In Her Web: Project Boy

Chapter 1 - In her Web: The beginning

The wheels of the grocery cart screeched through aisles of linoleum as soft rock ballads flooded Jonah’s ears. He felt like such a child grocery shopping with Roxy, she never let him make any decisions on the food she filled the cart with.

He clumsily waddled along behind her tugging at the hem of his t-shirt as it rode over his rounding belly with each jiggling step. “Oooh, Roxy these look good” Jonah awed, as he groped a box of animal cookies between his pudgy fingers. She quickly grabbed the box from his hand and began scanning the nutritional information on the back.

“hmm, nope. These won’t do you any good hun.” She tossed the box to the side and plucked a brightly colored package of cookies from the shelf. It was twice the size and the package read ‘ Double fudgy brownie snacks’. “Much better for my big boy” she cooed in adoration as she stepped closer and slyly pinched his distended gut. Jonah blushed and took a deep breath as they continued down the aisles.

Roxy had taken over the grocery shopping for Jonah which he enjoyed releasing that burden onto her. It was apparent that it prove no burden to her as she held her head high and trotted through the store like a triumphant knight who had won a battle. Roxy was very proud of this task and knew exactly what she was doing as she piled the cart high with fat laden snacks to stock Jonah’s cabinet shelves.

Jonah’s feet were throbbing and his knees ached, shopping trips lasting more than a short period of time had become quite laborious on his body due to his rapidly increasing weight. He leaned against the handles of the shopping cart and let his gut hang like the belly of a heffer to relieve some of the pressure. He breathed a great sigh as he looked between the handles of the push cart at his swaying abdomen; its rhythmic movement put him into a trance as he thought back on the prior year when this had all begun.


It was a cold spring evening, the disappointment of another failed relationship and piling job rejections had left a cold sting on Jonah’s day. He sat alone at the bar near his apartment chugging countless mugs of beer and scrolling through classified ads on his phone.

He kept his attention towards the screen, not paying any mind to the numerous patrons bellying up to get a drink; they came and went throughout the night without any word. Finally Jonah lifted his head to order another beer and felt the piercing stare of a figure to his left, he turned and noticed a woman mid-twenties, sitting at the bar stool in the adjacent corner. She coyly smiled; he returned the gesture and went back to scanning jobs on his phone.

Moments later he noticed the woman get up from her stool and make her way to the jukebox. Jonah looked over his shoulder drunkenly gawking at her from head to toe in her black fitted dress that fell just below her bum, revealing long toned legs. She sharply turned towards him when the woman noticed his slack jawed stare on her back side. He quickly averted his eyes across the room as though he was admiring the building structure. He could see her approaching out of the corner of his eye, dreading that she was about to tell him off for his obvious perversion, Jonah frantically dug for something in his pocket in an attempt to look busy.

“Hi, do you remember me?” she asked warmly. His gaze hardened as he tried to study her face in his intoxicated state, before he could utter a word she broke the silence “It’s Roxy, we met a few years back at a temp job.” At that moment Jonah immediately remembered. “That’s right, I definitely remember you, how’ve you been?” he slurred excitedly. A smile lit up on her face from ear to ear as Roxy pulled a bar stool close to him and took a seat, she pulled her wallet from her purse and ordered a Whiskey Collins.

The two sat laughing and chatting an hour or so, Jonah was enthralled with her beauty and witty humor. He had remembered her being quite shy and mousey from the temp job they worked together; at that time she was fresh out of college and hadn’t come into her own yet.

Jonah excused himself to use the restroom, he stumbled from his stool, and she caught his arm laughing and pulled him to a stance. “Whoa, guess I had a little more than I thought” Jonah hiccupped out.
Roxy suggested they grab a bite to eat to sober Jonah up a bit before sending him on his way home.

“I know a great diner about a block’s walk from here and they’re open all night, we better get some food in that belly of yours to sober you up” Roxy suggested. Obliged at the offer and excited at his new friendship of the evening Jonah agreed. Jonah flumsied with his wallet trying to get his cash out; he paid the tab and stumbled out of the bar into the cool night with Roxy.

It was already past midnight, the damp dew hung in the air and the sewers were steaming from the vents as the two stumbled together towards the brightly lit diner at the corner of 9th and pine.

They were welcomed by a plump middle aged waitress who looked weathered and unfriendly as though she’d been working this shift for years and was used to the bar patrons visiting at this hour. She sat them at the far end of the brightly lit, empty diner in a booth made of mauve colored vinyl with Formica tabletops that were reminiscent of a bad 80’s movie.

Jonah swayed and squinted in a partially drunken stooper trying to focus on the menu. Roxy giggled and grabbed the menu out of his hand “You look like you need some help friend” she teased, “Don’t worry I come here all the time, I’ll order. I know what’s good” she said assertively.

“Sounds great, I gotta hit the head. Excuse me will ya?” Jonah clumsily laughed as he toppled out of the booth, down the aisle of tables towards the bathroom. He could hardly focus on his own face in the bathroom mirror, “C’mon Jonah get your shit together” He coached himself aloud looking into his reflection. He spent a few moments splashing cold water on his face and practicing how he planned to ask Roxy for her phone number at the end of the night. “Don’t fuck this up idiot, she’s into you” he sternly told himself.

When he returned to the table the menus were gone and replaced with utensils, “you missed the waitress so I went ahead and put in our order” Roxy said with a smile. Just then the waitress appeared with a tall scalloped glass brimming over the top with whipped cream, she plopped the glass down in the center of the table as chocolate malt oozed down the side.

With 2 fingers Roxy nudged the overflowing treat towards Jonah “They make the best malts here! You gotta try it.” Roxy squeaked excitedly. Jonah’s eyes grew big; he grabbed the straw and started to suck down the thick concoction. It was rich, creamy and delicious; he couldn’t seem to pull himself away from the straw, he had lost sight of his manners in his intoxicated stooper.

The glass was nearly half empty when he removed his lips “Oof that’s great, you weren’t kidding. I can’t drink that whole thing or I won’t be hungry.” Jonah said as he pushed the glass back to the center of the table. Roxy’s fingers met his on the glass and she looked deeply into his eyes. “Surely you can’t let this go to waste, just finish it quick before it melts” she said eagerly.

She seemed so intent, he didn’t want to disappoint her. After all, she did order it for him. Jonah smiled shyly and continued to guzzle the beverage. In just a few moments Jonah had sucked the last of the milkshake through his straw, he let out a sigh of accomplishment and leaned back against the booth belching under his breath.

Before either could say a word Jonah noticed the waitress standing to the side of their table, tray perched on her shoulder. She put two empty plates at the edge of the table and then began to unload plate after plate onto the table top. Jonah was caught off guard as he counted 4 different entrees and a basket of bread. There was enough food on the table to feed an entire family.

“Whoa, did they get the order wrong or something? This is a hell of a lot of food for two people” Jonah gasped. The waitress rolled her eyes at the comment and walked away. Roxy grabbed one of the empty plates and started shoveling food in heaping portions onto it, she giggled “I told you I love this place and I wanted you to try a little of everything”.

After scooping a mountain of food on the plate she dropped the heaping dish in front of Jonah. “No way can I eat all this, you’re crazy” he laughed comically, eyeing over the plate piled high with fried chicken, French fries, cheese bread and potatoes. His belly was already full from the milkshake he had just devoured. “Oh, just try!” Roxy said in a giddy tone.

Jonah heard those words as a challenge; he stared blankly at the plate for a moment before the booze started talking and he dove in greedily. He gnawed at the fried chicken, taking bites of cheese bread in between and guzzling down his soda. She wasn’t kidding; the food was just as amazing as the shake he had just gulped down.

The fried confections were so delicious he was finding it hard to slow himself down. His stomach groaned as though letting off a warning it was near capacity, but for some reason, maybe the alcohol running through him, he could not stop his ravenous eating.

He noticed that as quickly as he was eating, Roxy barely pushed her food around the plate like a child refusing to eat, she just kept muffling her smile as her eyes darted back and forth from her plate to Jonah’s while he continued gorging himself on the feast in front of him.

To his own surprise Jonah was nearing the end of his plate, scraping the last few bites of potato on his fork. His breathing was heavy as he labored the last bites into his mouth. He sighed a bellowing tone of accomplishment when his plate was cleared, looking up at Roxy for some sort or approval from her as he had completed her challenge.

Just then she picked her plate up and scraped it onto his, “Phew, I am getting so full. Don’t let this stuff go to waste. Can you finish up mine too?” she begged with big doe eyes. Jonah looked hard at her as though she were crazy. She looked so sincere he couldn’t refuse. “I guess I might be able to eat a little more.” He whined, knowing that was a lie.

His pace was slower and he could barely pull the fork to his mouth as he attempted to finish his second full plate. He never ate like this, not even during the Holidays. Jonah grunted as he sloughed a few more bites into his mouth before throwing in the towel just before he burst.

She was staring directly over the table at his abdomen, Jonah blushed as he slouched down in the booth in hopes he could hide his uncomfortably full protruding belly from Roxy’s sight. “Wow, you really can pack it in huh?” she said in amazement, as though she had just watched an Olympian win a gold medal.

Jonah’s face burned hot with embarrassment as he dropped his head shamefully. “Damn it”, he thought to himself “I screwed this one up. Now she thinks I’m a total fat ass”. At that moment the waitress lazily strolled by eyeing the massacre that had just taken place, she dropped the ticket on the table and mumbled something under her breath as she walked away. Maybe she was annoyed at the slovenly mess Jonah had left over the table, or maybe she was just as disgusted as him at what a pig he had been.

Jonah’s eyes hung low as he grabbed the tab from the table “lemme go pay” he shyly mumbled as he lurched himself out of the booth and towards the cash register. He waddled his stuffed belly to the front of the restaurant hoping his gentlemanly gesture would regain his confidence towards his unexpected date.

Just then he felt the tickle of fingertips slide around his tummy from behind, startled, he clenched and sucked in hard, he felt his face grow hot and red. Whipping around quickly his eyes met with Roxy staring at him mischievously. He squirmed away as she pinched his side and whispered “I’ll be waiting outside” before slinking out of the restaurant into the darkness of night.

Jonah’s head spun rapidly in thought, he had never had someone touch him like that before. They had just barely gotten reacquainted, and he felt his overindulgence had really screwed this one up. No woman, especially like her, could ever be attracted to the gluttonous show he had just put on.

Jonah threw a handful of change onto the table and crawled out the door, trying to pull his jacket closed around his swollen gut. He looked both ways and she was nowhere to be seen. “Damn, she must have bailed on me.” He said under his breath feeling defeated.

Just then he felt those same mischievous hands grip his sides tightly from behind and slide under his shirt. His heart was racing as he felt lips press into the back of his neck and Roxy’s voice soft purred into his ear “What a big eater you are.” Embarrassed at her words Jonah swung around tripping over his tongue trying to explain.

Before any word could come out, Roxy pushed him back against the wall in the alley beside the diner. She pressed her body hard against his and he groaned slightly in agony as the pressure increased on his already stuffed belly.

She stood authoritatively in front of him as she guided her hands under his shirt exploring his massive tight abdomen with her palms as she kneaded it back and forth. Jonah sighed as the rhythmic movement of her hands relieved the tightness of his gorge. He had never felt anything like this before, as embarrassed as he was at how exploited he felt being handled this way by a woman he hardly knew in the openness of the night, but he didn’t want her to stop.

“I don’t understand” Jonah croaked out weakly, “Shh, I can tell you’ll be a special one” Roxy cooed as she cradled the bottom of his belly, lifting it and releasing it to jiggle freely beneath its new found weight.

“Turn around and put your hands on the wall for me Jonah” she whispered seductively. Still slightly drunk and confused at this erotic show he did as he was told. He felt as though he was about to be patted down by a police officer, his eyes closed as he waited for her next move. He felt Roxy press tight against his back; she brought her hands under his shirt once again cupping and caressing his chest. She pinched each of his nipples hard between her finger tips, Jonah moaned, unable to control himself as he felt his dick stiffen. She purred as she brought them together as though she was sizing his chest up.

She continued letting out little sighs of excitement as she teased and tickled his chest and belly from behind. Roxy slid a finger into the loop of his jeans and flipped him around smiling wildly, she grabbed Jonah under his chin and brought his face into hers sucking hard at his mouth for a few moments.

Roxy pulled a slip of paper from her coat pocket and ran it across the outline of his hard dick protruding against his jeans. She slid the note into his pocket and whispered “Here’s my number big boy, I’ll be hearing from you tomorrow”, her tone was so matter of fact he knew that wasn’t an option.

Roxy stepped back and looked him over once again giggling. She then swiftly skipped from the alley and disappeared down the street. Jonah, still standing in astonishment, wasn't sure what he had just encountered, but he knew he wanted to know more and would undoubtedly call her the next day.


“Jonah, Jonah! Helllllo!” Roxy said as she waived her hand in front of his face. “Oh, sorry. I got lost in thought for a second” he stuttered as he looked around realizing he was back in the grocery store. Roxy smiled sweetly, patting his blubbery gut “were all done for the week sweety. Let’s get you home and fed, you’ve been on your poor feet far too long. You look hungry.”

Funny, Roxy always thought he looked hungry.

-In her Web: The beginning-
3 chapters, created 21 hours , updated 15 hours
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Letters And ... 2 hours
A classic premise with a nice, easy prose that’s a pleasure to read! Hope to see more.
Phoenix25 21 hours
Would love to see more!