
  By Aquarius64

chapter 1

This story is only a small section of a much bigger story, but even so it is sizeable. There is quite a bit of background to fill in first before getting to the nitty gritty, which will follow in chapter 2.

Jake is only 22, but he had already accomplished so much in his life. He spent much of his early years growing up in the West Country. He showed promise as a dancer from an early age and attended a private stage school in London, staying with another family during the weeks and returning home at weekends. Even as a child, he had success though the school's talent agency. By the age of 10 he'd already had a modelling portfolio and appeared in one feature film and two west end shows.
Unfortunately when he was 13, his parents got divorced and he had to return home. Funds were low. His father had run off to New Zealand with his fancy woman and was refusing to pay out for maintainance. His mother was severely disabled with multiple sclerosis and was unable to work. Until then, richard, her husband had paid for a carer. Jake was not prepared to give up his planned career as a west end dancer for anyone! He knew he had to keep dancing and he had to keep fit. So he got up at 6am and went for a run, anything up to 10 miles. When he got home, he had to wake his mother up and carry her down the stairs as there was no bathroom upstairs. He didn't mind that, it added to his strength training. He had something to eat and headed off to school. At lunchtime he tried to get somewhere where he could do his ballet drills and stretching, then after school, he attended the local dancing school to help out with the little ones in exchange for some one to one teaching. His sister would have his dinner ready for him. Then he would gave to carry his mother back up the stairs to bed, before completing any homework.
At weekends there was no let up either. He rang around local agencies trying to get modelling work. Sometimes he would spend all Saturday on go-sees. It was a lot of time and effort to put in, especially when he could only travel on public transport, but one job that lasted only a few hours could make sure they did not have to scrimp for a month. They agencies knew his mother was ill. They would provide the chaperone he needed. The chaperone also ensured he did not go over his legal hours of working, because he was still underage.
Jake was growing up to be a very handsome young man. His reddish brown hair tended to be longer than was fashionable, because he simply forgot to get it cut. If he got a modelling job, the hair stylist there would trim it for him. His eyes were his most noticeable feature. They were icy blue and very piercing, but kind. His body was trim and fit in an athletic way. Although he was strong and flexible, he did not have huge bulging muscles, they were just trim. His fitness and slimness emphasises the height of his cheekbones and his strong jawline. He had no puppy fat like some of his fellow pupils.
He found it difficult to adapt to his new comprehensive school. He was used to having lots of attention in a small class, now he felt like he had to fend for himself. Of course there were plenty of girls who offered to help him, but he turned them all down. He did not want to be distracted from his ultimate goal by a girl.
He pushed himself hard every day and the hard work started to pay off two years later when he did an audition for a boy band. He got in not on the strength of his singing, but on his dancing ability and dashing good looks. He was younger than they'd been hoping for, but his talent was such that the producers were prepared to make allowances for him.
Jake's young age me ants that it was impractical for them to go on tour before he was sixteen. He was not allowed to perform 6 or 7 nights a week. However, they could adapt the video and recording work to fit in with his working restrictions. Then again, once he was in the studio, his recordings took half as long as everyone else because he simply did not make the mistakes the other, older boys did. He still hung around though, helping the others out until they finally got a usable recording. It was the same when they shot the video. Jake seemed to know what he was doing immediately, whereas the others struggled, even though they were older.
Their first single was an immediate smash hit! Jake was taken out of school so that he could do some publicity for it. He did not get out of doing his schoolwork because his teachers had to send it out to him. He had important exams coming up. It was completely the wrong time to be making a name for himself.
Jake did not care. This was what he wanted. A fortune would follow his fame. He would not have to audition for roles any more, they would simply be offered to him. Doing well in his exams was not going to make any difference to his career choice. He was completely dedicated. He wanted a leading role in a west end musical. He wanted to be a quadruple threat, someone who could sing, dance, act and look good when he was doing it.
After a top five hit single and another in the top ten, plus an album climbing up the charts, James returned to school.
On his first day back he was mobbed by his fellow pupils who all wanted to get to know him better. He had to be rescued before they caused him any injury. The teachers did not know what to do with him. They could not afford to pay for security just for one pupil!
So, make was sent home, his work was sent on via his English teacher. She helped him with his work a little more than she ought to have done. She knew it was wrong, make knew it was wrong, but he ended up having a secret affair with her that lasted for 3 months. It started when he confessed he knew nothing about love. He had not had a girlfriend before because he was so wound up in his career. He had no real attachment to his mother or sister because he'd spent so long away as a child. His teacher tried to explain to him, but explanation led to demonstration.
Setting the morals aside, she taught him how to keep his partner happy in the bedroom. She encouraged him to start having girlfriends and going out on dates. Every date was discussed between them afterwards, so that if he was faced with the same situation again, he could improve upon it.
Jake's time was limited. He could not train, do schoolwork, go out on dates and ave an illicit affair with his teacher. Something had to give. It was his schoolwork. He failed his exams.
But that didn't matter. He was back in the studio with his boy band in the summer and now he was sixteen they were going to go on a full UK tour afterwards.
It was during that tour that Jake was forced to return home. His mother had taken a turn for the worse and she wanted to see him.
She told him Richard was not his real father. His real father had been a rockstar called joe. When she was younger, she'd done some backing vocals for him and gone on a tour of North America.
But wait a minute... Karen was joe mcbride's half sister (for reasons that I'm not going to explain now). So if she'd had sex with her brother, then Jake was the product of incest! Karen tried to explain. Joe was an alcoholic, he did not know what he was doing. Well that just made it worse! She had taken advantage of him! But no, that wasn't all! Two days later he was found dead in his hotel room after inhaling his own vomit. He left his fianc� and baby daughter back in England.
Jake had listened to her enough! It could t be true! He packed a bag immediately and headed out, never to return again.
He called on his grandfather, John, who lived in Windsor. Maybe he could shed some light on the incident.
John was a retired music producer himself. He'd started off as a guitarist in a rock and roll band, but only had a little success. He'd turned to music production in his late thirties when he met his beautiful wife Emma. He'd had more success with that and had produced quite a lot of bands and solo artists, joe mcbride included. Joe had been a brilliant musician and a proliferative songwriter. When John showed him a photograph he nearly fell off the chair. They looked so alike! it was the eyes, the shape of the face and the colour of the hair. Joe looked older in the picture, skinny. But there was no doubting that he could be closely related to him.
John introduced Jake to Sunshine, Joe's hippie daughter. Her mother had fallen into a deep depression after joe's death. John had ended up bringing her up himself. But, then she'd rebelled, ran off to a hippie commune in the Welsh mountains and got involved in an abusive relationship, from which she had escaped, but was still recovering.
Jake spent some time with John in the studio. They jammed together, messed about a bit, which resulted in Jake recording several of joe's previously unpublished songs. Sunshine encouraged them to polish them up and release them as jake's first solo album. He could not go back to the boy band. They'd already found a replacement for him when he'd gone to see his ill mother.
With another hit record under his belt, Jake moved into his own swish apartment in London. Sunshine became his PA and housekeeper and moved in as well, but in a separate bedroom.
The apartment had a gym and a small dance studio as well.
Jake's success came with lots of invitations for red carpet events. Jake liked to be seen. He played right up to the camera. He started to be a regular in all the gossip magazines going to premieres and parties. He was rarely seen without a girl on his arm, a different girl every time. Girls (and boys) still threw themselves on him. They'd do anything to be with the great Jake williams!
He took advantage of them. He was not interested in anything long term. A quick fix was good enough. When he'd had enough of straight sex he started to experiment. Two girls at once for a three-in-a-bed romp. One girl and one boy. The gossip columns speculated. Jake smiled and avoided they'r
14 chapters, created 7 years , updated 6 years
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Jenemc 5 years
Aquarius, math machine was referring to an ad by the American insurance company state farm where the ad has a guy named Jake
Aquarius64 6 years
I do not know what you mean math machine.
I am not from a state. I live in the UK.
If you think this is a piece taken from another story called ‘state farm’, you are very mistaken. This is all my own work. The bigger story I mention at the beginning is
Math Machine 6 years
From State Farm?
FrecherTyp 6 years
oh interesting i don´t know but i ust have issed your stories it seems ...

very well written and sexy story and such a long developpement ^^ i lke long stories.....if they are good smiley
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Well-written! I like this story a lot!
T Girl 7 years
like the ending ??? the bady dus not all way win
Built4com4t 7 years
Wonderfully detailed, tantalizing first chapter