Chapter 1 - Helen
Helen was a young woman with everything the world told her a young woman needed - she had a good job, a nice apartment with a lovely view and a nice group of friends. She was well liked by her co-workers, who thought she was funny and kind.Although she was happy, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. Helen had always felt some sort of draw towards fat women and their lifestyles, she couldn’t explain why but it was something that had always been there.
When she saw pictures of bigger girls, her heart seemed to swell up with something - a kind of emotion she didn’t understand. In these groups she had a level of anonymity, it wasn’t something she could talk about to her real life friends. But she had started to make connections - to speak to people who were just like her - who had a passion for people and situations that society found shocking. She knew that this part of her was a part of her that couldn’t be ignored - this was a part of her that had to be acknowledged or ignored - it wasn’t just an interest, it was an obsession
Helen was sitting in her apartment after a long days work - she had just eaten a light meal, a chicken salad, she was a fairly healthy person, she had always struggled to put on weight - when she did she would find that it would stay in her belly and would never go to her ass or thighs - it was always an unfair trade off - but it was fine - she was healthy so whatever - but she was not satisfied.
She was sitting on her bed, her phone on her lap - chatting away. She was a bit lonely, she wanted to have something, someone, a little bit different.
It always felt like such a silly thought, it didn’t fit into her life and yet she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about it. She had spent many a night searching for groups online for people who thought the same - she was not alone in her thoughts. She always thought that one day she’d wake up and these thoughts would disappear but they never did - she never managed to stop thinking about how much bigger she wanted to be.
There was something about weight gain stories, they were fascinating - she had never quite admitted to herself that she wanted to be one of the girls in the stories but there was no denying the allure.
There was so much of it online - so much of it just waiting to be devoured - she would be up till all hours of the night, consuming the stories, living with the characters, they were such lovely girls. They were lovely girls who were going through what she wanted to go through, only they were strong enough to do it.
It was late when Helen went to bed, she had fallen asleep fairly quickly and that was when the dream began…
… In her dream she was standing in front of a giant cake, it was the size of a table, and was made of a rich chocolate sponge with thick layers of creamy buttercream frosting. It was beautiful, and she wasn’t sure it was even legal to have something so delicious - a tiny voice in the back of her head was telling her that she was crazy, she didn’t need such a big cake - she would be happy with something small. In the dream she was happy for a moment
This was ridiculous - she had never wanted something so much, in the dream she walked up to the cake and ate a small piece of the frosting, just to try… But as soon as she had done it, she couldn’t stop - before she knew it, her mouth was filled with the sweetness, the creamy flavor… She knew it was only a dream - but she could not stop… She was eating… And she could not stop.
In the dream she was still hungry, so hungry that no amount of eating could make her feel full. She was always ready for 'one more bite, just one more piece of that cake - just one more piece'. Each time she would tell herself that this would be the last bite, but then she would find herself back with the cake, eating another piece of the buttercream frosting. She was getting bigger, and she knew she was getting bigger, but she could not stop, she didn't want to stop...
Her clothes were getting tighter and tighter - she could feel it pulling at every part of her body - her thighs, her arms, her butt. Her skirt and her blouse were getting so tight that they were starting to rip - she felt it at her hips first, a rip in the waist of her skirt. The skirt was so tight that she could barely move, it felt like it was going to split open. The same was true for her top...
As Helen was eating, she was getting excited - she felt her whole body getting heavier - her arms were heavy and her butt was even heavier - she was getting bigger, she was getting fatter, and it was exciting... She started eating even faster, eating even more of that delicious frosting...
Helen finished the cake.
She turned around and looked into the mirror and she could see just how much she had gained. She was huge, she was incredibly fat, she was so big. She had never felt so beautiful or so content. In the dream she was not embarrassed, she felt wonderful. Her clothes were ripped. She was absolutely stunning.
She woke up with a start - it had all been a dream. Helen was disappointed that the dream was over - she felt so excited, so happy.
She turned over and looked at the clock - she was supposed to be up early to get ready for work, but here she was in bed - she was usually so much more productive.
The dream was over, but the excitement remained - she felt strange, she felt different, like her normal life had become boring, she felt like there was something missing...
Helen went into work that day, she was a bit distracted as she was thinking about how much weight gain excited her - she felt strange and different.
She went to work and for a while everything was pretty normal - she was doing her work and then it happened... An email came in over her phone, she read it and saw it was from the same weight gain group that she had been speaking to online, it was a weight gain story... But for her? She thought that she shouldn't read it - but she couldn't help herself, she had to at least see what it was about...
She had to see what the email was about, she just had to. She opened up the email and the story was called "Padded to Perfection" and the first line of the story was "There was a girl who wanted to be bigger but she was too scared to do it for real, so instead she decided that she would stuff herself into padded clothing so that she could experience the lifestyle..."
Helen couldn't wait for the day to end - she couldn't wait to try padding.
She finished up her work for the day and then she left her office and she drove home.
When she got home she closed the door behind her and she put her bag down on the bed. She couldn't wait to try padding for herself...
She went into her room and from her closet she got an old oversized shirt that she had found in a charity shop - she put it on and then she went to the bed - at the bottom of her bed was a big pillow, she got it and put it onto her stomach.
She adjusted the pillow to make sure it was in the right position, she adjusted her shirt so that it was a little bit tighter and then she was ready...
If she could do this, if she could try padding, then maybe it would be okay? Maybe this would be enough?
She looked in the mirror and saw how big she looked - this was crazy, she looked crazy. But she felt amazing. She felt like she really was on to something.
Maybe this was what she needed - just to try some padding and then she could go back to her normal life, but her normal life didn't seem normal anymore - the padding had changed her - everything felt different.
She took some photos of herself and put them online.
She waited to see if she would get any responses - she was scared, but she was excited too.
Then it happened - she started to get replies - so many replies that she didn't know how to deal with the sheer volume of them.
It seemed that everyone had wanted to say something to her, something that they had been holding back - and when she put those pictures online, all that love and admiration came pouring down. And she felt so happy...
She was at her desk, sitting in front of her computer, she couldn't believe the amount of messages that she had gotten.
She needed to deal with them - there were so many different things that they were suggesting.
But in a way it was too much, it was all too much.
She put her hands on her belly, she was getting more and more used to it and she felt a warmth spreading inside of her as she did.
She felt so loved, so content, she felt perfect!
She was at work - she couldn't stop thinking about what she had done last night, it had been the best night of her life.
Everyone was going about their jobs and talking amongst themselves but she was too distracted to even hear what was around her - to be honest it was a miracle that she was even able to do the work at all.
She was on autopilot, she felt like she had never been so distracted from her job - all she could think about was the padding from last night.
Helen is home that night - she is home and she feels the weight that she was wearing the night before, she knew that it was fake, she knew it wasn't real - but she couldn't deny how she felt.
She was looking online - looking for solutions, a better way to pad.
It had been such a good night the night before, she couldn't imagine that anything could be better than what she had done that night.
But she was going to find out...
She takes a suit that had previously been a little loose and she decided that she would fill it in the legs and arms.
She got her sheets from her bed and her pillows and she got a big blanket from her closet.
She wasn't really sure how much to use - but she figured that if she used too much padding it wouldn't matter, she would look great no matter what.
She stuffed the suit and then she put it on, she felt huge and she felt really good.
She looks in the mirror and sees how big she looks, she sees how big her new body is - it is incredible. She can't believe what a difference all the padding has made.
And there is something missing - yes she had used pads and she loved the way that her new body looked, but she knew that there should be more.
So she gets one more pillow, she gets one more pillow and she puts one more pillow on her stomach.
She puts one more pillow on her stomach and she looks at the mirror, she looks even bigger - she loves it, she feels amazing.
She takes a picture of herself and then she sends it to the community - she wants them to see how good she looks. She knows that everyone else in the community will love it too - it is exactly the kind of thing that they love!
She sits at her desk and she waits for the messages to come...
She is at the desk - the desk that doesn't seem to be big enough for this new body that she has created for herself.
She is trying to get to her computer because she is trying to reply to people, she wants to see what people have said - she wants to hear all the things that they have to say!
She realizes that she will have to eat - she really should have thought of that when she sat down. She tries to move herself so that she can reach the plate on the table next to her - but it is such a struggle!!!
She thinks about the giant cake - she had never been able to eat something so amazing.
But with all the padding it really is like she is eating something that huge!
She keeps eating, she keeps eating and eating and finally as she is finishing her food the plate is finally empty - she has finally finished.
But there are still so many messages - there are so many people saying nice things... And she wants to reply to them all - she wants to keep talking to everyone!
Over the next days, Helen continues her new double life - she goes to work as normal. She acts as if everything is the same with her. She is keeping this double life - no one knows.
But her real life is very different - it is full of a new and exciting world of weight gain. She has never been so happy, so excited in her entire life.
She has a new life now - and she wouldn't trade it for anything.
Contemporary Fiction
Clothes padding
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
4 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years
We written I liked her character.