Katrina's Costume Collection

Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Shop

Katrina’s (Definitely Not Cursed) Costume Collection: Sexy Pumpkin

By BS Writer

As the bells rang to signal the entrance of an unsuspecting customer, Mathilde turned in time to watch a tall and slender woman saunter through the door with a flip of her platinum blonde hair. Before Mathilde could even get to her, the woman’s iced pumpkin spice latte was already leaving a ring on the glass counter.


Mathilde s eye roll was interrupted by her manager calling her from the back.

“Yeah, Gwen?”

In appearance it was almost as if Mathilde and Gwendolyyn (spelt correctly) were chosen to work together because of how opposite they were. Mathilde, appropriately dressed for the season in what were conveniently her everyday clothes of a black corset top over a short black lace dress paired with ripped black jeans. One would not need three guesses to get the color of her hair and lipstick.

Mathilde’s full figure filled her corset, and the holes in her ripped jeans invited the pale flesh of her thighs to poke through.

Whereas Mathilde was wide, Gwendolyyn was willowy. Her waifish figure towered over the rather squat Mathilde despite the latter’s dedicated choice of wearing heeled combat boots. Gwen, more generally dressed for fall, was wearing lederhosen with a white blouse and long white stockings. Atop her angular nose rested a set of round but thinly framed glasses.

Gwen came staggering out of the back room, catching the door frame for balance, and brushed her lanky blonde hair back away from her face and round wire rimmed glasses. She took less than a moment to catch her breath.

“Is the entrance charm working yet?”

Without looking back, Mathilde nodded her head toward the woman who was by now loudly clacking her long brightly pink painted fingernails against the glass counter.

“Yup. First victim just walked in.”

Gwendolyyn allowed herself to let out a long sigh. She had just finished experimenting with the components of the store’s compulsion spell and had not been entirely sure her theory would pan out. Luckily, it turns out one could simply substitute the normal goat sacrifice with a mix of synthetic proteins, coconut oil and beet juice, and the spirits couldn’t tell the difference.

With her morals and employment intact, Gwendolyyn felt comfortable enough to slip back into her usual pretensions.

“They’re not victims. They’re vessels of karmic readjustment.”

“Whatever. I’m gonna go curse her ass.”

“And that lack of professionalism is why I’m the manager and you’re not.”

As Mathilde rolled her eyes, they stopped in the perfect position to spot the bright red glop of coconut oil and beet juice that was staining the top of Gwendolyyn’s blouse.

“Can I get you a napkin for that?”

Gwen looked down at the unfortunate mark of her craftsmanship.


Gwendolyy n sucked on her collar and turned around, allowing her thoughts of patenting “Beyond Sacrifices” to carry her to the staff room where she could discreetly begin work on her business plan.

Mathilde turned back toward the customer and half-heartedly ordered her lips to contort themselves into a smile as she approached the counter.
18 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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