God, She Let Herself Go (visual Stuffing Story)

  By PffedUp  

Chapter 1 - Fit to Pop

With pics: https://www.deviantart.com/thepffedup/art/God-She- Let-Herself-Go-Visual-Stuffing-Story-1090968798

She bends over the stovetop, sloppily tasting the vat of spaghetti she has been slaving over for the last three hours. She takes a drippy finger-scoop of the thick, rich sauce and deposites it into her greedy mouth, smacking her lips provocatively while looking back at you from over her shoulder.

"It's ready," she drawls.

Her high brunette braid spills over her other shoulder, unveiling an auburn gaze that shoots bullets of lust at you. You stiffen, anticipating what is to come.

She heaves the pot of pasta up, nestling the lip under her bulbous bust. It sways under your old shirt and apron that she has stolen, somehow filling out the cloth that your own pecs couldn't. Her perky nipples poke from under, begging to be touched.

She waddles over to the table and puts it down with a THUNK. She wipes her brow, her flabby muffin-topped figure exhausted by the short walk. Her tum peeks out from under the top now, belly button exploring the feast in front of it, which will soon be loaded down her gullet.

Your plump wife sits in front of the huge pot of pasta, her eyes glinting with excitement as she picks up her fork and dives right in.

"Mmm, this is so good!" she exclaims, her mouth full of noodles. Sauce drips down her chin and onto her ample chest, but she doesn't seem to care. She uses her hands to shovel the food into her mouth, slathering them with sauce and making loud slurping noises.

She lets out a deep


rubbing her bloated belly.

"Oh man, I'm stuffed!" she giggles, but her eyes still sparkle with glee as she eyes the remaining glut of food. She can't resist and goes back for more, now using her fists to scoop up the noodles to shove them into her greedy mouth. Sauce covers the corners of her lips, and bits of spaghetti cling to her fingers. She is completely absorbed in the act of filling herself, oblivious to the mess she's making.

Her Horks! and muffled Mmphs! become more and more frenzied, almost animalistic in their intensity. She is in a state of total gluttony, gorging herself without any regard for decorum or manners. As she reaches the bottom of the vat, she lets out a satisfied sigh and sits back in her chair, her hands resting on her swollen belly.

"More please," she says, looking pleadingly at you.

"I'm still hungry."

So you bring over a dozen pizzas, and her eyes widen hungrily. She has never felt so greedy before, and she has no intention of stopping now. She grabs a slice and haphazardly shoves it into her mouth, the cheese and toppings falling all over her face as she chews.

"Mmmph, so good," she says, bits of food flying out of her mouth as she speaks.

She quickly moves onto the next slice, not bothering to wipe her face or hands first. More sauce drips down her chin as she devours each slice without pause.

Her belly groans with the added volume, but she doesn't stop. Instead, she keeps gorging, her fingers now coated in grease and cheese, her face a mess of sauce and toppings. She barely even chews at this point, just swallowing the pizza whole, her throat bulging with each bite.

Her stomach continues to expand and bulge outwards, pressing against the table and inhibiting her ability to move around properly. But she's in too deep now, completely absorbed in her insatiable hunger and uncontrolled gluttony.

As she finishes off the last slice of pizza, she lets out another loud belch, followed by a small burp that hints at the more massive eruption she felt building up inside her. Her belly is now several sizes larger than when she started, filled to the brim with spaghetti, pizza, and all manner of other rich, fattening foods.

She sits at the table, completely stuffed. Her belly is taut and round, bulging outwards with the remains of the huge feast she had just consumed. Sauce stains her shirt, and crumbs and food debris litter the table around her as she leans back in her chair, feeling satisfied, but also uncomfortably full.

Despite the discomfort, she can't resist running her fingers over her distended belly, feeling the soft flesh underneath her touch. Each rub makes her feel even fuller, but there was no denying that the sensation is pleasurable. Her belly is so heavy and tight, almost pulsating.

As she continues to massage her belly, she can't help but let out a moan as she feels the gas inside her expanding her already stuffed belly even further. She continues to rub it, feeling the soft, doughy flesh give under her touch as the pressure builds up.

As she belches again, her breathing quickens and her eyes close in pleasure. She loves the sensation of being so full and gassy, her belly strained to its limits, begging for release. She knows it is vastly overindulgent, but she can't help being turned on by the feeling of being so gluttonous and greedy.

Her fingers work over her bulging belly as she lets out another deep belch, the air passing through her throat with a loud and satisfying sound. She can feel herself getting more aroused the longer she massages her belly, the fullness now overwhelming her senses, making her feel almost drunk with sensation. She lets loose yet another rumbling burp, the pressure within her stomach now overwhelming. This time, she can't resist letting out a small moan as she rubs her swollen belly, lost in her own pleasure and completely oblivious to her surroundings.

She suddenly begins to feel an intense pain in her gut. She tries to let out a belch to relieve some of the pressure, but to her dismay, she finds that she couldn't. The gas inside her feels trapped, and her belly begins to expand like a balloon, gaining width with each passing second.

Despite the pain, she can't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure. Her belly is now enormous, taking up most of the space around her. She moans softly as she runs her hands over it, feeling the stretched skin under her fingertips.

"I...I think I might pop," she exclaims, her voice strained as she spoke.

With each passing moment, her belly grows larger and larger, putting an incredible strain on her body.She cries out in ecstasy as she feels the skin of her belly tighten around her, holding the trapped gas inside her. Her hands move faster over the bulging surface, slick with sweat, grasping at the flesh as if trying to keep it from bursting.

Her greedy fantasies have caught up with her. She knows that if she didn't do something soon, she really might pop.

But the ecstasy is too much to resist. She purrs and rubs at her belly, feeling the pressure build even higher. Every movement causes her to wince in pain, but the pleasure was too intense.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she let out a loud, primal cry as the pressure inside her becomes too much.

There is a loud


But to her surprise, your old shirt has popped open, revealing her bloated and overspilling busty breasts. She looked up at you with a seductive grin on her face, rubbing herself sensually and letting out a soft groan.

"Looks like I couldn't handle my greed," she says, "I can't help but feel turned on."

She leans in closer and whispered in your ear.

You feel her taut gut under your fingertips, and tell her how much bigger you can make her.

She giggles, feeling a wave of excitement wash over her at your words.

With a sly smile, she licks the last bits of pizza sauce off of her fingers.

Then, with a nip of her lip, she speaks again.

"Shall we take this upstairs?"
1 chapter, created 1 week , updated 1 week
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