
Chapter 1 - Cameras

Id been watching him for several weeks now.

As the owner of the restaurant, I had a right to look at the security cameras whenever I wanted. This wasn't the first time id gawked at someone from my office desk; this was, however, the first time I sought someone out this way.

I didn't know his name; or anything else for that matter. All I knew were his looks and demeanor.

He was already pretty fat. Probably 250lbs, 5'7". This is what grabbed my attention initially; but a few things kept me watching.

He always came in alone, with a shy look on his face. When he ordered, he ordered enough to feed a family. And when the food arrived, he confronted it with a defeated, whipped demeanor. So submissive to his own gluttony.

Despite the distain and hesitation, he always ate the food anyway. He ate, and ate, and ate.

Then came another thing that always mesmerized me during his visits. By the end of the meal, he'd be so bloated it was hard to even stand up. There were times id see him momentarily get stuck between the booth and the table. When he did, eventually, get to his feet, he'd waddle out, cradling his bloated gut like it'd burst if he didn't.

And even after all that pain and embarrassment, he still came back. He always came back.

I had carefully built this business in a way that could accommodate my little fetish.

We served Italian. Pasta is so heavy, and most fat guys could easily finish off a whole pizza without breaking a sweat.

I made sure the food was of the best quality. Particularly selected, authentic chefs. And skillful, experienced cooks.

Then, of course, the cameras. Thoughtfully placed in a way that could capture the dimly lit corner booths, where a pig would most likely hide to stuff their face.

Of course, I opened this restaurant for reasons other than my sexuality. Success, community, self fulfillment; all things i'd already achieved.

All my mind could focus on now was finding someone on whom I could enact these insatiable fantasies that i'd carried since grade school.

"I think i've found my 'someone.'" I said to myself as I stared through the monitor. My prized pig was paying me yet another visit.

I ran out of the office and approached my hostess, "Connie! Darling, why don't you take a break? I can man the dining room for a while."

"Thanks, Katheryn, but I just took a break."

I frantically watched my target waddle closer to the hostess stand, "I insist!" I yelled as I practically shoved the girl out of my way.

I fixed myself and watched as he took the last few steps towards me.

"Welcome to Astaire's! Will you be dining with us today?"

He glanced around me but never looked me in the eye, "Yes, hi. Just a table for one... Preferably the back booth."

I tried to hide my smile, "Then the back booth it is!... Say, have I seen you in here before?"

He blushed and stuttered, "Oh- um- Yeah, I c-come in here a lot."

"Right..." I began, "Well, i'm Katheryn Astaire; the owner."

"I- I'm Caleb."

"Caleb..." I tried to hide how giddy I was to finally know his name. "I'm surprised we haven't spoke yet! I'm buddies with most of my regulars."

"Heh... Well, i'm quiet... so..."

I walked him to his table and sat him down. Then, to his shock, I sat with him.

"What're you-"

"I think I'll join you." I interrupted, "I really do like to get to know my regulars. And I'm sure you wont mind, since, of course, i'll be paying for your meal."

He began to object but i'd already flagged down a waitress and put in his usual order: garlic knots, two bowls of the shrimp Alfredo, and a slice of chocolate cake.

I saw his face contort as he questioned how I knew his order, but I believe his social anxiety didn't allow him to ask.

"So, Caleb, What do you do for work?"

"Um... Data entry... I input job applications for meta and companies like similar to that."

"Interesting!" I smiled and leaned in closer.

"I mean, not really. I work from home, so it's just a lot of sitting on the couch... I probably need something more active..." He put a hand on the side of his stomach and forced a nervous laugh.

I tried to ignore just how much the subtle acknowledgement of his weight turned me on,
"...There's nothing wrong with sitting. I envy you! I'd love to work from home."

"Everyone says that, but it's so... isolating. Really, the only time I leave the house is when I come here."

"I don't believe that!" I laughed, "A pretty boy like you should have a date every night." I narrowed my eyes and rested into a suave smile.

He blushed, which was expected. Guy's as fat as Caleb don't get compliments often. And they almost never get compliments from successful, attractive, older women.

"...T-thank you. Uh- I don't really consider myself 'pretty.'"

"Well, I think you're stunning." And I meant what I said. It had been hard to tell through the cameras, but Caleb really did have such a pretty face. And, if it weren't for all the fat, he probably would be very popular with the ladies.

He blushed again, "Thank you... Damn. You're talking to me like *i'm* paying for *your* food!" The young man joked. His smile quickly faded when he once again noticed the way I was looking at him.

Shortly after that, the appetizer arrived.

Caleb instinctually began stuffing his face but still acknowledged me, "Do you want any of this?" He asked between bites.

"That's all for you." I said, almost dazed, as I watched in awe.

"So... God, this is a weird question to ask..." He began, still chewing.

"Ask me anything at all, darling."

"Okay. H- how old are you?"

I smiled and tilted my head back, "How old do you think I am?"

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red, "Damn! You- um... You can't do that to me."

I laughed, "I know. I'm only teasing. Age has never been something that embarrassed me. I'm 37. Why do you ask? Did you think I was older?"

"Oh- No! Definitely not. I mean, you look fantastic! Gorgeous! Just... Mature. B-but it's a good thing."

I leaned in, "Good... So i'm not too old for you?" I said in a low, smokey voice and smiled.

By this point, Caleb didn't just look flustered, he looked terrified, "W-what?" Was all he said.

I rolled my eyes and took out a pen, "I have to do everything myself, don't I?" I said in almost a giggle. I wrote on the napkin in front of me, folded it, and delicately laid it in front of his plate. I then stood up from the table and looked down at him, "Enjoy your food, big boy." I winked and walked away.

I went straight to my office and checked the cameras.

Just moments after I left, Caleb unfolded the napkin. And, of course, he found my number.
3 chapters, created 9 months , updated 6 months
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Senner Maier 5 days
It's a shame that it doesn't go on
Zampano777 5 months
And… come a continuation ?
Beatlemaster... 6 months
Another great chapter. I will be excited to see how she handles Kevin.
Built4com4t 7 months
Arousing to read…nice
GrowingLoveH... 7 months
She is so devious, and he is literally soft putty in her hands. Chapter two is delicious. I love your pacing of this story.
Enas 7 months
This is developing so well!!! I like the number of times "Good boy" is mentioned! 🥴
Beatlemaster... 7 months
Wow where is this restaurant, asking for a friend. Caleb is a lucky guy. Phenomenal start, I'll be excited to see where this goes.
Sem Nenhuma 1 8 months
I love that
DoughyTim 9 months
Can't wait for the next chapter!
GrowingLoveH... 9 months
Wonderful beginning!

I love how well you see this up and the pacing.