Ice Cream

  By Lovelymars

chapter 1

Haruki Suzuki could hardly concentrate while reading the old magic scrolls from his grandfather's home. His high-paying day job at the governmental office pretty much sapped all his focus. Haruki stepped out from his private magic study and took out his phone to see the time.

It was eight in the evening, and the sun was about to pass the horizon. He had a busy day and now he just realized he needed to leave the house to enjoy a warm summer night out in the town. That's what he needed. Fun. Something he hadn't a chance to do since he came from Japan to Nebraska to work in his manor. Reports… and too many magic exercises to count. Haruka prepared to leave before something startled him. It sounded like a window was shattered.

Are you fucking serious? A goddamn break-in?

Haruki began to panic. He didn't know what to do because he would risk showing someone else other than his family members that he was a magic user and the Suzuki family kept this a secret since time immemorial. But however, his panic was replaced by a sense of reassurance and confidence that he would kick the poor idiot’s ass for breaking into the home of the Great Wizard Haruki. He grabbed a jujutsu stick and tread carefully towards the sound of the break-in.

There were two men sneaking through his window in his backroom of the house, they were small in build, a major contrast to Haruki’s moderately tall and muscular build. The man was hiding right in front of the door of the back room and listened in on what was happening while peeking through a transparent hole courtesy of a spell. Looking through, he saw the men digging through his belongings and examining his priceless family heirlooms from Kyoto. That made Haruka angry now as those were magical and if they learned the secret or even breaking something, it was curtains for him.

Haruki burst through the door and grabbed the man who was holding the heirloom. He carefully put the urn into a force field goal of suspension to prevent it from dropping. The robbers attacked him with their own weapons they brought. Apparently, they were smart enough to come prepared. The man hit the burglars bravely, but they were fighting while Haruki was holding the first robber in a bear hug while he was banging his face on his elbow. Haruki was forced to step back while being hit and battered. The other robber pushed him back and it made Haruki tripped towards the window. The second robber took this chance to counter his attack. The first robber was kicking in Haruki’s face.

The wizard grunted and screamed in anger. Then he felt something falling on his leg. He screamed in pain. He looked down to find a safe on top of it and it shattered his leg.

“Goddamnit!” Haruki yelled while grabbing very heavy book near him on the floor. He tossed it at one of the robbers with it causing him to fall to the floor. The other robber saw that their break-in was failing so he grabbed his partner and fled from another window they just had to break.

The police were on the scene in no time flat.


Poor Haruki was taken to the hospital where they had to treat their broken leg and other minor injuries to his face. As much as his leg was broken, it wasn't severe enough for him to have a prolonged hospital stay, so he was homebound until he would be able to recover. During the second day at the hospital, Haruki was greeted by his two neighbors Melissa and Cayden Moore, two students who were the kids of an upper-middle-class couple.

“Haruka! Hey!”

“Cayden! Melissa! Thanks for coming by. I'm the only one here so there’s no family around.”

“Yeah, we heard you broken a leg during a fight?”

“It was a house burglary. I'm more than certain those criminals have been caught by now.”

“Well, how's the leg holding up?”

“It still hurts, but they allowed me to go home.”

“That's great to hear. We can help watch the house while you get better!”

“You sure about that?”

“Yes, our parents are out of town for the summer so we're free.”

“Thank you, you two. I definitely need some company around the house! Since I've been terribly busy during the last several weeks.”


In the next three days, Haruki was sent home with a wheelchair to get around for domestic transportation. During that first night back at his home, Cayden and Melissa treated Haruki to a homemade dinner of pesto pasta, chicken parmesan, caesar salad and iced tea. And now Haruki wished he could kick himself in not inviting himself to their house often because the meal was delicious. It was so yummy he didn't have any leftovers to save afterward. While he was eating, the kids did another courtesy in him tidying up parts of his home.

Once returning to his bedroom to check on Haruki, he said, “Can I just say I wished I’d visit your house more often because your food is to die for!”

“Glad you like it! Our father is an executive chef so we spend plenty of time learning from.” Melissa said.

“That's very neat. I have to start coming to your house more often now. Once my leg is completely healed of course.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Suzuki.”


Slowly over time, Haruki's house was being watched and cleaned by Cayden and Melissa while still bound to his bed for his broken leg but it was healing in good time. While that was happening, he quickly acquired a taste palette for Melissa’s and Cayden's cooking so much that he almost wanted that over than his usual home meals! Something about the richness and quality of the food just made him go crazy! During a Saturday morning, Melissa entered Suzuki’s home where she found him in his room still resting on his bed.

“Morning, Melissa.”

“Morning Haruka. How are you?”

“Slightly shocked.”

“Why's that?”

“Have you noticed… I’m gaining a bit of weight. Being homebound with a broken will do that to someone.”

“Will you be alright?”

“I'll live. I’ll shed the extra weight off once I can move. And Melissa, can you do me a favor?”


“Could you head straight to the store and buy extra food for breakfast? I'm definitely getting a taste for breakfast sandwiches and French toast.”

“Sure thing. Oh! Cayden and I have a surprise we like to show you later. See you soon.”

3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Kjdfduhfjdf 4 years
It's perfect