Goddess d

Chapter 1: It Begins

Bending down to get a new five gallon water jug, she hears it. Her pants ripping at the seam. Her body has been expanding after finally becoming skinny. She had disliked being that small but it was all for her well being. The largest she had been was six years ago, three hundred and forty five pounds. She had gotten down to a slim one hundred and eighty with hard work and nutrition. After a failed relationship she was back to her first love. Food. It had been only thirty pounds as she started her online cooking business. Selling her famous and eccentric mac and cheeses, delectable cakes and plates by the pound. The new loves in her life haven’t been helping her keep to her healthy eating she had adopted. Being her own taste tester and having two people willing to get her whatever she asked for. She had no one else but herself to blame. Although a very capable woman, why do it herself if there are people willing to help. Her waistline was the one to pay for these crimes. Dash and Love were all too eager to cater to her every need once she was ready to relax. Not having to lift a finger once she was done cooking. Just saying what she wanted meant it would be simply handed to her moments later. Her couch being where she laid while being fed, entertained and rubbed. This seam burst was a surprise to her because she hadn’t even noticed the weight. Nor how hard her pants were becoming to slide on. Only giving her issues once they past her knees. Her legs were never slim, just no longer slim enough to put on size twelves. “I need to start eating right again.” She told herself as she put her oversized long sleeve around her waist to cover the tear. She lifted the water jug over her shoulder and went to the checkout to leave. She got a cart to lug it and some groceries she picked up for a new customer. Her nose perked at the smell of cinnamon sugar and fried onions. Who doesn’t know of Costco’s famous delicous, cheap, and unhealthy food court? Dee decides to stop for some snacks.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
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