Finally Roommates

Chapter 1

Years ago I read a story that i loved and that never left my mind. But i did not find it anymore on the internet so I will try and write something similar myself.

My name is Leon, I am 24 years old. After college, I moved into an apartment with my college roommate Noah, who is also my best friend. I've had a crush on Noah for years. He knows I'm gay, but what he doesn't know is that I have a very strong feeder kink.

Noah is just gorgeous. I don't look bad myself. I'm pretty slim and my abs are definitely visible, even though I haven't been going to the gym as often as he does.

Noah goes to the gym at least four times a week and it shows. He has no problem finding a new girl whenever he wants (which is often due to his high libido). He has wonderful perfect pecs and arms. This is rounded off by his visible eight-pack and the most beautiful bubble butt one can imagine.

And of course I have a little secret fantasy of making him fatter. To see how those abs slowly disappear and all those big muscles turn into pure lard. I also know from the occasional shower together at the gym that his cock is a very respectable size. Which only makes him more interesting in my eyes. My desires were further increased by his very healthy appetite.

We are very open with each other and he rarely wears a shirt at home which I don't mind at all of course. But then finally came the blow that changed our situation in the right direction for his future gains.

They are about to raise our monthly rent on the apartment way too much. Our only option is to find a new one. So I am looking for an affordable new apartment for us that doesn't have a gym nearby. I hope this will impact his fitness regime and thus slowly bring his body into a weaker state.

He immediately notices that there is no gym near the new apartment. After I explain that we can't afford anything else, Noah finally gives in.

I am a chef and it is natural for us that i am responsible for our diet. This is perfect for my situation. Until now he always wanted me to cook healthy and protein-rich meals. I will start slowly by adding a little sugar to each meal and increasing the amount of butter and oil. The meals themselves should not look unhealthy as I do not want to arouse suspicion. I also fill our apartment with all kinds of fatty treats. My hope here is that the increasing amount of sugar in his diet will cause him to have cravings. Of course he should satisfy these as best as possible.

I also start giving him a "protein shake" every day, which doesn't have a lot of protein but is high in calories. To console him about his reduced gym time, I tell him that these shakes were something very special. "They increase muscle growth. Even living your normal everyday life, they would make you more muscular."

After the first week in our new apartment, he went to the gym, which was 1.5 hours away. When he came back, he was amazed that he had achieved his personal best on almost every piece of fitness equipment. He tanked me for the shakes that made this possible. Noah probably didn't think about the fact that he doesn't normally get a whole week to recover. Of course he would have more energy!

I slowly start adding more and more sugar to each meal to get him addicted to it. Another week goes by and he hasn't been back to the gym yet. He really seems to rely on my shakes. Noah just took a shower and is now standing in the kitchen wearing just a pair of jockstraps. His ass really looks as great as ever. From his room I hear a woman waking up. This must be about the seventh since we moved here. He looks for a snack, which makes me smile. I tell him he looks good and that the shakes seem to be working better than expected. This makes him very excited in an almost adorable way.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 7 months
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Jens01 6 months
very good more plase........ pizza and beer make the boy stronger and bigger.
FTMfatty 7 months
Please keep going! Great start