head, she opted to prepare for her's and Damien's favorite joint pastime, riding. Announcing this to Ramira, as there would be no sort of venture or task the Empress could ever face alone, she beckoned her to fetch her riding outfit.
It had been since before Damien had departed when she had rode last. Since his voyage, she just hadn't summoned the heart to go out on her own, but now was the time. Ramira returned promptly with Yeanna's regal riding outfit. Gold embroidered riding pants, leather, bejeweled gloves, a tightly fitted ruffled blouse, and an indigo two tailed coat, with all of the accents, gems, stitching, and ruffs.
Yeanna got into position to have the tailored garment placed upon her person by her ladies. They fell into their synchronized ballet around their Empress, but the dance started to crumble not too long into the song. Her standard corset, shifts, undergarments, etcetera, were standard procedure but once the blouse note was hit, the choir stopped.
One of her ladies looked to her majesty with wide, sympathetic brown eyes, "Your highness..."
"Yes?" Yeanna sweetly asked, her eyes closed as they usually were during this production.
"I'm having trouble buttoning your blouse, I'm afraid." She replied meekly.
Yeanna didn't try to suppress a laugh, "I had not realized that buttons were of such mystery to you, Gisele."
"No, you're majesty, that is not what I am saying." Gisele looked to mother (Ramira) for aid.
Ramira narrowed her focus to the situation. She walked up to her Empress and had Gisele step to the side. She reached for the buttons and pulled them together only to discover, there was simply not enough fabric to cover her majesty's bossum.
"It seems Gisele is incorrect of her assessment your grace." Ramira began.
Yeanna now opened her eyes to look upon Ramira with inquiry.
"There is nothing wrong with your blouse or your buttons... your bossum on the other hand, seems to have filled out my dear. The blouse will not close." She continued.
Yeanna let out an even louder laugh than the one before, "Bring me a full length, I don't believe you!"
Not moments later, a full length mirror was retrieved and placed in front of the Empress. She walked up to it in her undergarments and the unbuttoned blouse and grabbed her breasts with both hands. She jiggled them, cupped them at different angles, then even went to try and button the blouse herself.
"Huh... Not sure how or why, but I do suppose I can agree with you both now. My breasts do appear to have increased in size. Well, that's a shame. I love that blouse. No matter, fetch me another that I've worn recently that will compliment the outfit."
"Yes, Ma'am." One of her ladies promptly sped off.
While waiting for her new blouse to arrive, she took it upon herself to put her pants on. It was one thing to have ladies fit you with several layers of skirt and dress, but pants were just easier when left to one's own volition. She seemed to struggle with them some, however, they were riding pants. Very fitted, and somewhat stiff by nature of the fibers they were made from.
About two thirds up her thighs, she stopped. Well, really, the pants stopped. She couldn't get them any higher! She spared herself the dignity of perpetuating the struggle any longer than she needed to and turned around to face her ladies, "Thank you ladies. I don't think I will be riding today." She then dismissed them. Leaving her and Ramira in her chambers alone.
Yeanna, still in her undergarments, plunged herself on top of her plush bed. Ramira, regarding Yeanna like a daughter sat her plush, matured figure softly next to her. She put a gentle hand on the Elvan beauty's shoulder that hung low with sorrow and disappointment.
"You have other riding garments my dear. Don't let that stop you from riding. You haven't been riding in so long." Ramira said sympathetically.
"How did I let this happen Ramira?" Yeanna could be quite dramatic in very specific ways. She couldn't have gained more than 20 lbs. Hardly noticeable unless you really started to pay attention to the extra dimple when she smiled, or how she filled out her dresses just a little better now. The guard captain certainly noticed and may have had something to do with enabling the situation. He thought she looked more womanly, healthy.
And so too, did Ramira, "Let what happen?"
Yeanna responded only with the glare a daughter could give a mother.
"I've gotten fat!" She cried.
Now it was Ramira's turn to laugh, "Oh no my dear! Fat? You're barely of a proper weight now! You were too skinny before, frankly. This is nothing to be upset over."
Yeanna's eyebrows were cross. She wasn't sure how to process the statement. Her headmistress always had her best interests at heart, however. So, she was inclined to give her the benefit of the the doubt.
Despite this upset, as the months progressed, Yeanna's newly formed habits of leisure had only cemented themselves deeper. The more she missed Damien, the more she ate. The more she ate, the more she could eat. Morpheus only enabled this in the worst of ways. Being a man of large stature and energy consumption, he appreciated having a buddy who could consume as much as he did, and more at times. It was oddly erotic to him somehow. He had always loved his Majesty's athletic and nimble build, but being the Empress' other lover, he appreciated her expanded girth. It was more to play with, and he really had something he could push and shove with more of his strength and force. He also felt like he wasn't going to hurt her when they made love. Her expanding tummy provided an amazing pillow when he was pillaging her pussy. Her enlarged breasts were now ample enough that his large hands were plenty occupied.
Morpheus may have more often than not encouraged her by fetching her meals and piling on way more than she would have typically wanted, knowing she couldn't resist. He knew a bottomless apatite when he saw one, as he too suffered the same, but it was always burnt off in the field.
He also went out of his way to shower her with praise and compliments to her beauty. Yeanna was not completely deft to the changes occurring to her body and insecurity arose often, especially when she didn't fit into another one of her favorite garments. When that happened, he would firmly grab a breast in one hand and a large portion of her overhanging stomach in the other.
"This is so fucking sexy my divine Empress. You are divinity incarnate. This is bounty. This is wealth. This is power. This is fertility. And it drives me absolutely crazy." Morpheus proceeded to passionately kiss up and down the elf's neck, getting her to purr all too quickly.
The guard captain could barely contain himself around her. To the effect that he had to plan when he would see her just so he wouldn't lose all sight of what he needed to do for the day first, although this was something that he hadn't explained to his empress. So she was often left wondering why it was he would have her feeling so wonderful one moment in private, but then seem to avoid her in public? Was he embarrassed of being seen having personal affections with someone who was getting as fat as she was?
At this point, Yeanna had probably gained 60 lbs altogether from her original weight. Most wouldn't dare call her fat. Regal, pleasantly plump... were the words being passed around these days.
If he was embarrassed, it would make sense. He was so strong and capable. Muscular. Yeanna, and most anyone who had any sense about them, saw the Captain of the Imperial Guard to be the pinnacle of physical prowess. This thought began to permeate into Yeanna's truth.
It caused her to feel a deep shame that burned hot inside the pit of her being. To soothe her wounded heart, she went to the main source and most accessible form of her most recent joy, eating. She ordered palace staff, explicitly not Morpheus or Ramira, to cook her a grand feast and have it brought to her room in private. The reasons, of which, she was not obliged to give. She did not specify the occasion, how many would be dining. The staff was left creating some kind of concocted estimate based on whatever weird schemes they could imagine.
So they ended up creating a grand feast for four, assuming no more than four would dine in the Empress' private chambers. Five whole courses, plus desert.
Some hours later...
The feast was delivered and the Empress from behind closed doors commanded it to be brought in and to be left alone once it is done. They did as they were told and once the door closed, the Empress emerged from a curtained off section of her chambers. She gazed upon the feast brought to her. Her stomach lit up in a way it never had before. Her mouth salivated in abundance at the first scents. Her nipples hardened and her groin set ablaze.
What was occurring to her, she had not a clue and was stunned. The lust inside of her, the hunger inside of her though was far louder than any considerations she may have had about her own reaction. Almost unconsciously she pulled up a chair and started to pick away at the sweet meats, the honeyed rolls, ginger carrots, yams, candied pickles, brie cheese, fruits, nuts, then on to select prime meats, lentil soup, sourdough rounds...
Passing out for a time being, as by the time it had arrived, it was already in the evening after diner had already been served. She awoke and begin the process over again. Eating until it caused her pain. She felt as though she couldn't even sit up an inch. If she felt fat before, she felt enormous now! Her stomach was so full and bloated it looked swollen to twice the size it was before. Fortunately, she was already in her nightgown so no constriction was placed on her form.
But then there was cake... rubbing her aching stomach, she looked to the nearly forgotten 5 tiered cake sitting on a separate table. The same sensation that overcame her when this all began struck once more. She slowly mitigated her movement up and over to the other table, only equipped with a single fork and sat down with a labored thump. Without thought, or cutting a slice, she immediately started digging into the cake. Yeanna ate cake until she passed out in her chair.
The next morning she was stirred by a persistent knocking at her door. The temperature in the room felt exceptionally warm as she was now sitting directly in a beam of midday light. She let out a loud belch before gathering her wits and looked about her surroundings. It looked like there was quite a lively party the evening before. One that somehow, no one else was invited to yet more than half of all the food was eaten, save the towering chocolate cake that was well dented but hardly half eaten.
"Who is it?" She spoke toward the door in a groggy voice.
"Your Majesty it is Morpheus. You have missed your morning meeting. Is everything alright?"
Feeling the pain of not knowing Morpheus' full feelings on her situation, her desperation for his approval and company had her disregard the chaos in her chambers and the questions they would provoke.
"Come in."
Morpheus entered. He looked about the tables, strewn with ravenously eaten food. Then looked to her, sitting in the glorious sunlight, still next to the cake. He walked up to her and looked down into her eyes, "I love you."
Tears immediately formed as she looked about the mess again, starting to awaken to what she had done, "I... I....Last night..."
Morpheus swooped down and interrupted her by cupping her head and kissing her passionately.
"Looks like you had a good time." He smiled.
Her tears halted. A slight grin started to form under her chubby cheeks. She placed a hand on her still overextended belly, "I did."
"I assume you haven't had breakfast?" He grabbed himself a chair and placed it next to her.
"No. I fell asleep in the chair I'm afraid and this is me now just getting up."
"Well, no harm. This morning's meeting was inconsequential. I'll give you my notes later today." Morpheus reaches for one of the extra unused placed forks and hands it to Yeanna.
She looked to him perplexed.
"There's plenty for you to choose from, my dear. You don't even have to leave your room."
"Oh, breakfast?" Yeanna felt down to her still rock solid lump of a stomach. She was still so full. But then, there it was again. That feeling.
She must have been unknowingly gazing at the cake in front of her while lost in consideration.
"If her majesty desires cake for breakfast, one may not judge her, if this is why you hesitate." Morpheus spoke.
That was all she needed from him. The compulsion quickly flushed through her. Fork after fork of cake entered her palette whilst Morpheus sat with her and had a pleasant exchange of love with her in the sunlight.
Yeanna soon put together why her captain had been avoiding her in public. The realization had her feelings ways she had never felt before. Deeply seen, loved, accepted. She didn't have to maintain some sort of societal standard to keep her love and respect. It also made her feel turned on. The way he loved her body, it was very persuasive.
But time progressed and she still missed her Damien. Her anxiety surrounding him increased with her apatite. In the back of her mind, she was very terrified how he would respond to her changes, but there was still time to go back... it could just be this one weird moment in time that anyone could come to understand.
Spending all that time with those svelte, ethereal elves...
Months and months went by. There was occasional thought to trying to reverse all the "damage" that had been done to her figure. But all it usually lead to was a shortened walk in the courtyard, or two or three dances a night every other week... which was nothing compared to the multi-hour dances held multiple nights every week in the past.
Mostly, Yeanna's patterns increased as she longed for and worried about her lover. Plus, she was just accustomed to it at this point. She would feel quite hungry if she didn't eat an excess amount of food everyday. The little feast she had, she would go on to have every few weeks or so, eventually inviting Morpheus along, since he loved it just as much as she. His participation encouraged her to eat even more than she would have otherwise and vice versa.
Needless to say, by the time Damien was due back for arrival, Yeanna had gained around 120 pounds, putting her at a fully figured 260 pounds. Perhaps somewhat unrecognizable to someone who hadn't seen her in 15 months. Her breasts quadrupled in size, her hips extended beyond her shoulders, her thighs the size of 2 of her former size, each.
2 chapters, created 5 days , updated 5 days
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Newfeeder94 4 days
second time I read it, the beginning is so exciting, the first signs of gaining weight, and the result after the return of his lover, magnificent